Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1988, p. 8

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THERAPY, PADS Natural Pain Relief Based on sound principles of physios and physiology, BIOflex® pads alleviate everyday aches and pain. These patented, scientifically proven bio-magnetic devices were deve- Ioped in West Gerrnany, tested at the Massachusetts lnýtitute of Technology, and successfully used in Europe, Asia and Israel. BJOflex® are re-usable, permanent pads W"hich are com- pletely portable. They are non-allergenic, cause no irritation or burns, and do flot soul clothing. IBIOfieX® bio-magnetic therapy pads are s'afe and effective for the treatment of: e BACKACHES *-TENNIS ÉLBOW e MUSCLE ACHES MUSCULAR TENSI0IM IN THE BACK, SHOULDERS OR NECK aTENPQNITIS a SPORTS STRAINS Avaitable in Whitby at: fi X BalIey Big V, Brock St. S. *çanadian Home X Therapy, Brock St. N. *Guardian Drugs, Dundas- Centre Medical and Anderson St. * Shoppers Drug Mart, Dundas St. W. and Whitby Mail. DIstributed In canadla by Physio Designs Imc. .(416) 436-9117 STOP SMOKING (9 LOSE WEIGHT Christmas Special $150.00 Christmas Special $125.00 laitwih DR. B. ZIV, HYPNOTHERAPIST OMONEY BACK GUARANTEEDWF Afier several years of research Dr. B. Ziv has developed one of the most sucessiul methods of therapy to stop smoking or to lose weight. Hs therapy has helped thousands of people to stop smoking very positively or lose weight very comiortably. He is returning to your town to offer you his unbeatable success of therapy. With hiri, if you continue smoking ater the treatment, or if you will be unable to lose weight you can eiher get your money back or receive more therapy Lre at no extra cost to you. This is a limited time offer. FREE FULL EXPLANATION 0F EACH THERAPY WILL BE GIVEN BEFORE THE TREATMENT WITH ABSOLIJTELY NO OBLIGATION, AND BEFORE PAYING FOR THE THERAPY. The efectiveness of the therapy has been shown that to most people only one visit is required for satisiactory resuits. T he clinics are conducted by Dr.Ziv Hypn-otherapist and found-er of-the Ziv Institute of Hypnotism in Aberta and Ontario. He has been serving the public to overcomne emotional difficulties since 1961, and has a private practice in Thornhill Tel: (416) 738-2443. He has become recognized as one of the leading international experts of this powerful technique as author, educator and practitioner. WeIght Losa staris at 5:30 p.m. & ends at 8:30 p.m. Stop Smoking stars at 8:30 p.m. & ends at 11:30 p.m. Please bring with you a sleeping bag & a piiiow. We accept cash, certilied choque, Visa, Mastercard. TUESDAY, NOV. 29, 1988 THURSDAY, DEC. 8, 1988 CULLEN GARDENS - 300 TAUNTON RD. HOLIDAY INN- BLOOR ST. E. WHITBY OSHAWA Bring thia ad ta receive an additIonai $10,00 discount VOUR LAST CHANCE FOR 1988 Developed and Presented by DIETER W. KIRNER with special guest lecturers Real Estate Expert PAUL LINDEN and noted Lawyers THOMAS CURRAN & WAYNE CUSACK Corne hear Durhamn Region's best known tax savings expert, Dieter Kirner. Mr. Kirner is widely recognized as the pre-erninent local lecturer for both govemment & private industry. IO PICS 10 BE DISCUSSED AT THIS FREE SEMIWÂR! - TAX REFORM, THE TAX SQUEEZE & YOUR FUTURE TAX PLANNING -RRSP'S/RRIF'S, ANNUIT IES - UIMIT ED PART NERSHIP TAX SHELTERS - INVEST IN PRIME RENTAL & COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE & SAVE TAX - INVEST IN AN EXCITING, BRAND-NEW CONCEPT :SAVE LARGE AMOUNTS 0F TAX & USE YOUR CAPITAL GAINS EXEMPTION - INVESTING IN MORTGAGES & GENERATE VERY HIGH INTEREST - MORTGAGES ARE IDEAL FOR VOUR SELF-DIRECTED RRSP OR RRIF TWO SEMINAR TIMES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Attemoon Semnar 1:30 p.m. Evenîng Semnar 7:00 p.m. THURSDAV NO:VEMB3ER 17, 1988 O>shawa Public Lib>rary Audito>rium Admission Free - Please CaJI Kim or Michelle 571-0771 UPCOMING SEMINAR DATES JANUARY 26, FEBRUARY 16, MARCH 23, APRIL 6, MAY 18 D.W. KIRNER & ASSOCIATES FINANCIAL AD V/SORS/IN RE77REMENT & TAXPLANNING 74 SIMCOE ST. S., SUITE 303, P.O. BOX 133 OSHAWA, ONT. 11 H 711 A veteran of the educational system, incumbent Ed Finan is running for separate school trustee yet again, out of a concern for his grandchildren and other children. The biggest issue the separate board has te address, Finan said, is' the connected issue of overcrowding and underfunding. "To relieve it (overcrowding), we are taking steps in the next three years te build four new elementary schools andý one secondary in Whitby," Finan said. We aIse have to convince the ministry that their 35 kiddies in a class is unrealistic when the pupil teacher ration calîs for 21 or 22 per teacher (in the separate board)," he added. Finan believes that portables are a "waste nf taxpayers' monev. because portables are only temporary relief." It is foolish te build (obtain portables) when an expanding population, such as in Whitby, are' desperately in need of permanent accommodation." When asked if he thought a possible downturn in the housing market in.Whitby would result in empty portables, Finan said, The- Durham population is skyrocketing, and it's not reasonable te expeet empty schools." Finan also advocates more intensive lobbying efforts by the board to get the ministry te part with more money te get the capital projects completed. The ministry is net necessarily the bad guy in the whole, however," as Finan said he was "very happy to receive funding te complete the system fromn junior kindergarten te Gr. 13" The French immersion pro- grain receives praise from Finan and he weuld like te, see it expanded in the future. Communications with the Town and Region have "overal been pretty good, but rd like te see it improve, especially since more schools are being built and boundaries are being changed." He added that he would like te see the parents allowed more input inte-- the changing of the boundaries in question. Busing and transportation is another important issue Finan would like te address in the next board. "Pd like te see that transportation of kiddies that are in dangerous, situations is provided even though the'y are within the proper distance (for walking to school)." 0f the teacher shortûge, Finan 3aid he would like to see. more graduates of secondary schools encouraged to enter the teaching profession, saying, Its a rewarding profession." The separate school board is facing an accommodation problem at the education center in Oshawa, and Finan dees not think that any expenditure on an expansion project should be made at this time. "We're in the business* for the kids' sake, not to build the Taj Mahal for employees, although I think that employees should have decent woring conditions." Finan proposed that if schools in older areas of the region declined in enrolment, perhaps the classrooms could be used as office space. Overall, F'inan said he'd "ike to make sure we maintain our high standards of academics, and emphasize Catholic philosophy in schools." Jaycees to hold candidates' meeting Friday An Ontaie riding (federai election) ail-candidates' meeting will be held by the Whitby Jaycees on Friday, Nov. 18, 7:30 p.m., at the Whitby municipal building, net Thursday, Nov. 17, as previously scheduled. The candidates were to debate free trade at Anderson CVI today (Wednesday). A similar debate among the candidates was held last week at Henry Street High Sehl..ail-candidates' meet- ing for Ontario riding was sche- diiled for Thursday, Nov. 10, 8:30 p.m. at Greenwood community centre, across from the Pickering Museum. And the candidates are te meet again on Wednesday Nov. 16, 8:30 p.m., at Ajax Highý School, 105 Bayly St. E. Mayo rai candidates debate taxes at meeting FROM PAGL I man cannot freeze anything." But Emm contended that a tax freeze was possible. "The honeymoon is over as far as developers are concerned," s,-,id Emm, who noted that Markham has been successful in producing a zero tax increase in nine eut cf the past il years. Emm was then asked what effect asking developers for extra funds will have on house prices "If they (developers) can't provi de for ail ranges then I don't xvant to see them, responded Emm. But Attersley shot back that Emm had moved at counicil in 1983 the approvai cf 903 Coscan single family detached homes. "Emr-n is running away from bis responsibilties. You haven't led the planning committee, howv are you going te lead council?" said Attersley. On other issues, the two candidates were asked about the t! ?at go (ast Your choice of any 350 frames Single vision (any prescription) Reg. Bifocaîs (any presciliption) Reg. Soft daiîy-wear Contact lenses (includes fitting tee and starter kit) Ihere aie no extra tees or hidden charges on thlese prices. which include a ftLI guarantee. Kendalwood Park Plaza (K-Mart Mail) 1801 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. LIN 2L3 Phone: 432-3937 INOVA-ii, P 1 C I1 Iflie yw to sSeandbe seen. $ 98.00 S 145.00 S150.00 extension of water and sewers to Brooklin. Emm noted that Village Square has put forth a proposai to the Region for extending water and sewer te, Broolin but he noted there was no incentive for existing residences. "It could cost (existing residen- ces) $5,000. They are coming, but let's get a good deal," said Emm. Attersley noted there is an engineering study underway in Brooklin which will detail the cost and the best way of extend- ing water and sewers to Brooklin. "We won't go anywhere until that is finished." PCBspl FROM PAGE 1 fire. The officers worked in shifts, said Edwards. Fire investigator Ken Corner said the fire was caused when bot slags fell of a truck as it drove past a ditch containing surface oul. According to Attersley, PCBs are also stored in the basenient of the Whitby municipal building. He said the PCBs were used te cool transformers. He also indicated that the Whitby Hydro Electric Commis- sion will spend $100,000 te decontaniinate the PCBs in the building. OSHAWA MODEL RAILROAD SHOW Saturday, Nov. 269,1988 11 D0 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ,Eastdale Colleglate ¶ Hlgh Schoo I <Cornier ai Farmony Rd. N. & Adelaide St.) Admîssien: Aduits $3,00 Chlldren under 14 $1,00 Under 5 Free Layouls. OpraI ing Mdime, llximcirdtï.1îons ELECTION '88 - SEPARATE SCHOOL Finan: Overcrowding and underfunding biggest problems

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