Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1988, p. 34

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I PRO OM PAGE 14 support the Coscan development in Port Whitby, absoiutely. rmn not sure if I want 22 stane down there, but I want ta look at their plan in great detail before I say no. Part Whitby le the igem of the region. We have one of the best hab or areas in the whoie area. Sa whatever goes in, we better make sure it's good, we better make sure it's beautiful, we better make sure that the people of the town have access around it. Sa I support the Coscan development but I want te have a look at it in more detai before I say Ill support 22 stories. I befieve we should have acoess, but the argument has been raised that there was nover access s0 why* shauld Coscan give access. They have a point, and they made that point quite clear. Fr..e Press: Would you provide protection for heritage buildings? If so, how much? J.D.: We have LACAC, but LACAC doesn't have enough teeth. When the Province created that, they created something that was toothless. I wauld do anything possible ta save heritage buildings ... yet we have ta be fair, we have ta work with the owncrs..I think we have ta go through a procese of negotiations, we have te set up some sort of a processa within council whereby a cominittee of council or sonie member of coundil meets with the (owner) along with the heritage and LACAC people ta sSe what can be donc. But the right of an individuai ta do what he wants with his property is whet this whole ]and is bascd on. Free Press: 1Thie MUnOicity spends a large part etits budqe on sports/ reereational facilities but very littie on culturel faciities (.xoept for the. library, if you want to includo that). Would you change that at ail?' J.D.: We werc working with the theatre group about four ycars ago, I thinkc, and that, frora some reason, didn't came ta any fruition, I can't remember why. Whitby Arts Inc. bas done very well, with the building and ail, it's been a costly procees but very worthwhile ... We tried at one time ta get ail the people togethen to put a building up of some sort that everybody could enjoy tagether, I think it was about five years ega, but we couldn't get anywhere. Sa I think first of ail, the people who are interested in that kind of thing, shouid be together and corne ta council as one, not as this group and that group, but as a single group. For a start, I would like *ta get a building .. I think what the histaricai society, and ather groupe, ought ta be doing is getting together and say 'Hey, if you're going ta build something Wn there, we want it." There's no question every effort will be made ta get it for them. Free Pr...: What should b. the r.lationshlp between the munici- peality and comniunity groupe? The Town ha. had a policy of reduclng or eliminating grants to such groupe. Do you agree with this? J.D.: Yes. Fre. Prese: What criteria would you suggest for funding such groupe? J.D.: Firet of aIl, we ceased giving money to people funded by the United Way because wc feit the United Way was doing the job there. To stert ta fund basebaîl or hockey or that kind of thing, I sec we take away from the people who are out there day and night, night and day, doing things ta raise funde, taking away their initiative. That's what'e happening in aur community. When I came te this tawn, I used ta coach ball, we'd go down ourselves and tun the lights on, we'd eut the grass on the field, we'd mark the diemnond, we'd do ail of these thine ourselves. It was a different type of conimunity. Now we have a necreational complex and a necreational depantment, people expect the Town ta provide that. And the Town bas ta provide that. In basebaîl and hockey, we have tremendous people doing a tre- mendous job. We set a poiicy, on what kind of groupa we wouid fund, and I think the poiicy, by and large, has been good. I voted for it, and I think it has stood the test. Free Pross: The lest few years have seen complainte about "cloeed" goverrnment. Whet would y ou do to open it up? J.D.: 1Iebsolutely disagree, it's nat a cioscd goverament. People (at the recent ail-candidates' meeting) were talking about not. getting agendas. What was happening was, before a councillon got his agenda, he was g etting calîs from socmbody cise who ad dit and was trying ta tic him in ta something he wanted. This is anc of the reasons we stoppcd the agendas. Now when you say they don't have a council agenda, that's wrong. The aqendas arc thene Monday morning. It s that very sanie agenda the caun- cilior neade, with very few exceptions. Ninety-five pen cent of that agenda is used at council. It's nat availabie ta private parties at committee meet- ings, but it i. avaiiable on that Monday morning (of council). I'm sure if you want ta make an effort ta get it, the Town hall is only blocks away and you cen get it. If you want something, you go out and get it, it's thene ta De had on Monday, I've felt' that way and I feel that way very strongly. It's there. Now there are thase an council who mlight differ with me. But I think the council is working, it's worked weli, and that's the way it is. As far as the agenda, I've only heard from probabiy three of four persans aver the last four or five ycars, the seme people compiain about the same thing. Thcre's 50,000 people out there, 50,000 people can't bc wrong. Free Preee: What are your feel- inge on disclosure of your hold- ings? J.D.: I feel what I awn is my business and nobody else's. I feel that this is a red herring that somebady a El e tion '88 a V ~ 'V ~ v TAGE 3,WIHTBYFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1988 Jo-eDrurnr DURHAM REDUCTION *REUSE *RECYCLING *RECOVERY LEAF COMPOSTING PROJECT To demonstrate that organio yard wastes can be recycled into a useful produot, the Region of Durham and the Town of Whitby request the householders in the designated parts of town to colleot their leaves in these biodegradable plastic bags or rake them to the curb or ditch. The accumulated leaves will be collected and taken to the Regional Composting Site during the annual leaf collection program. The final compost material will be ready and available f ree of charge to the residents of Whitby next year in the faîl. Compost is very useful when added to soil and in many cases this chemical-free material can effectively substitute for commercial fertilizer. IMPORTANT 1 1 1 1 Leaf Collection L L J J information E i 1F Bagged leaves ViL.. should be put outil F 1 on Monday, HJli November 14 Leaves raked to S [ j :r r i i the curb or ditchî will be picked up l T i during November S 111IuI .111F For additional information Li l 11L please contact: Elaine Collis Waste Reduction Facilitator Region of Durham Telephonew668-172 Tepoer 6-72 3 Andrew Lapinski Waste Reduction Co-ordinator Region of Durham Telephone: 668-7721 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to pass by-laws to stop up, close and selI the untravelled portion of the public highway municipally known as Brock Street North, as shown below, being composed of Part of Lots 181 and 182, Plan H-50029, designated as Parts 3 and 4 on Plan of Survey 40R-9337. BRADLEV DRIVE EAST The Operations Committee of Council will meet on Tuesday, November 22, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in Committee Room One of the Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road, East, Whitby, for the purpose of hearing any person who dlaims their land will be prej udicially affected by the by-laws. Any persan wishing to meet with the Committee is asked to advise the Town Clerk accordingly no later than Thursday, November 17, 1988. Donald G. McKay, Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road, East Whitby, Ontario LiN 2M8 Phone: (416) 668-5803 1 DRUMM REGION CA TCH TE-l E BEAT! hes brought up. I don't own a wholc lot, but at iest what I have, I made it Myscîf, on my awn, and it's no business of anyone else. What samecone has made on his own, that' fline, that's what this world la al about. This cauncil has been put back into office twice, which telle you a great dea] about council, which says that the peaple of this town really feci that these guys are doing a job. And I say that la aIl modesty. No, this thing has been thrown up, and I don't have time for this thing. The Province has laid down the ruies...if you don't live within those rules, yau're gone. Fr.. Pross: Do you thlnk taxes are too hlgh? J.D.: Everybody who pays taxes, pays tao high, you on 1, cverybody cisc. Everbody says they're too high. But yau have ta remember, when the Town collects a tex dollar, it collecte only 28.7 cents for the Town. Because wc coileet the money for the board and for the Region, t e Town council are the ones who get it in the neck. I don't think you've ever heard at a echoal boand meeting during election, anybody get up and telk about taxes. l'mn not k:cking the school board, but they get something like 52 cents of every dollar we collect. I think for the taxes we callict, you get a fair buck back for your dollar. But nonethelese, they are to high on the whole. Free Prese: Where would you save money? J.D.: I think whet nioney we spcnt we spent it fairly wisciy? Looking back aven three years, I don't think I would have donc anything differently as regards tex money. I was respan- aible for bringing in the budget this year, I think the tex raise in Whitby was 7.1 (per cent). Akgain as some- body said (et thc ail-candidates' meting) the tex raise was (average) 4 per cent over the lest five-year periad. And in that iast budget, we ailowcd for an increase ta get money in. To get our cash flow going we'd have ta have somethinq like 7 per cent more assessment. Sayau can't kick la lese maney and give better service, it's impossible. 1 Free Press: How do you enivi- dion Whitby in, say, thei* y.r 2000? Can wo maintain a separate Identity? Shouid w.? J.D.: Yes. 1 think we have ta keep a green spaoe between ourselves and Ajax, flot neoessariiy because we don't like Ajax. That has to be kept there. We have ta keep our conserva- tion authority lands, they have ta be kept,- there's no doubt about it. I envision that Brooklin wiil grow, and 1 suspect that wiil bc the lirait of the growth, as far as services to Brook- lin. That's the area where we have ta cap it. We have to say, if yau're going ta build 100 hauses, you're only going ta buiid 100 houses in that area. We have ta have balance, sa the north area won't have the heck kicked out of it and the south area tries ta keep a balance of the growth. Free Press: Wil Whltby become a city? J.D.: That will happen. It's some- thing ail of us don't want ta happen, but it's like saying we don't want to get aid. But theres somne thinge »that are goinie ta happen over which we wil h ave very hittie control ... Whitby is the caunty tawn, that's a fact. And there are in Whitby a great many aider buildings. And the downtawn, that's the core of Whitby. That's the plaoe you'Ii have a separate identity or Whitby ... the core of Whitby should remain as it ie. And north, there'il have ta be green spaoe bet- ween Taunton Rd. and Hwy 7, that will have t6 remnain. The preservatian of Whitby as a community that'e différent than anywhere eise will depend on we preserve the 10 blocks araund the four corners. That wil be the difference. Free Press: What spectal quai- ties would you bring to thi. posi- tion which sets you aside from your opponents? J.D.: I think 1 like ta tell it like it is, 1 like ta get up and say what I fe. Lots of tixnes I've stood alone on councii, and it's pretty ioneiy. That'e the kind of thing I'm gaing ta bring ta Region. If there's something at the Region I dislike, and I have an intense distast-e for how they're treat- inq the garbage situation, it has ta be said. lil be the samne as I was, I don't intend ta change. Petition opposes pedestals By Debbie Luchuk Residents of Heda Court in Whitby have mnade up a petition appoing the installation of abapve ground cable pedestals in their neighbarhood by Rogers Cable.* Apfetitian with the signatures of alîresidents of the -court has been sent ta Mayor Bob Atters- ley, Rogers Cable, west ward councilior Joe Bugelli and ta local media. Rogers Cable met with the residents of Heda Court and Bugelli on Friday, Oct. 28 and tald residents th at the above ground devices were necessary as they are cheaper than below ground devices, according to a resident. The devices are to be installed ta imrve the the selection of chanesfor cable subscribers. The residents are concerned with the. appearance of their

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