WHITY FREE PRESý WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1988, PAGE 2 3 FEDERAL ELECTION 188 » DURHAM RIDING John'Kuipers:l Let's keep the family farm Opposing abortion, homosex- uality and pornography while favoring capital punisihment, free trade and fairer taxation is the new federal Christian Heritage Party which will field 63 candidates, including John Kuipers in Durham riding, in the Nov. 21 lection. Kuipers, 63, of Port Perry, bas been involved in farm equipment sales and real estate, and is now consultant for Jerry's Produce. 'My biggest concern is envirornment protection and agiclure," he seys. "We believe int= faznily farm, not corporate farmns." Kuipers says development bas overtaken much agricultural land in tbe riding, with many of the former -family farms bougbt by developers and corporations. Kuipers maintains tbat tbe family farm allows the most efficient use of land and animaIs. He said corporete ownersbip sbould eitber be restricted or banned. He sees waste disposai as an environmental concern and opposes a Toronto dump site in Durbam Region. Government,ý he says, sbouid encourage pilot plants to salvage and recycle municipal and industrial waste near the sites of origin. He points to Europe as an example of proer waste management, adding It can be done." Kuipers also sees small business as tbe backbone of free enterprise. He supports free trade, but feels there are now "b3igger problems" tban free trade at this time. "Right now that's aà issue nobody knows which way to go on. It doesn't deal minh real problems.", Kuipers favors a balanced government budget and a reduction in the overail tax burden on Canadians. 'We advocate strongly a balanced budget, and no raise in taxes," be says, pointing out bis business background. The Christan Heritage Party believes no special rights shoukI be grated to sexualyaernt individuals or goups, while AIDS should be deat with as a major bealth issue. The, party favors laws against producing, distributing and selling obscene materials, and government censorship if neces- ,sary p if pblis3hing, entertainment andbroadcasting industries don't regulate tbemselves. The part was started in 1986 and is currently led by Ed VanWoudenburg of British Columbia. .-.~.. -, - -'