Belsurvey col dvide town.LJ Bell Canada will begin survey- ing Whitby residents this month to see if they support toll-free service to Toronto but flot al residents are happy with the decision. The survey will only include those Whitby exehanges begin- ning with ý66, 668 and 430. which leaves out the majority of homes and business east of Thickson Rd. «There will be two Whitby's. This is ging to divide the town" said Lloyd Hopkins who calledI The .r~ Press to vniccý his lie said the survey could also affect the sale of bouses in the area with bouses west of Thick- son selling first because they will have local calling to Toronto. Orma Lyttie, Bell Canada's section manager. sRid more than 50 per cent of Whitby residents have to approve of the local calling to remove the long dis- tance charges. If ap roved, residential monthly biils would increase to $19 from $8.75, while business lines would increase to $64 a month frorn $29. Lyttie said letters will be sent out to residents with Whitby exchanges this month. She also indicated those residents east of Thickson could be surveyed within the year. She explained that those exchanges with Oshawa tele- phone numbers will not be sur- veyed because they are handled through Oshawa. East ward councillor Dennis Fox does not accept that explana- tion. "Its not a matter of a lot of work for Bell to switch those numbers » said Fox who wants the toll-?ree service extended to ail Whitby residents. "Those residents (east 'of Thickson) are being discrimina- ted against because of their exchange," said Fox. '"Those people have a legiti- mate beef," said Fox. Lyttle said letters will be mai- led to residents with a stamped returned envelope. If Bell does not receive suffi- cient returns to make an accurate decision, she said a telephone blitz would then be done. Resuits of the survey should be kno.wn by May, she added. Building cast le s JONATHON PONG built himself a medieval castie, complete with a drawbridge, at the Whitby Public Library Monday afternoon, as part of a Medieval Day art workshop for children. Workshops will be ongoing throughout the March Break at the library. photo by VInce Ohprecio $ 1m.garbage study approved Reý-gional council bas approved the spending of $991;000 to find a solution te, Durham s long term landill problem. The Region bas hired the firrn of MacLaren Engineers Inc. to study the options available and report back by May next ?rear with a Durhami only landfil oca- tion. The report will also look at incineration and an energy from waste system. Durham had hired MacLaren last August te, look at an energy from waste system at a cost of* $3101000. But that was cancelled by the Region when it learned that a waste study cannot solely look at one option. Operations manager Art Leitcb told council the Region had notepaid Maciaren any of the $310,00 before the study was cancelled. While the majority of council- lors approved the study, some Wbitby councillor Tom Edwards said he was not convin- ced the study was what it appeared to be. "I'm not convinced we really mean wbat we say. I am concer- ned that next year at this time, we will be running to Toronto for belp, said Edwards. «WVe are realiy in that position now," replied works chairman John Aker. The Brock West landfill site, which takes most of Durham's garbage, is te, close next year. Aker said the only short term options available to the Region are an extension cf Brock West, taking Durhamns garbage te the Keele Valley landfill site in North York or taking garbage te a (proposed) expan ded-idlaw landfill site in Newcastle. "In the short term we are up te, our necks in garbage » com- mented Ajax mayor Jim *itty. Had council not approved the MacLaren study «we would be in someone else~s hands,», noted regional chairman Gary Her- SEE PAGE 4 Coumcil wants Regional HQ to stay in Whitby Whitby council bas unani- mousiy called for the regional headquarters to remain in Whitby. "This is the traditional centre of government both for the old Countv of Ontario and the Reslident to hold meeting on walkway at library A Whitby woman wants help in fighting Whitby council's recent decision te, remove a walk- way along Whitby's waterfront as part of the Coscan develop- ment. Jennifer Leet bas arranged for a meeting of ail those concerned about the decision at the Whitby Public Library, on Thursday, March 23, beginning at 7:30 p .m. "The harbor should be for fam- ilies, a people place, not just for those Who can afford it " said Leet, Who moved to Whitty less than two years ago. She does not often become politicially involved, but she said council's decision two weeks ago, upset her enough te do some- thýL.~ land in Wbitby is dis- appearing ail over. I want coun- cillors te, change their minds and give a guarantee that there will be access.» She does not accept the views that a walkway along Brock St. S., which council approved rather than a walkway along the waterfront, would enhance the axea. "Wbat are- we te do, walk along and look at the stores. We have a waterfront there and we should useit, she said. Lt says the purpose of the meeting will be te, corne up with a strategy te let council know a walkway is wanted. «That could be getting up a petition or whatever, Pm flot sure. I want te, talk te other people and find out what we can do," said Leet - Region of Durham," said council- lor Tom Edwards, as council voted 8-0 te let the Region know it wants the headquarters to remain in Whitby. The iRegion's mayors are cur- rently investigating the lack of office space for Regional employees. One of the solutions most frequently suggested is a new regional headquarters. "I believe this is needed in the town. I feel strongly we should endorse it,» said councillor Joe Drumm, Who bas called for a new regional headquarters in the past. The headquarters location was SEE PAGE 4 Tax debate tonight Whitby council began discussions on this year's tax increase 1at niht, Tuesday, Marchi!14. Although a final figure was not available until after The Free Press deadline, speculation was the increase would be below inflation. Tonight's meeting (Wednesday, March 15) will begin at 7 p.m. at the municipal building on Rossland Rd. W.