PAGE 2, WHU~BY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOMMER 16,1988 213 BYRON STREET S. WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 4P7 c-j * 2' * ~0~'~~ER $Çj?%~~ Telephone: (416) 666-3958 Toronto Lune: (416) 683-7785 Bulletin Board System: XT* Compatible Computer System 0 8088 4.77/8 Mliz rMottier lloardivitli 640K ofl uinory e V20-8 Speed upgr.idc (Norton SI = 3. 1) a Award 'I'îrbo BIOS V2.05 a One 360K floppy (lrive. *Mopog.aplîics or Color Graphic Card *Serial, 1'arallel, Gaines ports andi Real 'line Clock Efihaniccd AT-Stylc Keyboard (101l keys) .AT'- Style Fýlip Top Tu. o Case (3 LEDS & 3. Switchces). *150 Watt CSA Approved P'ower Supply *One Nenr ivarranty- l.'arts and Labour *Fuiiy Assemibleti and tested at our Wlîitby Location.. System wlth no monitor System with Monochrome monitor System with Color (RBG) monitor System with EGA monitor and EGA video card 20 MEG Hard Disk Drive (Controller & Cables), 30 MEG Hard Disk Drive (Controlier & Cables) 40 MEG Hard Dlsk Drive (Controller & Cables> $99500 $1125.00 $1335.00 $1695.00 $43000 $49500 $595.00 Every compIuter systrn sold includes the Iollol%,iig software: Worcprocessor, spreaclsleet, data base program and pop-up desk organizer. Prices are subjeci 10 change wthout notice. )KAATA RI1 3dÉhIq1 W5?»IiIJIl1I m i c r o ni c s Friendly, Personal FUJITSU Service .24 Hours-7,days aweek 3 5/b BUTCHER SHOP b/1.3'a90 RI BST EAKSI PORK BUTT CHOPS * 9 DELI COUNTER i B/O9LACK 1oogm/.f FOREST SMOKED HAMIHAM .99/6 lN-,TORE BAKERY /9 CRUSTY ONION ROLLSBN __________ PEPPERS /2 rlsGROCEY7.5oz, lf 199 ras/,9 H& DRY MAPLE LEAF PAPER SOCKEYE TOWELS SALMON SAVE 10% ON TUESDA YS LOTERYTICETSAND TOBACCO PRODUCTS NCLUED Prics' WEST LYNDE PLAZA Nov.6 t22 Hghway # -2 &Jeffery-St. Sehool trustee *ncumbents returned By Debbie Luchuk It seems Whitby separate and public school supporters are pleased with the efforts of incurhbent trustees.. Whitby ratepayers reaffirmed the incumbents' mandate by a healthy distance froni the rest of the candidates. - The public school trustees' race was clearly won by Patty Bowmnan, with 7,128 votes. Close behind were John Buchanan with 5,606 votes and Ian Brown with 5,202. Mark Flewwelling had 2,608 votes to lead the challengers. Lloyd Wallen had 2,259, Cail Kaye had 1,986, and Joe Butson, 1,716 The split of votes between the separate school board trustee candidates was more even than that of the public board. Tom Oldnian received 1,853 votes; Ed Finan captured 1,829 and Catharine Tunney had 1,799 votes in her favor. Deborah Tagis, a first-time candidate, had 1,053 votes. Tunney said Monday night that re-election "feels wonderful. I think being an incumbent helped, and my proven leadership as vice chairman of the board was reonzd. Maybe Fim naive," said Tnney, elected te her second term. Brown, elected te bis fourth terni as public school trustee, said SEE PAGE 5 Monday November 2lst. ELECT ONTARIO LIBERAL Dear F'riend, This is the most important election since Confederation. The Reagan - Mulroney trade deal poses a clear choice for Canadians. Freer trade with ail nations is a goal Liberal goverments have pursued since 1945. The deal Mr. Mulroney accepted from the U.S. gives away a lot and gains very little. It is a bad deal for Canada. We do need a new deal on the environment. Our government should be dedicated to environumental protection out of principle, notjust at election tinie. I pledge te use niy experience for the people of Ontario riding. My background as an M.P. and as a Cabinet Minister has given me the knowledge of how te get things done in Ottawa. I arn ready te put that te work for the communities of Pickering, Ajax and Whiitby. Sneey John Roberts " PolIs open Mon. Nov. 2lst from 9:00 amn. te 8:00 p.m. " Please CalI If You Wish: voting information, a ride te the poils, a Liberal sign, to help in this election 428-7282 88 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax LiT 2Z8 HasLY