WRITBY FREE PUBSS, WEDýZSDAY, FEBRUARÃY 22, 1989, PAGE 19 Bantams gain 4th p1ayoff victory BLUE BELT Jeif Dusome (bottom) flips sparring partner Jim Boisvert (top) duringa practice before a tournament held by the Kii -Sai Judo Club over the weekend. Both were first in their divi- vince ohprcîo - Frec Press photo Night skii*ng at Pleasure VaLley With four inches of snow arriv- ing by Tuesday morning, Plea- sure Valley has begun night-time cross country skiing from Mon- dayta Friday, 5 ta, 10 p.m. .ive kilometres of trail are lit Whitby rep hockey* Mtnw oe ees AAO -sponsord by Eastwuy Chiryaer by propane lanterns, "a first in Ontario," says Ken' Murphy of Pleasure Valley, located in Uxbridge Township. Cost is $6. For more informa- tion, caîl 471-5070 (Toronto). February Il Whitby Steve Biais Allen Lacey Ryan Healey Brian Sctt February 12 dge 2 Allen Lacey 4 West Mall 3 Ajax M40oe Polw. AA - smnsred by Elegant Hair Deulgn February 7 Whtby Brian Madexios Dave Silv Jason Bonnyman Sandy Cohen 4Pickeding 2 s-onaored by M & M Meats Pebruair 9 UnionvOeWhltby Unloavfle ~ Shane Terry 2 Jamle Paquin Whithy Mika Kryhul 2 Ajax S1 u C es U«2 Cory Hais Kevin Clark Cralg Lanegger Ajax 4 Fehruiy12 Whtby Shane Terry 3 Gavin Preut 3 Markham 3 8 Blackhawk. 2 4 Osaa Minerpeewee «Ir major em -K .ponsoed by Pringle Creek Pharmacy February 8 Whitby Darryl Wright 3 Jimmy Brown 2 MÃŽke Lafranier 2 MaU Mur 2 February 13 Whitby Mati Muir 2 6 Richmnd Hill 2 Dae Edwards 2 Mike Lafranle Jim Lawlor Jlmmy Brown DaMylWright IL Farquhar.oe 9 Markham 9 Plckerlng 2 Whitby minor bantami Bs have four wins and three losses with one* game remaining in their round-robin hockey playoff series. WVhitby fell behind in the series with a 5-1 loss ta, Picker- ing on Feb. 7, Mark Scholtes scoring the anly goal for Whitby. But two straight victories last Tournaiment openings ae still available Openings are still available for the second annual Ontario aduit hockey championships in Nia- gara Falls April 6-9. There are A, B, C and D skill divisions in the 48-team tourna- ment. Cash and prizes worth $15,000 will be awarded. Gordie Howe will present an ori-ce clinic and speak at the Saturday night banquet. For information contact Paul Crowley at 705-292-9555. Wouters leads Whitby iringette Sharolyn Wouters led Brook- lin-Whitby novices to the gold medal in the Sudbury Nickel Centre ringette tournament held Feb. 3to 5. Whitby defeated West Ferris of North Bay 4-1 in the final. Wouters scored 22 goals in the four games before the f inal. She had seven in an 11-4 win over Ridge Crest in the openirig game for Whitby. Callie Cornea, Q..eryl 1K ing, Samantha Shep- pard and Ellen Johnston each scored one goal. Wouters had four goals and King and John stan one each in a 6-4 win over West Ferris in the second game. Wouters had six goals and King had one in a 7-3 decision over the home team. Sudbury and Whitby then met againý in the first playoff, with Whitby winning 6 -1. Wouters had five goals and King one in the win over Sud- bury that set up the final encounter with West Ferris. B-3ROOKLUWHUTBYV MINOR HOCK<EY ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING of BROOKLIN-WHIT BY Minor Hockey Association MondaxiMarch 271989 (Iroq uois Park) AIl proposed ammendments to the constitution must be received in writing 15 days prior ta the annual meeting week have kept Whitby alive. O Feb. 12, Geoif Cadan scored three goals in an 8-3 win over Markham. Mike Brillinger and Steve Katsikaris each scored twice while Mike Goode had a On Feb. 18, Cadan and Bril- linger each had two goals in a 6-4 win, over Pickering. Mike Simos and Jamie Olenick each had a goal. -~ SALE We have a wide selection of Iow mileage 1988 demonstrators which MU > TCi CD.! and 1989 rebates apply to most of these vehicles. CHECK OUT THE REST THEN SEE THE BEST WE BEAT BIG CITY PRICES SERVICE SALES & LEASING 1638 CHARLES ST. 209 Dundas St. 1 block souffi 6j j 2 blocks west of he D DGE il Go Statioii Brock SL' 430-8100 (Whitby) CHRYSLEW' 666-3000(Whitby) 428-8110 (Aiax) 6,86-1642(Alax) NOTHING DOWN WITH GOOD CREDITP sions. 3 Markhamn WHITBY IROQUOIS SOCCER CuB SUMMER REGISTRATION PLACE: VWHITBY PUBLIC LIBRARY TIME: SAT, FEB. 25TH 9:OOAM*12:3OPM SATI MAR. 4TH 1:OOPM*4:3OPM FEE: $55,OO PER PLAYER FAMILY RATE $120,00(3 or more players) AGE: Players born from 1971 - 1983 For more information cali the Registrar: 668-2009 FedruaIs 77 Whlthy 6 Adam Park. Gavin Tackney Paul Brook. PebAruay Whltby Wayne Primeau 3 Andre Marois Paul Brook. Flebrua y9 Whtbr 3 Andre Marois 2 Paul Brook. Feéruary12 Whtby 6 Brian Mcoert Wayne Pimeau AnrMri Adm Park. Mark Vanderllp Sean Gib 2 Oahawa February 3 Whithy Brian Ledgs Darayl WhiIOk Febnzaiy9 Whlthy Stee BIais 2 Jeff Malcolm 2 Brian Lodge Jimmiy Boyd DEMO- LAK IMCOE ol dn CARE FREE FUN ÃŽZCOMPLETE OUTFITTING 3= =c6 CONTACT: CHUCK DETLOR R.R. 2. BRECHIN, ONTARIO LOK iBO TEL: (705) 484-5282 or (705) 734-5253