Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Nov 1988, p. 30

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PAGE 30, VdfTBY FIREE- PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1988 When The Stars Corne Ir y Up., Prîces Corne Down! PReach For The Stars And- Save! SUPER * SPECIAL SUPER * SPECIAL POWDERED LAUNDRY Sunlight Detergent 6 LITRE Box LIMIT: 2 BOXES PER FAMIL.Y PURCHASE ASSORTED FLAVOURS A&P Fruit Drinks PACKAGE 0F 3250 mL TETRA PAKS LIMIT:- 4 PKGS PER FAMILY PURCHASE SUPER * SPECIAL SUE * SPECIAL WHITE, YELLOW OR CHAMPAGNE Cottonel le Bathroom Tissue PACKAGE 0F 8 ROLLS 2.69 LIMIT: 3 PKGS PER FAMILY PURCHASE HAND DECORATED ASSORTED VARIETIES Rea dy-To-Serve Heinz Soups 8 FL OZ TIN /I13OO (CASE 0F 24-8 FL OZ TINS - 7.99) WITH 20 SAVER STAMPS - SEE STORE FOR DETAILS C ord ell1a-*-,é È Stoneware.,2.99 INCLUDES: DINNER PLATE, CUP, SAUCER, SA LAD PLATE & CEREAL BOWL PRODUCT 0F ONTARIO Brussels 1.52 kg69 Sprouts 4mVl FRESH Lean 4.39/kglb! 9 WITH THIS /-.IrWITH THIS G SAVE 5 COPO -ORANGE PEKOE I I C UPON OR RUM& BRANDY I I SaladaII Maple Leaf i Tea Bags II MinceTeat I PACKAGE OF 72 62m A I MIT 1 pkg par coupon One coupon Par custoorIl LIMlIT 1 jr pkg par coupon One coupon par cusomner I L OFFER VALI, November 14h 1911O"FFER VALID, Novemnber 14th 19hn198 (Featube prrce arîhaut coupon 229) VC. SO,ure pnc arh_ _ coupon 349) V 59~ COUPON SV1ô TOMAT,4SAGHETI R IALIAN I Sauces I 1LIMIT 3 isPtcoupon One coupon pet custornerOFE AI Oen0 4hrI Feaft.e onrce arîhout cou.pon 3 3.919 vC OBo2 A&P F000 STORES WITH TIS I BUY ANY 3 i JELL-O INSTANT PUDDINGS 1 IAND GET «300FFI A A4LITRE I IBAG OF MILK I MT 1 oag Per coupon One coupon par custorrer L OFFER VALO NouembDer 1410-1190 188 Wflhoui coupon paV A&P s regular PO-CO) v Om* 1~ PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAVI NOVEMBER 19TH, 198. We resenve the rlght to lmlt quantitles 10 nofmal famlly requlrements. Savlngs shown in 1h15 ad besed on currenl MejropoIItOfl Toonto A&P retails. 70 THICKSON RD. Se ,WHITBY Denis O'Connor school news FROM PAGE 28 purpose is scholastic. Achievers and strugglers alike received their, interim reports on Thursday, Nov. 10. This marks the end of the flrst haif of semester 1, only two more months before students start hitting the books seriousiy in preparation for final exams. Parent-teacher interviews wiil be from 7 to 9 p.m. on Nov. 16 and 17. 1 hope everyone's marks were as good as tey expeted. Friday, Nov. 11, like every other year, we remembered the soldiers lest or killed in action during war. A ser-vice wilI be held and poppies were sold with the funds being donated to the Canadian Legion. Last year witnessed a DO'C flrst as the yearbook boasted several color ý4ot;ograjës. On F'rida,,y, a '.Color Day" encouraged every shade of the spetruirh on our student' nd faculty body-This prvded the y earýk hotographers with ample opportuniies to cMpture the DO'C sirit at its peak. Last, but not ieast, our French department is offering a night 9f French dining on Friday, Dec. 2. There will also be French ChristnMas entertainment provided by ' Les Tournesols!' The menu sounds delicious. Thie entertainment sounds inviting. If any of you feel tempted, don't résist anymore but buy tickets on our stage durxng the three lunches. Familles are invited te attend. Juàt ask your son/daughter te purchase your tickets. It sounds like, a great way te spend an evening with famiiy and friends. Hope te see You, there! Trafalgar Castie school news FROM PAGE 28 gymnasium there was a variety of other areas of interest te visit. The theme "Hands Acros Our World"' was certainly- appropriate. Scattered everywhere throughout the 'castie were signs of foreign influence. Ini the Chinese room you could sampie rice, buy oriental fans, or have your name painted in Cantanese. The tea room presented a British tauch. Fancy sandwiches and a selection of tarts and squares were topped off with hot drinks and served in a "high tea" manner. Spanish girls Iabored ail morning ta fIll their table with a wide range of popular Mexican dishes. The Italian pizza parlor was a favorite spot with the many young people who attended the bazaar. Entertainment was provided for those people who were in the mood to dress up and have an oId fashioned picture taken of themself or sit and watch the TOS student fashion show, commentated and directed by Darel Davis. The festivities ciosed with the raffle draw by Mr. Kamcke and other bazaar committea niembers. On Monday, when the money from the various sites had been coîlected, Mrs. Davis. announced our total eamnings were $5,100. The bulk of this money will go ta heip our foster children. The bazaar has been one of the biggest fundraiser successes this year because everyone seemed te enjoy pulling together for a good cause. In return for the hard work put forth by every member of the staff and student body, Mr. Kamcke has agreed te give us a head start on the November haif terni break by ending school at noon on Thursday. Have fun people, you've earned it. Election '88 - Rene Soutens FROM PAGE 12 residentiai and indust1al dev- eiopment.1 Soetens sees no easy soution ta the problem. V "The price (of housing) goes up because there is lesa land available (with agricuitural land use restrictions). 'We couid feed the world with the land we have ini Canada, but we do not have ta do that. Losing a few acres in Ajax or Whitby is not a great problem. No one wants ta, live in the north," he says. Soetens wants ta see agriculturai subsidies cut or eiiminated. "There* is a probîem in the worîd relating ta agriculturai subsidies. The best thing we can do for ail of us is ta cut them. We are not doing this unilateraiiy. Everyone has to do this. It doesn't seem constructive," he says, adding that the country with the most subsidies usuaiiy wins the battle for control of the food product market. "Canada and the U.S. wiil try- ta get together to eliminate subsidies for unfair competition." As for the position of the Conservative party in the poils, he says "The electarate at large have heard the Liberal platform for a littîe period of time. "They won a bit, but that (free trade. issu.e) was their total platformn. You can't talk about one issue for seven weeks. "They have nothing more ta taik about except $26 billion in spending."' For those who want ta know more about free trade, Soetens advised that the public consult the ads in the newspapers entitled "Plain Farts about Free ISoetens and wife June have three daughters.. , He has been involved with the /Rotary Club of Ajax for several years, Owasco district boy scouts, Ajax boy -scouts, and lias served as directar of the Ajax Municipal Housing Corporation, Durhami Area Housing Authority and PACT. He was a member of the Rotary study exchange teain in 1976 in Israel. He was an Ajax councillor for three ternis, and has sat on several budget, administration, finance and public works/engin- eerig cmmiteeswithin Ajax municipal government. In the PC party, hie was party president for Ontario riding for five years and vice president for seven. He has been active on canipaigns for Scott Fenneli, retiring Ontario riding MPP, and George Ashe, former provincial member for Durham West. Hospital seeks donations The Volunteer Association of Whitby IPsychiatric Hospital will accept any donations of cash or new items for patients during the Christmas season. Candy, books, magazines, puzzles, stationary, biscuits, fruit cake, games, chocolates or cards are exampies of general gifts; for men, wallets taîletries, scarves, pajamas, socks, sîippers, eiastic suspenders, caps, gioves under- wear, washable sweaters and track pants; for women, cos- metics, perfume, gloves, hats, nightgowns, panty hose, blouses, maàke-up, powder, mitts, scarves, slippers, underwear or washable sweaters. Gifts can ba left at the administration building, volun- teer services offices or switch- board at the hospital. cail 668- 5881 (ext. 323) for more informa- tion. r- -à

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