Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1989, p. 32

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PAG AS MHT FEE PIRSS, Interlors, FEBRUAR£Y i 1989 Iý INTRIRS 'INTERIRS 1 Goodl preparaâtion needed ýbefore you start wallpapering (NC)--You Will Need: *a yardstlck and pencil for measuring and marking - string and a weight (such as scissors) t0 make a plumbline *water trough (gel it whcn you buy thle .wallpaper) *scissors or a ver>' sharp knife or razor blade for trimming the paper *wallpaper smoother or sponge *old newspapers or a dropcloth te pro- teet your floor " a ladder " a large fiatclean surface for cutting pa- per on Chooslng a Wa lpapr Wallpapers give youa doubue advantage in solving your decorating problems. You have bath colour and pattem Io choose froni. Ifyour rooms are small, light- coloured papers will make them look bigger - especially if you use cool colours like pale blues or greens in an open pattem. In a big bare room, a -splashy bold patteni will help make up for any Iack of fumniture. Deep reds, oranges and browns will seem Io draw the walls dloser, 100. For kitchens, hallways, bath- rrnis and children's roomn, vinyl wall- papers are the best choice. They are scrubbable, moisture-proof and grease- resistant. How Much Wallpapr Wallpapers packed in double roils con- tain about 6.5 m2 (72 sq. ft.). After allowing for waste in matching, cutting and trimming, the double roll covers about 6 m2 (60 sq. ft.). Deduct 2.5m2 (about 30Osq. ft.) for eveiy îwo openings of ordinar>' size, such as doors, -win- dows, closet doors and so on. To eshi- mate by square metres or feet, measure the distance araund tme the roani at the floor line. Measure the height of the rooni fram baseboard to ceiling. Multi- ply the distance by thle height. This g ives you thic total number of square feet or metres ta be covered. To figure out how man>' double rails of wallpaper you need, divide this figure b>' the number af square feet or metres coverage in a double rail (6 m2 or 60 sq. ft.). Round off any franction to the next single roll. Deduct openings. Preparation For Wallpaperlng Remove any electric fixtures froni £hz, walls and fice plates from .electrical switches and oudties. Be careful flot tu let water or paste-fiâio open outlets. Il yau intend to paint bascboards, doors or window frmes, do tbis first and let the paint dry thoroughly before-wallpaper- ing. Check flic wallpaper ta make sure ah flic rolls have te saine dye lot number. This mueans ail have been thraugh flhc sarne dye process and there will bc na variation in calour between rails. SIf you choase a, wallpaper with a pautem, you have ta match the pattem with each strip. If Ibis is your first attempt at wallpapering, tr>' ta choose a wallpaper with an overall pat- tern that does flot require matching. It would also be a good idea tto buy pre- pasted wallpaper as Ibis is casier ta workwith than paper you have to paste. If you use wlilpaper that needs ta bc pasted, follow instructions an thc wall- paper paste veiy carefuill>'. Drape pasted sheets of wallpapcr- over your am. neyer roll up. Recyclable .furniture for your home, FROMPAGEA6 Another recyclable material is glass!and it -makes it appearazice in table tops of ail sorts. Arnn the manufacturers: Lydia ana Assocates, Mair, Lane, Gilbemart, Cambridge Interiors and Rafiel. Leather has ney er been so popular and many designers say it is more than just a trend - itfs c nto, be a permanent -part of eroe furnishing scene. And that's a good thing, bath from the design and the environmiental perspectives. Hlides that once waould have been wasted as a by-product of the meat pacIng industry, are now. being matie into sorne of the most vibrantly alive sofas and chairs ta, corne along in yearm. Dyeing processes have improved ta the point where soft, supple leather cornes in every shade imaginable and prici ng rhas changed so that it's not exclusively a hIgh-end luxury anyrnore. Popular-priced leathers have been available in Canada for the last couple of years. The popularity of granite, marbie and other stone materials in 'home furnishings is another way of using a natural material in one's home knowing that one is neither adding ta nor subtracting from the planet's resources. Wicker and rattan, too, are extrernel>' papular -- as wellva being an environmentally sound selection bath indoors and out. These days, they're being shaped into more and more pleces are traditional, sanie on the cutting edge of design. In upholstery the environmentally consious should lie looking at pure fabrics like silk and cottan, unblended with anythings else -- and there's plent>' froni which ta, choose. Ail in ail, an enviro=rentaly sensitive house is not that liard ta achieve especially when yau want your furniture either ta lie handed down froni generatiari ta generation or recycled into something else when it' a usfu days are clone - not turned into a nonbiodegradable hulk t.kng Up space in sanie landfIll .te for the next 5,000 years.

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