Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Dec 1988, p. 19

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PAGE 20, WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNEBDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1988 Brooklin, teen. nominated' for award JUNIOR CITIZEN 0F THE YEAR from death or serious injury when he nominee Mfichael Matthews with run- was struck by lightning. ~P ht ning shoes.. His shoes likely saved him Fc rs ht Merry Christmas to ail our clients and friends from Re/Max Canaan Land Realty Inc., Brooklin. Througbout' the year it bas been our distinct pleasure te, match __ people witb homes that they are happiiy decorating for! - ' .the season. In the coming year we wilI continue to upbold our higb standards of belping you to find your- little 'piece of heaven' te, enjoy. Happy, safe holidays and "God BlesW - - -.Re/Max - The professionals witb the bomey toucb. . . . . . ...................................................................... CEDARBROOK T' is tbe season te be"Sontigtoptsle If your looking for that 'Special oehn tptsis on special faces - corne to Cedarbrook Flowers and Gifts. Remember everyone loves flowers, fresb or slk and Maryann, designer and owner, will bring your ideas te hife. Experience the joy of giving or receiving that gift* _______________________ î_ that expresses Christmas for every lifestyle. Cedarbrook 1 Flowers and Gifts - sometbing special for your E. Il D 0-% 0K, - 1-N 1Chrstmas. VEO IMAGE iS Bring Tom Selleck or Mel'Gibson borne for an after - Cli ist as!dinner treat. Laugh witb Steve Martin, CbevyChs or I C làe'stm a y.. ohn andy CrywithMeryl Streep. Empatbize w IWoody Allen. And do it ail in the comfort of your ownl h orne. Video Image provides a one - stop entertainment î UROOKUIN spot with movies and muncbies. That's Entertainment - ji IThat'sVideo Image. MerryChristmas from Neil and the 401 WHITOY gag t idoImage.iI 'anJ j ~Brooklin Flour ~~-JincSr~ ao ~Mils 655-4851 ~'ePleasing You, Pleases Us 1'?~ Antique County Furniture a 0 60%#Gifia. Carda and Accessories Bkn upis 9BlWin St. 4,èïqa"a with a country flair, kigSupis 6 ad 655-942Splce Cards, etc. A "Country Store" atmosphere 6540 Res. 985-8968 located In the century old Il The warmth and pleasant aimosphereoai ur 4~5$IB'Yshop wili be waoing la, you. along with Conty __ Ok uI ýnChristmas D.corationa, (ncluding Troaaured Antique & Reproduction * àe"~ ~ec Antique Smala & Wooden AnimaisGfiae if akesec Box35 Bookin Ot.FOR ALL YOUR Gtftw!?&v CHRISTMAS 01F? CUfflKrooI~ Bx6 Jeuk.Broklin, Ont. AND DECORATINO iGom & Gft Sharon McKinnon 11 49 Badwin Sreet NEEOS o655-8542a655G.3963 t N Res. 655-3526 Bus. 6558527 Brookln, Ontario - DECOR - 65-36 ______NOW ONt>~wi .... ¶~ARNBHSR VVEO VIDE I Fine Gifts, Books, & ToysI - ~ Brian Wright CHEVY CHA&SE A The coloured Super Maze Brok/Ownr FUN"tY Fi&RPI SUPER MAZE provides for agnaiv. * piay ina3-Dsetting. W Coiour dwires maice Jacke W igh % y.-traci<ing .asiar for Owne/Sal Rep»nté" yongerchidrsn Bunn Cox Waltr HatwigChiidren doveiop: ClbVisr bat 649-2670 BldwinSt. -rfliino oo Laid Bll ar? Mcab Brokln -vai suad motor sMile RobertHall At owlr 655-306 -spatial adsnud g Claremont 649-2670 Nb Marigold Movies -foI -.e 2 onh lB5 Thickson Rd.N.I Io 9years kWhitby 10 Rocebuck St. Brooklin 434-6081 6541 Mattbews is beavily involved witb soccer, rugby, basebaîl and' lacrosse (another ambition is te play fqr tbe Brooklin Redmen) as well as guitar. ty Debbie Luchuk It was just a normal day at a YMCA camp in Northern Ontario last year, and the kids were 'just fooling around"' when Michael Matthews of Brooklin disting- uished himself as a hero. Matthews, 15, bas been nominated for an Ontario Junior Citizen Award for bravery. "We were just fooling around, during rest period after lunch. A bad storm came and lightning struck near tbe cabin. "I tried to close the shutters on the inside of the cabin and that's when lightning bit me. One guy got knocked down the stairs (by the boit). "I took him to the infirmary. In front of the infirinary, trees landed. "The counsellors cbecked everyone out, but Most of tbekidds were in tbe cabins, and they were taken to the dining hall. "I helped to get stuf. Then I had a beadache, and'couldn't move my rigbt side," Mattbews said. He didn't notice that he had been'struck until this point, and noted as well that bis ankles were badly burned. "Fmn lucky to be alive," Mat- thews said.* Matthews was the subject of much media coverage in the summer of 1987 after the event. Yet he does not think what he did was terribly significant.,* Yet, as momn Lynne Croucb said, "The courage and risks that Michael took tbat particular day wben be was struck by ligbtning sbows to others tbat-- youngsters can and will act as we adulte' always pray that they migbt. "To know he was capable of belping sorneone else and sur- viving the ordeal, and. to be commended by otbers, shows we appreciate and care. "For later years in Micbael's life, this will be a memory and indeed an bonor." Crouch said in ber nominating letter that Michael is very belpful around 'tbe house, and shows interest and support in bis two younger siblings. He bas average te bigh average grades, and attends Anderson CVI. Hlis career goal is tobe a "Micbael deserves tbe acknow- ledgement, not only from bis motber and family of our interest in him as a youngster, but al tbose people wbo are creating tbe Society in whicb be lives," said Croucb. "The fact of bis accident bas given us all a newer look at life, and b.ow fortunate we are tbat bis running sboes (with their rubber soles) saved bim. 'We, as parents, need te sbow more of our caring and love for our cbildren; and by this nomination be realizes tbat be is special te us el]" Since 1981, the Ontario Junior Citizen. of the Year awards program bas recognized tbe best in Ontario's youtb. The program is organized by the Ontario Cornmunity News- papers Association, with Cana- dian Airlines International 'as patron. A comrittee of cornmunity newspaper editors and repre- sentatives of Canadian Airlines International will select the award recipients. from al nominations received. Up to 12 individuals and one group wilI be recipients of an award te be presented by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario during the Ontario Community Newspapers Association conven- tion in March. Recipients and tbeir farnilies are invited te the presentation luncheon and to a reception bosted by the Lieu- tenant Governor. The Ontario Junior Citizens of tbe Year receive a plaque citing their accornplishrnents,- a lapel1 pin, $200 and a. family portrait witb tbe Lieutenant Governor. Ail otber nominees receive a certificate recognizing tbeir. nom- ination. Any resident of Ontario, aged 6 to 18, is éligible for the award. Groups or individuals may be nominated.

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