PAGE 34; WIIITBY, PPRESS,WEDNUISIAYNOyEMBER.16, 1988 ANTIQUE AUCTION SAT. NOV. 19 - 11:00 A.M. BROUGHAM COMMUNITY CEN- TER, BROOK RD., 5 MILES NORTH 0F THE 401, EXIT 399, JUST SOUTH 0F HIGHWAY 7. SeIiing with no reserve a fine assortment of-fînished and unfin- ished furniture, tools, dlocks, and smailî iems. Plan to attend. PREVIEW: 920 A.M. C. TINLINE,, AUCTIONEER 655-8644 MAJOR COLLECTORS AUCTION - 2ND SESSIONi The Privais Collection of Mr. & Mrs. Ciayion Thompson Oshawa belng sold ai "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS", Iocaied on Brock Rd., Pickering 3 miles north cf hwy #401 (exi 399) SAT. N0V 26 AT 10.-00 A.M. STERLING' SILVER. JEWEL- LERY. FURNITURE. ETC.: sterling spoons, sterling cake plate, rare silver teapot, silver plates, opal dliamondý rings, watch chains, charms, camea, and other ewellery (with appraisals), candie- tabras, sterling iray, signed Chand- ler, water colours, pastels, ornate rosewood bedroomn suite, Louis XVI-style drum table, small china cabinets, sofa, chairs, mantie dlock, linens, tablecîoth, rare books, encyclopedia Britannica, etc. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: Again this is an outstanding private. collection of rare quaîity, collected by the Thompsons for the past 25 V ars.. VIEWING: FRIDAY, NOV. 25TH FROM 4 P.M. TO 9 P.M. TERMS: Cash, cheques <with .D.) or Visa. No reserve. Owners moving. Refreshment available. For further information - KAHN AUCTION SERVICES 416-683-0041 or 985-8161 GIGANTIC AUCTION SALE 1 Our 3rd Wlnier Daytime Sale 1 SAT., NOV. 19- 11:00 A.M. 1Peticks Auction Barn, Haydon 10 miles north cf Bowmanvllle Selling 3 partial estates, Doctor's off ice contents, 2 antique store closeouts, a large seleetion of fur- nMure, anti qes, primitives and collectibles highlighted by 9-pc. excellent walnut diningroomn suite, 3 bedroom suites, dressers, sideboards, pine harvest table, chests, front desk, oak desk, china cabinet, bookcase, antique wheel chair, examining table, utensil cheat, 3-pc. settee set, file cabi- nets, Tiffany-style lamp, 5 pcs of old Hummels figurines, bronzes, several wooden planes, 8 old poc- ket watches, working, Ant. car dlock, lots of collectibles, 20 boxes of dishes, new toys and so much more. A very enjoyable country sale - caîl your friends . "The Friendly Auction". STEVE LIPTAY &GARRY POWELL 263-8710 to f eat ure ____________ DURHAM ANTIQUE & are re 6 hanging lampa in cranberry, satin COLLECTABLE MARKET AUCTION SALE el peach blow etc., hanging hall SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20TH SAT. NOV. 19 - 10:30 A.M. at the lamps, oil lamps, large selection of at 10 a.m. ta '4 p.m. in pub cranberry glass including "Webb" KAHN AUCTION BARN At property of Mr. & Mrs. -FRED NOTE epegne piklecrutscooie BROOK RD N. PICKERING UNDERHILL, GARDEN HILL, eprgel, bikseb crets, cookiwae (3-1/2 Mi . niort h of 401 ONT. 3 miles west off 28 at sets, crystal, Wavecrest, Flow DEALERS FEATURING: Bewdley on County Rd. 9. Quality Pleas blue, Seve, sterling silver, furni- Canadiana furniture, china, furniture, appliances, Mason & Thk ture, books, pictures, etc. with glass, q uilts, jewellery, Risch apt.-size piano, handmade ThI over 250 collectible items. nostalgia, tools, post cards & Indian rug, modemn & antique PARTIAL LIST INCLUDES: primitives. surveyor's equipment, some anti- Q1L...LAMPS: cranberry hanging Admission $1.00 ques, 76 Chev pick-up, only larnp w/cranberry font, mk bell, Children free with adults. 48,000 miles, cap, liner & tool box AE chimney & prisms, sin Moke Information 433-7086 (reserve>, wood splitter (reserve), MA peach blow haniging lamp, C & 1 violin, modemn solid diningroom hanging Iamp, p air peach blow AUCTION SALE suite, excellent chesterfield, Hoff hanging lampa, Victorian hanging SAT. NOV. 19 AT 10.00 A.M. iln odsd-ysdrefriger lamp, miniature cranberry hanging 870 TAUNTON ROAD E. ator-freezer, washer, dyr lamp, pair peach blow haoging hall WHITBY freezers, gold continuous-clean ...amps, green & amber miniature I Corningware electric stove, glass, builspy..IaMps, Wavecrest. lamfp, NEW -FURJFNITURE,. 1988 PRO- china, etc. An excellent sale. No pair apô'bîdssom' lanips, peg CRAFT -BASS--BOAT, i50 H.P. reserve, f arm sold, owners moving, lampa,* enamel* post lamp, hand- MARINER MOTORIAND TRAIL- lunch avaîlable. painted G.W.W. lamps, brass ha-ER., er lafipa. . PETERBORO AUCTIONS GLASS-.;, & -CHINA: outstanding LlIQU(IDATIO-N:-"New K.D. FURNI- ORVAL & DALE MOLEAN "Webb" -cranberry epergne, .pr:-Of TURE. Numerous wall units, dress- AUCTIONEERS Plea cranerr pik~ecrues, .Lbbyers, hutches,' headboards,(twin & 7550 a cranberry. stems, cranberry' de- queen),- entertainiment unhas, nu- - liabli caniter, cranber-ry enà iméleëd'plates, merous lounge. sofas, loveseats, AUCTION SALE in pi. cranberry punch' bowl set, cran- chairs, computer tables,- 3-drtawerthE berry pitcher, cranberry- trays, f iling cabinets, corner pieces, table KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS every th cranberry covered candy dish, ex- & chairs, pantries, leather chairs, Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.located on Whil ceptional cranberry cookie jar w/ numerous bedroom suites, ward- Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north ail ai: cranberry lid, miniature cranberry robes, desks with hutches etc., of Hwy. 401 (exit 399). Featurlng Mary Gregory pcs., cranberry Mary twin beds large quantity), 4 queen every week, an excellent selection of Gregory vase, cranberry vases, mattresses, 5 twin boxsprings,1 antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, excelen crnbery prtrit ase twi matres. ver 100 00.00 collectables, primitives, etc. So Join excllet canerr potilao&se, tilntre. Al o e so0,00.0N us every Wed. and particîpate In one Nailsea cookie jar, Crown Mln ealfrhr.Ait esl.N of Ontario's '<TRUE" auctions with satin glass cookie barrels, RESERVE!!! no buy-backs or reserves. Previews Wavecrest & Vasa Murrhîna NOTE TIME: 10:00 A.M. f rom 1:00 p.m. Corne see our great cookie barrels, satin & peach blow VIEWING: FR1. 1-6 p.m. Excellent auction facility and consign your sweetmeat j ara, rare Flemish sale of K.D. Furniture & Boat. Plan estates and collections, etc to us for ewer, Webb peach blow cream & to attend. prompt professional service. "Con- sugar, Webb blue pickle cruet, blue signment & estate selling our M.O.P. pickle cruet, rose M.O.P. MOLEAN AUCTIONS specialty." pickle cruet, rose diamond quited. AND LIQUIDATIONS KAHN AUCTION SERVICES pitcher, pr. of rare Webb peach 576-7550 - 686-3291 (416)683-0041 blow vases, pr. of amberina Bac -_________________________ carat bottles, various pcs. of - cosmos, Iris Burlington pitcher, ELMIRA Mennonite QUILT AUC- Seves breakfast set, rare M.O.P. AUCTION SALE TION Saturday Nov. 19. Elmira brides basket, rare M.O.P. satin FRIDAY, NOV. 18TH6.:0 P.M- Raceway Bake Sale 8:30 a.m. vase, Wavecrest dresser boxes, Handmade quits. Auction 1 p.m. exceptional Royal Crown Derby The estate of the late MRS. Proceeds to Elmira Association for dinnerware setting for 8, Royal WILLIAM HOWELL. Rounid oak Retarded. B Bayreuth dinnerware set, Limoge pedestal table, oak sideboard,_______________ dînnerware setting for 8, Mnton pressback chairs, walnut parlour rose breakfast set,Coalport cups & tables, Chattam kitchen cupboard, saucera, variaus syrup jugs, rare pine cupboards, partial toilet sets, Wavecrest mushroom hat pin upright piano, 4 caned-bottom I holder, Royal Stafford tea set, walnut chairs, parlour tables, many pcs. of crystal figurines' coffee & end tables, Duncan Phyfe signed Agate brides basket, set of dropleaf table, pine cheats-of- Royal Douhton f low Nlue dishes, set drawers, bed-chesterfiel, quantity PLUS B3US trip - "One of a Kind" of Shelley dishes, cranberry Mosier of tools, china & glassvware. Craft Show, Exhibition Place, gr vae cranberry thMrinre DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER Toronto. Thursday, December I. goryvas, canbrrythubprit RR.1 LITLEBRIAIN Lunch, show admission, bus with pitcher, 7 Hummel figurines, Royal (705)7L8TLE-B2 TA3 washroom: $29.95. Information and family pcs., bisque and much (0)8.~ reservations: 655-8550. 4î t ii - 1t t .'<.1 "'0 . , ý ï - A A A4iLA i Ai. MECHANUCAL CONTRACTORS Tenders are beinq calied to provide Heà ting Syse eetrQzto Phase 6 at the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital for the Ministry-of Health. Tender documents may be obtained from: THE MINISTRY 0F GOVERNMENT SERVICES Orillia District Office P.O. Box 790 24 James Street East ORILLIA, Ontario L3V 6K7 Telephone: <705) 325-7403 or MINISTRY 0F GOVERNMENT SERVICES' Public Tenders Office Room M11-43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1N3 Telephone: (416) 965-1152 5,000.00 equired. Bid Bond, 100% Performance Bond and 50% Payment Bond ad tenders wil be received until 3.00 p.m., Tuesday December 6th.1988 ýPublic Tenders Office, Toronto, at whicn Irne utieY wili be openedi blic. 'E: For further information please contact Public Tenders Office, Toronto, or the District Office above. se quote T.O. No.: 202, project No.: W56690. lowest or any tender MI not necessarily be accepted. BORDER ON YOUR AD LKES IT MORE VISIBLE ase check your advertisement for errors on the f irst of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be e for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors ,blication beyond the cost of the space occupied by error up ta a maximum cost of the first insertion. The tby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or rejeot ivertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $5 for 25 words; i12e each additional word $1 for 15 words for articles for sale under $50 (see details in separate-panel)- Blanket Ads - ta blanket -wider mnarket (see separate panel for sampre rates) BILLEbJ^. $7.50 for 25 words; 15c each additionat'word' AUCTIONS/AN NOUSNCIEM ENTS 69o per agate 1m e (14 agate 1lin es pe i nc h) minimum charge: $5 prepaid, $7.50 bitted DISPLAY ADS IN ÎCLASSIFIEbS (Ads with borders, picture;s.or graphiqM-' Regular display rates apply - 74o peragate line minimum size. 1 coîumn inch - $10.36' (14 agate lines per inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior ta Wednesday publication. 668-6111 ~~~~~~~ d'mi.,.s.ti 4 4 A à -dE