WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1989, PAGE il Pickering airport won't solve problems at Pearson m-MP If an airport in Pickering was the answer to the long term problem of overcrowding at Pear- son International, Ontario MP Rene Soetens would support it but he does not believe it is the short term answer. «t isn'tjustified, not today. We can't afford $3-billion for an air- port," said Soetens at bis -cam- paign office in Pickering Village ast week. Soetens announced that the federal government will begin selling back 8,000 acres of the 18,00 acres it currently owns in north Pickering. According to Soetens, the federal government will retain thel10,000 acres for an airport whether it is built 5-years or 25-years from now. Te federal government expro- priated the land in 1972 for an airport but in 1987 it was announced the government had excess land for an airport. Soetens said the land was first offered to ail tbree levels of government but only Metropoli- tan Toronto was interested. Metro wanted to build a new dump site on the lands but the* Mystery Hunt Sale winner FROM PAGE 10 businesses (Dundas Medical Centre, Norma Peterson, Jal's and Ruffles). Celebrations. to Go won the window dressing contest which awarded a prize to the downtown merchant who best captured the mystery theme in their window. The winner received a dinner for two at Pearson's Fine Dining. Second in the contest was Brass Delights and third was Valerie's. federal government would not allow that use. Soetens said the excess land is now being surveyed for zoning. Hie could not say how muchi an acre would cost but an acre in nortb Ajax, located close to tbe airport l ands, is now selling for $60,000. Soetens hoped the original owners would be offered the land first. An airport at Pickering bas been mentioned as an answer to the overcrowding at Pearson but Soetens says a number of solu- tions including hiring more air traffic controllers, sending more charter fligbts to Hamiltori air- port and building anotber run- way at Pearson, should be looked at before building an airport at Pickering. I know what it's ike to need cash in ahurry. National Trust knows, too. When a career and kids and a social life don't leave much time for banking, count on National Trust to make it as fast and easy as possible. NATIONAL TRUST( A Natitanal Trustco Companv Consuit the WhIite Pages for a Nabona1 Trust Branch near you. soif. th