Fox, Buffett are new co uncillors B-- Mike Johnston There will be two new faces on Whitby council, with the election of Dennis Fox in the east ward and Lynda Buffett in the centre ward. Returning to council are Joe Bugelli for the 'West ward, Ross Batten for the north ward, Tom Edwards as 'regional councillor, and Joe Drumm and Marcel Bruneile who both graduated to regional counciliors from ward councillors. Fox, who twice ran unsuc- cessfuliy',for east ward councilior, defeated four other opponents in wbat was the most interesting race of the night. Both Geof Rison and Catby Roweli also had strongj support in the east ward, with the race being decided in the final two polis. Fox and Rison exchanged first Place throughtout the nigbt, with Rowell running a strong third. With 53 of the 54 polis reported, Fox was abead by less than 30 votes. Fox let out'a load roar wben the final tally was presented. He had defeated ison by 42 votes, 1,577 to 1,535. Rowell finisbed third with 1,429 votes, Bob Wite fourth witb 747 votes and Pat Dooley fifth with 507 votes. 'This was Worth the wait," said Fox, wbo added tbat door knocking in the ward won him the position. 'There are a lot of new people in the ward and they don't know wbo is wbo." Rison, a geography teacher at Anderson CVI, was surprised at Fox's win, saying be thougbt Rowell was the one te beat. "Fm flot disappointed, I see this as a contribution," said Rison, wbo admitted be may have started, bis canipaign too late. "If I had more time and better weather perbaps I could have pulled in those extra votes." . Fox said bis first priority as a councillor will be the publices access te information, including earlier agendas. »Buffett also had some anxious moments as he awaited resuits for the centre ward, but in the end she defeated ber nearest opponent by 178 votes. She received 968 votes. John Doistra, who finisbed second, received 790 votes. Finishing G.IC Hotine ,,668-6805 AcLk Cail For, Best ]Rates Fhumew Soffl eC&> 965 Dundas St., W., Ste. 205, Whitby third was Shirley Scott with 769 votes, fourth was Joan Skelton with 520 votes, fifth was Jeff DeFinney with 153 vote's and sixth was Glen Konorowski with 86 votes. "This just goes to show you, neyer give up," said Buffett who was in her fourth campaign for a seat on WVhitby council. She ran for the - mayor's position in 1985 but. Iost to Municipal election resuits mayos Bob ALtwney 8436 Gerry Emm 7436 ReglonalCouneillores (threeeélected)l Jo. Drumm 10637 Tom Edwardu 10361 uMarel Brwielle 9778 Edie Claire Gomifl 4471 Noeth Wmdt Rosa Batten 1177 Brlan Wick 5M5 Wet Word Joe Bugelli 2708 SDave Wafl 5M5 Centre Wwéd Lynda Buffett 968 John Doitra 790 Shirey Sott 769 Joan elton 5620 Jeff DeFinney 163 Glen Konorowskl 86 East Waré: Denis Fox 1677 GeofY Rizon 1536 Cathy Rowell 1429 Bob White 747 Patrick Dooley 507 Public e cel Boardé (three elected) Patricia Bowman 7128 John Buchanan 5m0 > an Brown Sm0 Mark Plewwefling 2608 Lloyd Walen 2259 Carl Kaye 1986 Joe Btaon 1716 Separate School Boardé (three elected) Tom Oldman 1863 Ed Plnan 1829 Catharine Tunney 1799 Deborah Teagris 1053 Hyéro Coamla.ioos (four elected) Gerald Cox 9=2 RLW. Cawker 8156 Bill Lawler 7970 John Hughes 7762 Ralph Blank 6261 Attersley 7,527 to 2,988. Buffett attributes- ber victor to an early start. "I was out in tbe summer campaigning. And baving run previously, people knew> .my name.1 She does not expeet to bave trouble adjusting te ber new role, being involved in many groups in tewn during. the past six years. "I know my way around. I won't be sby." Ross Batten, bas returned for a fourth term as north ward councillor. He handily defeated bis oppponent, Brooklin businessman Bilan Wick, 1,177 te 555 votes. Batten said bis record on council was a contributing factor te bis victor. "We bave made in-roads into the problems in tbe north ward, those being sewers and recre- ation," said Batten, who added that nortb ward residents ap- preciate bis starigbt-forward, tell it like it is, style. " There was neyer any doubt in my mind," said Batten of bis win, noting that be received more votes tban Wick in Brooklin. He believes services will be extended te, Brooklin within tbe next tbree years, eitber by regional council or tbrougb negotiations with developers. Returning for bis fifth term as west ward councillor is Joe Bugelli. Bugelli defeated Dave Wall 2,708 te 1,648. "People are satisfied witb my representation. When the chips are down I was there te, represent them and people baven't forgotten that," said Bugelli, wbo plans te seek councf«l's approval for an analysis of equalized assessment in Whitby during the first year of the new council. In bis victery'speech, Bugelli noted that he does not always see eye te eye witb the press and said tbat the headline will read 'Bugelli finishes second from last.' In the race for regional councillor, Whitby voters elected SEE.PAGE 13 WHTYFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBlER 16, 1988, PAUL 3 *Eropean Wo mewsHeaItb Ckui'" Gibbard Bedroom Su ite Sale!!0 Now is the time to buy the Gibbard "Canadian Legacy" Bedroom Suite, Before the December Price Increase. fori Cali Now 666-u4540 Give the. gift of Health mn for Christma. 7 1121 Dundas St. East, Whitby l'LL REMEMBER YOU jJ'Sincerely, SEdie Claire Gomille