Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Nov 1988, p. 30

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2. WTIry FREE PRESS. ,Seniors,.NQýVJIMBER23,, 1988 w w w Biica.gives reflexology rlelief to-aching fet »y Feroneh Neil. We stub our toes, sprain ankles, strain ligaments, squeeze aur feet into size small shoes - te mention only a few of- the countles# cruelties inflicted upon aur feet - and the general abuse results in sares, aches and pins For about 25 years, Gloia Bilida bas been'bringing jay- to many, many feet, easing those pains wvith what is called 'foot NURSING & FIOMEMAKING SERVICES CALL 24 HRS/DAY - 7 DAYS/WEEK NURSES *COMPANIONS *HOMEMAKERS IN HOME OR INSTITUTIONS' ADDmTONAL SERVICES BY REGISTERED SrAFF FOOTCARE HOME VISITS INCUMEINCUDE CON aCLLSSBATHING / DRESSING CON * CALUESBODPESUE/WI FOTSOAKS / MASSAGES /MEDICATIONS / INJECTIONS DUNDAS-CENTRE i FAT FRE N ITYW s "ER £TO GUARDIAN DRUGS 220 DUNDAS ST. W. <WHITBY DundasCentre Medical Building BESIDE THE WHITBY URGENT GARE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK UNTIL 10:00 p.m. IZ. 1 IIi0 OFI0 AIL DRUG PLANS ACCEPTED 430-2999 O'DONUTq and a. WHOLE LOT MORE!(1 80 Thickson Rd. S., Whitby, Ontario 668-6916 reflexology.' "Reflexology is more ofa tberapy tban a massage," Bilida says. 'And wbile the mýassagesj will soathe sore sots and painsà, the refleýxolagy wil remove tbemii." Bilida didn't begin ber work as a reflexologilst. Sbe is a registered massage tberapist wbo discovered reflexology more useful than the" massaging that she. had been trained to do., "After I learned how to do it, I found that I used it more than tbe massages," she relates. "I also found that I was abie to work with it better and that it gave me aIl that I needed bealtbwise." Bilida was se impressed with what reflexology could do, tbat sbe not only taught it to others but is writing a book about it, entitled <Footsteps.' "It actually started out as just a manual to teach to otber people," she says witb a laugb, "but tbere were se many things tbat I wanted to put in it. There were diagranis and I wanted to make it very easy to understand. I did quite a bit of research for it. "II aise started te make a chart for tbem on the parts of the foot. But wbat cari be found on one cbart isn't on another. I wound up making a wall-size cbart tbat is about 17 by 23 (in.). I amn painting it now, and I do about five ta six hours a day." Bilida taak 10 years out of ber teaching career ta write Foot- steps, and it is not yet tbrough tbe finisbing stages, she says. In tbe meantirne she resumned bier teaching career in August at ber Oshawa residence. "It began as just two classes, beginners and advanced. But; then I discovered that there were a lot of people tbat were in between," Bidila says. "So I added a mniddle class which is inter- mediate class. There are a lot of people who want to leamn more, se usually the student will keep advancing in regards to bis level." Classes are held every Thurs- '7t-' - Ï GLORIA BILIDA points to one -of the areas of the foot on a chart she uses when treating aýches and pains. Bilida uses reflexology to ease foot pains. FeePemphoto day evening, from 7 ta 10 p.m., and each level continues for four consecutive Thursdays before a student is able te advance te tbe next class. It is available for everyone and there are ail ages, frorn seniors ta students," Bilida explains. 've bad babies, rve everi done dogs." Bilida feels that with reflex- ology, people rnay be exposed to more job opportunities in places such as fitness and weigbt loss centres, spas, health food loca- tions, podiatrists and beauty salons. "I most of these places, tbe people are working taeniake you look good," she says. " Sometirnes tbey like te use semetbing cornpletely natural te do it. Some people in these areas bave aiready expressed some interest in it. Another area where Bilida feels it would be very useful is in senior citizen homes. "There are senior citizens in the classes that I bave, and tbey find tbat it helps a lot," Bilida says. It improves and increases tbeir circulation, relaxes and gets rid of stress, and it is also benificial ta most ailments. It's better than reacbing for a bunch of pilis. It would be very useful in a senior citizensdborne. I realized that it was simple, effective wark, and that anybody could do it," Bilida adds. I believe that everybody sbould be able to do it,Îits alrnost like an education. When tbe students work on each atber in the classes, it's like miricles being performed. The resuits are wonderful and I just want to sbare it with everyone." Chiropractie clinies show serv-iceeslý By Debbie Luchuk Two cbiropractic clinics recently beld open bouses to show new equipment and services. The Chiropractic Health Centre at 213 Dundas St. W. opened in' January of this year, offering cbiropractic care to area pain sufferers affiicted with back pain, beadache, muscular and related maladies. Roger Karani graduated in 1987, and has been treating backs and extremities for a year and a baîf. No referrals are necessary, and karami says, 'Don't wait until there is sornething wrong, before you corne and see sornebody..- The Chiropractic Healtb Centre is open from. 10 a.m. to 8 p.rn. from Monday to Friday, except Tuesdays when the clinic is open from 4 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday hours are frorn 10 a.rn. to2 p.m.. Specializing in sports medicine, the Johnson Ci ropractic Clinic bas1 relocated, to 213 Byron St. S. from a Brock St. lucation, and had its officiai opening last Friday. Bob Jobhnson says he hais been Iomanipulatine' people for 10 years, seeing xnainly clients suffering frorn Iower back. pain, neck pain, whiplash injurieo, "al extremities, muscles and bones.. CientsÏ004eent"a cx$ross people in their muneLies." "We're startingte see more and more younger people, whicb is great, te catch people before tbey're riddled with arthritis,"i Jobhnson said. "One quarter of aur patients we get frorn referrals, frorn medical dloctors as mare (doctors) understandi and accept chira- practic medicine. "Most, however, -camne as a last resert. We're only treating 10 per cent of .tbe pain-suffering population. fThey don't corne until tbeyve exhausted every other avenue, i As part of public. education about the spine and cbiropractics in general, iJobnsen said that the companies producing A-5-3-5 and Myoflex (lînaments, rubbing carnpounds) are working .ta produce an advertising campaign similar te that launched by tootbpaste companies for dental care. "Medical doctors often give 'a "deatb sentence,"' saying nothing cari be done ( about cbronic pain), when, most situations can be relieved and balted fram furtber damage (by chiropractic care). "In an A to D process,- if the persan is a point C, further darnage can be stopped then.", The Johnison ,Chiropractic Clinic is open.from 9 a.m. ta 8 p.m. Mondays anid Wednesdays; 8 a.m. ta 1 p.rn. Tuesdays; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursdays; 8 a.rn. ta>4 p.rn. Fridays and 9 arn. ta noon an Saturdays. ALZHEIMER MEETING Chernin. to speak at meeting 1Institutional/advocate ,lawyer Susan C hemnin will 'be guest speaker for the Alzheimner Society of Durbarn's annual meeting an Friday, N~ov. 25. Chemn is a member af the staff teain of the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly in Tarante. The centre is a community-based legal aid clinicé for low incarne senior citizens. The centre is managed by a volb~nteer board of directors, at least hgif of them, seniors. It is fundehrùg<trWOitàrio Leg'l Aid PIén. The centre is tbe first clinic in Canada to specialize in the 1l'egal problemns of seniors. in ber address, Chemnin will discuss the treatment of the frail elderly, their rigbts and their family rights. The program will take place at tbe Whitby Seniors Activity Centre from moon ta 1:30 p.m. A light lunch wiII be served. Anyone interested in. attending the prgraM,.,car,,.cal 7ý? ,t ir

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