PAGE 10, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1988 whiteobl ybsiness Deal Spells trouble, Says Wiltshire By Feroneh Neil A free-trade agreement could spell trouble for Canadian furniture-makers, feels manager Peter Wiltshire of Sklar-Pepplar Inc. of Whitby. Wiltshire recently relayed his comments to the Toronto Star, after about 90 employees of Sklar-Peppler lost their jobs through inter-company move- ment. There were no jobs lost at the Whitby location. 'We are getting geared up for free trade, and we have sent 20 per cent of the work from Whitby ,to the Jimson/Slater Furniture Inc. location in Mississauga," Wiltshire says. 'We sent them the 190 and 225 styles, the sofa, chair and loveseat combination, which is quite popular in the States. To make up for it, we took 15 styles of furniture from Toronto to add to our stock." Wiltshire is clear about his thoughts on free trade, however, and he sums it up it with one small phrase: "Free Trade sucks." 'This won't just affect Sklar-Peppler, it will affect the entire furniture industry which is vulnerable right now," Wilt- shire explains. "I am concerned about the people. If the free-trade agreement comes in, it will mean that people will be laid off. That's the bottom line." Wiltshire also feels that not only will the trade deal affect the unemployment line, but the cost of labor will go up dispite the fact that Canada has one of the most prosperous forest industries. 'Wages are higher in Canada- than in the U.S. and it will cost more to make a piece of furniture here than it would in the States," he says. "There is also always the risk that more jobs will be sent to the U.S." Wiltshire feels that nothing will happen if any party besides the Conservatives is elected next week. "Nobody from Whitby has been laid off so far, but I can't speak for later' if the deal comes through. Anything is possible at this point," Wiltshire says. "There are a lot of fears and reservations. Personally, however, I don't think that it will happen." Kasual's Plus is newest clothing store By Feroneh Neil Whitby's newest clothing store offers fashions from the warm wooly attire of the season to the crisp Montreal-styled neutral tones introduced from Quebec and downtown Toronto. Kasual's Plus "has something for everyone," says business owner Tammie Sullivan. It is a women's clothing shop located at 109 Brock St. S. in Whitby. "I thought that setting up my awn business would be an adven- sure," says Sullivan. "This kind >f business is something that I The Canadian mvemen for pesonal have been doing for years, and I have had lots of experience. When asked about her choice of location, she simply states, "I like Whitby.", Kasual's Plus extends the sense of a "personal touch" as there is now only one other person who works at the store. It allows Sullivan herself to spend time with the customer as well as remark on the items they have chosen. "I want people to wear what they buy, and be happy about their purchase," says Sullivan. "I don't want them to buy some- thing only to find that they don't like the way it looks on them." As for the name of her busi- ness, Sullivan says that she thinks that it reflects the mer- $cAT< THE DURHAM REGION ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD LE CONSEIL DES ECOLESDSEPARES CATOLIUEDE LA REGION DE DURHAM WHITBY The Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board will nominate one representative to the Whitby Public Library Board for a three year term, effective December 1, 1988. Interested parties should submit an application to: Dr. E.J. Lagroix, Director of Educat ion The Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board 650 Rossland Road West Oshawa, Ontario L1J 7C4 Applications must be received no latert han Wednesday, November 23, 1988. ELECTION oftthe FRENCH LANGUAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE The following people have indicated their intent to run in these elections. Nicole Hodge Nicole Gauthier The elections for the French Language Advisory Committee (FLAC) of the Durham Board of Education will be held on November 24, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. at L'Amicale centre communautaire, 707 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, Ontario. The term of the new FLAC will be three years. Any eligible French-speaking public school ratepayer has the right to offer himself/herself as a candidate for the FLAC. N.B. IT IS ALSO POSSIBLE TO SUBMIT YOUR CANDIDACY ON THE EVENING OF THE ELECTIONS. chandise. "My clothes are different, so the name of the store should be different." Sullivan's approach to adver- tising the clothing is rather un- usual as well. Every week there is a special offer or a "promo price"on certain items of clo- thing. "Every week I randomly choose certain sets of clothes that I set a special price to. That set is on sale for a week and then goes back to the regular price. Then I choose something new. There are no particular themes that follow the promotion picks." Sullivan hopes that in a couple of years she will be able to expand to other parts of the Durham Region. "This is something that I have always wanted to do, and now I"m doing it." 'A PHOEBE GILMAN (above, right) with her new children's book "The Wonderful Pigs of Jillian Jiggs," was at Promenade Bookstore in Whitby on Nov. 5, the first of several authors to visit the store this month. With her is Jacquie Severs, looking over the pi gs. Tom Harpur (below), a writer on religion whose columns appear in the Toronto Star, was at the store nov. 12 with his new book, "The Mouse That Couldn't Squeak," his first children's book after three controversial best sellers. Authors John Green on Nçov. 19 and David Blackwood on Nov. 26 will also be at the store, noon to 2 p.m. both days. Negative resultsfrom PCB tests FROM PAGE 1 hazardous by the ministry. Further tests of soil samples taken 10 metres from the fire indicated PCB concentrations ranging from non-detectable to 11 parts per million, noted the ministry. According to Dave Bird of the ministry, further tests are now being done on Whitby's water supply and near residential homes south of LASCO. rr "We just want to make positively sure nothing has entered the drinking water," said Bird, who did not know when the test results would be known. He said LASCO will now have to clean up the area, which involves scraping away the contaminated soul. An investigation is also underway as to why the drum, containing the PCB-contaminated oil, was not in one of the two sites ELECTION du COMITE CONSULTATIF de LANGUE FRANCAISE Les personnes suivantes ont signalé leur intention de se présenter à ces elections. Nicole Hodge Nicole Gauthier Les élections du Comité consultatif de langue fracaise (CCLF) du Conseil scolaire de Durham se tiendront le 24 novembre 1988 à 19 h 30 à L'Amicale centre communautaire 707 rue Simcoe sud, Oshawa, Ontario. Ce nouveauCCLF aura un mandat de trois ans. Tout(e) contribuable d' expression française éligible a le droit de se présenter comme candidat(e) pour le CCLF. N.B. IL EST TOUTEFOIS POSSIBLE DE POSER SA CANDIDATURE LE SOIR MEME DES ELECTIONS. for which LASCO licensed to store PCBs. 'We want to make sure there was no deliberate action on their part," said Bird, noting the investigation could take months. If found guilty, LASCO could face a fine ranging from $2,000 to $50,000. "That amount is up to . the magistrate," said Bird. LASCO also faces charges involving the discharge of dust and odor into the air under the Environmental Protection Act. The charges were laid last May. LASCO is expected to appear in Ajax provincial court in December. Mike Lewis, communication officer with the ministry, said a list released in September of PCB sites in Ontario did not contain any sites in Whitby. He said two sites which have now been identified, LASCO and the basement of the Whitby municipal building, may have been left off the list which was hastily put -together following a PCB fire in Quebec. OSHAWA MODEL RAILROAD SHOW Saturday, Nov. 26, 1988 1100 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastdale CollegIate High School (Corner of Harmony Rd. N. & AdeaideSt. AdmissIon: Adults $3.00 Children under 14 $1.00 Under 5 Free Layotis, Oering Moddes, Demonsrations i P-1