Condition your body for ski season There isrilo truth to the rumnor that you have to be iii 'Olymipic" condi- tion before hitting thc ski siopes this wintcr. Make one trip to a local ski area, and you will sece people of al shapes and sizes enJoying the clean, crisp. fresh air of winter through the sport of snowv skiing. It is a good idea, however, to mlake somie effort to tone your mluscles to hielp curtail thle ini- evitable "miornitng-after*' sorenless fromi your first skiing efforts. According to experts, getting in skiing shape docs îlot require a long- terni programi of extensive calisthcn- ics or hours of roadwork. Just a kew, simple exercises, which you can per- form iin fthc comifort of your own liv- ing rollm, will be enough to tone and strctch those ski muscles to assure the optimum enjoymient of this winter sport. e Warinups and exer- ciscs arc key to gctting your ski mus- cles into shape. A five-minute programi consisting of a) running in place for one minute, b) running another minute with your legs îîov- ing ini as niany différent directions as yoLI can conceive; c) hopping for one minute, switching one leg to the other; d) pcrforming leg kicks for one minute; and e) six explosive jumps, by gctting into a crouched position and jumping into the air, returning to thc crouch each time;, is a good way to get started. e Your thighis arc an important part of your ski muscle arsenal. To get thesc important muscles into shape, try straddle strcec.5. For this exer- cisc, lirinly plant your feet about two feet apart and lunge- gently side-to- side stretchîing your knee over your toc and slliniig the wviglht of your body. e Coordination is another impor- tant part of skiing and can bc aided througli a simple exercise knowvn as a bench jump. Just place an obJect suchi as a gyni bag inl the center of the floor and jump over it repeatedly, bouncing on the halls of your feet and keepi ng you r armis ou t'st retchced and tighit. 'Iry to lump as highi as possible until you feel fatigued. e Pushi-ups and "wall-sits- are good exercises to perlèrin ini order to gain sme extra str-cngthi. Doing push- ups in sets of five with your arms placed in various balancing positions is a good ideca. For " wal9tl-sts," lean against a wall and pretend you are sit- ting ini a chair. Kecp your spine flush against the wall and your hips and knees at 90 dcgrce angles. For this dcceptively difficult exercise, il is recommended that you try il for 15 to 20 seconds at first. gradually work- ing up to three-to-fivc minute pcriods. This will help you get ready for that natural skier's position: kmees fexed and body leaning forward. * Getting tircd ohten shortens your fun on the siopes. To incrcasc your endurance, your mighit jog for sho<rt pcriods, swimi or ride a bicycle. In your living roomi, other exercises are more practical. For examiple, clib- ing siairs is a great way to build en- durance. Ten flights up and down ini sets of five or ten repetitions will strengthicn leg miusclesand improve breattiing controi. Squaitting exercises and crabwalks, walking on ail fours with your stoinachi facing the ceiling, are also effective for increasing en- du rance. e JLnIlping rope is a good alterna- tive to jogging. Alternate jumips foot to foot. springing from dthe bail and toc of eacli foot. »s a good mecthod to Ltilize. Adjust the heighit of your junmps to minimum so that the rope just barely passes under your feet. By starting slowly, then accelcrating whîle brcathing naturally, you will hielp promiote balance and dcvelop in- dependent leg action. e Finally, a few sit-ups are recomi- mieII(hd for getting your abdominal muscles into shapc. By rotating your body as you begin each sit-up, you will further strenghitcn your stonîach and back muscles, whichi will aid in controlling upper body m<vemient. While you (lon't have to be a phys- ical litness addict. it is a good idea to do these simple exercises bef'ore hit- ting thie slopes this year. Take a break with a winter getaway ~ Resorts offerin g getaway packages" for a week Or weekend are becoming quite popular with those needing a break, but un- able to afford the time or expense of a sun vacation. Marie- Chappeli, owner of the Westwind Resort in Buckhorn, said many of those taking the "cgetaways» are busy executives who do not have the time for an extended break, but need a rest. AL Retail Registration # 1259988 Worldways Dcpartures From TorontoOttawa "It is a place where you can be conupletely relaxed. This kind of holiday refreshes people," Chap- pell said. "To go south, you need a couple of weeks." Westwind', along with other Kawarthas resorts, offers cross country skiing, snowmobiling, and tramps in snow bush with wonderful food an dannte like whirlpool and sauna in a cozy atmosphere that nurtures Russelil Travel ,INDA LOW PRICES Britain, ý 72& Europe -n from Britain, N. Ireland & Europe .%jr 1 Ma:~ 17 429 469 499 469 469 Nia: lx Jun 21 449 529 599 529 469 Jun 22 Aue, 16 - 599 699 5q99 529 Don'tBe Disappointed! Book Early! 126 Brock St. S.,q Whitby 668-5000 and revitalizes. "It's beautiful here. There's a sense of luxury when you get into the whirlpool, and there's fireplaces all over. You're looked after," Chappeil said. Westwind and other Buekhorn area resorts are also con- veniently located near the well known Galley on the Lake and the Whetung Gallery, for the enjoyment of Canadian, native art and culture. Westwind has weekend pack- ages for $125., two nights, three davs accorniodation, ail meals. siMIl,* I4DVISER CLIMBING THE STEEP HILLS- HERRINGBONE STYLE The femrngbone is a methof! used in ClImbing a iiii whuch 50s toseep f0 9o Straight uP. By keeping fthe titis apari and roffing fthe edges f0 fthe inside fthe skis are kept from sliding backwards. The most common error s f0 keep fthe skis flat on trie snow wif P no edging wfucr, aIIows ftPe skis f0 Slicie backwards. Look for the indenta- fion fef fin the Snow by fthe edge. Trs will fef you KnOw f haf fhe edge is sef. i~&4~C e ',' ,..~ f * -*~- *SNOW TIME featuring " Cross Coumtry Ski Package ~2,Niglits, 5 Meals ~Sauna & Whirlpool " Kawartha Winter Wonderland ~Ski trails from the resort ~Ski rentais available " Licensed Dining Room & Loumge ~Cozy fireplaces ~Bar, darts & piano " Westwind Resort - Buckhorn ~ 1 12 hours to the snow ~$125. per person for the weekend $5. per day ski rentai Gallery On The Lake Rd. hwy #36, Buckhorn1 Jixst North Of Peterborough Reservations Recommended (705-)657-8095 1 Sepll- 1 OCI2 oct 1 -A Dec 1 Mari- 1 JunI5- Jul 13- jun 14 Jui 12 1 Sep 10