Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Feb 1989, p. 8

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IpÂÃ"E 80 WHM'Y PRE PRES , EDNEDAY, FEBRUARY'l1, 1989 WHITB YGENERAL" HOeSPITAL Misconceptions about new mammography By Debbie Luchuk Assisting in the early detection of breast cancer, a mammogra- ph y unit was installed in the radiology unit of Whitby General Hospital in the fali of 1987. However, Lydia' Antalfy, chief radiology technologist, told The Free Press that the unit is not used as much as it should be by Durham Region women. Antalfy said that women may be afraid to have a mammogram, due to rnany misconceptions that are circulating. Many women are fearful of pain, hearingfalsely that the unit is nothing short of being* an in strumeý1nt of torture. In actual fact, "ail a woman feels is a compression or squeezing of the breast. This may be uncomifor- table, but not painful,» Antalfy said. Some may be concerned about radiation. "This is low level radiation, a dedicatçd unit. It is approximately a tenth of what it was 10 years ago,»" she said. And doctors are not united in their criteria for mammography use, as they are in the United States, where a baseline mam- Moa hy is recomrnended at 30 an d further testing 10- years later, and at regular intervals afterward. "Different family doctors have different guidelines based on risk factors such as age, farnily his- tory of cancer, early menstrua- tion, and whether the woman has had her child before 30," Antalfy said. The mamrnograph is a brief x-ray taken of the breast itself, and detects abnormalities the size of niatchheaçls. There are no injections into te breast. The breast is placed on a platforni on the unit, adjustments are made to conform to the size of the breast, and the picture is taken. It is a valuable addition to the monthly self examination that the Canadian Cancer Society' recommends for every woman. It detects more subtie changes in the breast that self examination will not find. Early detection of cancer, Antallfr said, will keep women from having to undergo the trauma of radical mastectomy. With early detection, the woman may only have to undergo a lunipectomy. -A good New Year's resolution would be to take better care of ourselves," Antalty said, adding that busy women would be wise to take the time for a mammo- gram, to remain healthy for their fainilies and career pursuits. "If anyone bas quiestions and wants to come an d look at the unit cali and corne on down,» she concuded. Appointments cani be arranged through the family doctor, and can be had usually within a week of request. LYDIA ANTALFY, of the Whitby radiology departinent, is shown in mammograp hy unit. General Hospital booth beside the Free Press photo Ultraviolet unit added Býy Debbie ]Luchuk Psoriasis sufferers requiring ultraviolet treatment will no longer have to travel to Toronto. Wrhitby General Hospital now bas its own ultraviolet unit, thanks in part to fundraising by the Whitby General Hospital Auxiliary. Patients requiirig treatment formerly hacd to travel to Women's College in Toronto for treatments. The unit, a room -vith ultravio- let lights rnounted on each wall and overhead, primarily assists in treatment of psoriasis, and other skin ailments. "The most effective treatrnent (for psoriasis) is to use these treatments with the booth, caus- inq the sloughing of the plaques," said Dianne Russe]], director of rehabilitation services. "They use this (the ultraviolet cabinet) daily until they get a maintenance dose, usually within three weeks." SEE PACE 9 FREE SEMINARS RRSP MATURITY OPTIONS Developed and Presented by DIETER W. KIRNER. Corne hear Durham Region's bes 't-know RRSP expert, Dieter Kirner. Mr. Kirner is widely recognized as the pre-eminient local lecturer for both govemnment & private industry! Corne hear Sound, unbiased, advice from an INDEPENDENT EXPERT dedicated to CON- SUMER SERVICE. TGPICS TO IE.ADDIIEUED AT THIS FREE UUINAU: e RRSP MATUIJrTY OPTIONS e RRSP'sIRRIF'siANNUMES e RRIF's vs ANMUITES e WHICH TO CHOOSE & W1IY? é RRSPesWHAT TO BUY? WHEN? WHERE? HOW? e TAX REFORM * HOW DOES ITAFFECT YOU? e RRSP CONTRIBUTION RULES, NOW & FUTURE! e TAX PLANNING e1THE TAX SQUEEZEI e OTHER POPULAR MET1IODS0F TAI SAVINGS TWOS$£MIAR TIRES FOI TOUR COIYEIIN Aternoon Semnar 1:30 p.m. Evenlng Seminar 7:00 p.m. THURtSDAY, FEBRUARY 16,1989 OSHAWA PUBLIC LIBRARY AUDITORIUM ADtIISSIONFREE- PLEASE CALL WCHELLE OR KIM 571-071 FU1RcU. nM &U T 18 D.W. 111fER & ASSOCIATES FINANCIAL ADVISORSINRE1REMENT& TAX PLANNING 74 SIMCOE ST. S., SUITE 303, P.O. BOX 133 OSHAWA, ONT. LiN 7L1

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