PAGE'30, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1988 FROM PAGE 17 houses in a small way. I don't know what the answer is there, I haven't got enough informnation. Fre. Press: Do you think Whitby is growing too fast? G.K.: Whitby could grow as fast as it could if we had the riscurces -ta keep up with what peaple expect with growth. If we had the facilities to handie the grawth, that's fine, but we've got take it a step at a time...You can't put up a huge development and cxpect people ta use what littie fecilities are around them. ..maybe we shauld spread around these resources, maybe we need another library braech. If the developers work with the Town and we set same kind of guidelines, we cen let growth came a littie quicker or continue at the pace we're goixig at now. Industrially we cen grow that way, we have the resaurces there, the areas are laid out...t has ta be growth in ail fields, flot-just housing... Fre. Press: As Whitby grows, traffie wil become an inceeasing problem. What initiatives/changes would you advocate to reduce the problem? G.K.: Lakenidge Rd (Regional Rd 23), I think an exit (401) should be put there. Thnt would elleviate a lot of traffic off of Hwy 12". Look et the trucks going north...they came along and they go up 12 ... I don't thiek it would be an inconvenience ta anyone putting an exit in... .Fre. Press: Whait are the limits of commercial growth? Do you Election '88 thlnk the Town should linit the. number of new commercial plezas or should the marketplac. decide who survives? SG.K.: We already have an officiel plan that designates so much area rigit naw. As we increase aur size, we can leare, from aur mistekes. Ie the next phase of development as we go north past Tauntan Rd., we -cen maybe lay out better plans ... We cen set the guidelines for the kinds of plezas we waet. If -we've zoned it semi-industrial, maybe cen look et other areas and how we cen blend that, in with tie community...You always get the idea af the aId ugly gas a llttle bit- sooner than they are ...I1 think everybody cen beneit from that because they're a littie more awere of what's going on. Tiet's another way we have ta be innovetive as a council, ta be more aware of the publice needs...Peopîe are more enlightened ta, their houe. or ta, their community tien they were 30 years ega when they let things go by...Peopîe want ta be more involved in that decision-making process. Meybe we have ta set up voluntery edvisazy conittecs throughout thc town ta help the Town meke some decisions... Free Press: How do you envisioix Whitby in, say, the yeer 2000?' G.K.: Tiat's a hard question. It l station. They don't have ta be ugly. You cen meke things look a lot better and that goes back to planning and a little more innovative thinking, and direction by the planning depert- ments-.Maybe we have ta spend thet little. bit extra money ta be a little more practicel and humen ini the way we do things. F r. Press: Wouldi you provide protection for heritege buildings? How much? G.K.: I arn very rnuch ie fevar of conserving aur heritage and the aIder houses in Whitby. I think we shauld encourage people ta, bring back buildings thet imay be je disrepeir or tint we've forgotten about as an historical building. If we cae't find any possible way of keeping tiet building where it is, maybe we cen move it. Lynde Hause, it was importent ta, be wiere it wa-s, that was the signilicence of that house. By moving it, I think it lost samething... I think if there was a little more pressure an the Town and we could give the planning depertment same direction on these prablems arising in the future ... If tic building has been designated, maybe for sorne restoratian rnaybe we could encourage some tex incentives or rebetes if the house is done... Free Press: The municipality spends a larme part of its budget on sports/ recreational facilities but very littie on cutural failities (except for the library if you want to include thnt). Would yoe change tint et ail? G.K: I think we have ta address that problem as we came ta it. We havee't got eny buildings right now we're running as museums per se, I think we need something, and woring with the culturel groups, Historicel Society and heritege.graups ta get something in line for the future. I would like ta sec a little more coaperetion with Cullen Gardens. If the buildings are up there, rnaybe we could wark with the commercial part of it and carne up with e nice comrormise. Meybe we could set aut some guidelines ahead of time on where we could set up some culturel centres spread around throughout thc tawn whcre we could use tiem for multipurposes. Free Press: The laut few years have seen complaints; about "eloseJ' government. What would you do te open it up? G.K: r7ve found the councillors very cooperative, rve faund certain depertments more cooperative tien others. I have toaegree with same of the other candidates thet tic agendas should be et lest released sometime depends an the forethought we have m. Glen Konorowski FROMPAGE 17 proposaI because when yau add on ta the area you wsut it ta have erea. Wien you have three Iigh-rise buildings, then you corne along with lower buildings, it!s going ta look strange, it's not going ta be a beautiful wterfront community tiet we. envision ... I believe it was Judy Moskeluk who said "Keep tint waterfroet as a place' where aur childree can run and play as they did years ago." That!s part of aur heritege. Heritege ise't juet buildings sud preserving old homes, it's green space, it's e place for chilîdren ta rue elong the waterfront. My cilîdren did yeers ega. It's vey deer toae cornmunity, don't take it away. Fr.. Press: Would you provide protection for heritage buildings?. How imuci? S.S.: As muci as possible ... I hope tint they would keep those buildings ... I would hope something cauld be worked out with the hameoweer. I would hete ta, thiek we would have ta force somebody ta, do tiet ... it's touchy question. Free Press: This municipality spends a large part of its budget on sports/ recreational faciities but very lîttle on culturel fedilties (except for the library if you want te include tint). Would you Election '88 change tint et ail? S.S.: I think they siould ielp in funding thase buildings. But people who are interested in such buildings should also heîp fund tiexp. It's not tic same tiing, but I look back ta wien tic hospitel was being built and we who wanted it, contributed ta it. We gat different organizatians, suci tic Rotary, Kiwaeis and Ladies Hospital Auxiliery, maise a lot of mancy ta heîp support the building. I can't sec wiy people who are interested ie culturel facilties, a museum and sa an, siauldn't alsa contribute. There's lots ai money ta be made if your heert is je it and yau really went it, you cen do it. The Town siould support it, yes, but flot fully. Free Press: Wint should b. tic rclationship the municipality and conununity groups? The Town has ind e policy of reducing or eliminating grants te suci groups. Do you agree with this? S.S.: I tiink it siauld be limited because, once again, if people have a heart in tics. arganizatians, tiey cen maise funde. But if they have trouble, and it's n worthy group, the Town should heîp them. Fre. Press: the last few years have sen complaints about Wbitby having a "closed' govarnment. What would you do te open it up? S.S.: rve rend a lot about tint. I rcally cae't offer muci, except tint after the administrative meeting they want ta have copies af wiet went an, whici fallows tint it will be brougit to council tic following Manday, they can have copies. I wauld suspect tint very few copies would b. picked Up, but I'm not sure ... Keep copies available et the entrance ta tic meeting. Free Press: Do you think tint taxes are too higi? S.S.: I don't tiink they are et thus timne, but they could be with alI tie growti going an and we don't keep an eye on expenses. I tiink tint couîd happen, it could baîloon up ... But rigit et tic moment, I believe it's fairîy reasonable if we judge by tic surrounding commninties ... But tint could get out af hand, and we need ta keep an eye an expenses from here a n. Free Press: Where would you save money'9 S.S.: I think they have lots af weys. A women je very goad with e budget. But ta eriticize the present council on thcir budget wauld be very presumptuaus af me. I think you have ta be there ta sec ail the figures and work with them. Fr.. Pr-ess: What are ycRlr feelings on disclesure of your holdings? S.S.: Provincial legislation covers it vciy well. Tiere'e conflict ai intereet rules, and yau cen be cierged accordiegly if yau don't fallow those rules. I don't think I should have ta disclose wiere my incarne cornes fromn or whcre my husband's incarne cornes from, or wiat property I own je Whitby. Maybc I take tuis very personally because rm an hanest persan, I wouîdn't even dreem ai doing anything dishonest, especially wien scrving the peaple ai the comnmunity. It's just flot me. It's not an issue. The people wio take time ta run for councîl are usually pretty upirant. Maybe rm idealistie. All I know is I would b. very honeat about any conflictesud I would declare them, and I would expect everybadly ce would, too. But if I wes on couedil sud saw thet wasn't being done, I would change my opinion quickly. Free. Press: How do, you envision Whitby in, say, the year 2000? S.S.: It will grow, I imagine ,,Brooklin and Whitby will rue right into each other. There'il be further grôwth west ta Ajax. It's bound ta iappop. I don't care if they ail -joie up sud theire's nat a spe ce of green'ebelt between.'Whee you're ini your car and drive frarn Oshawa to Whitby, -1yau knaw* wien you'jTe in Whitby, it's juet e feeling you getewhen you cross thet boundery. 1» Fr.. Prees: What special qualities would yon brixig to the position of councilor that sets you auid. from your opponents? S.S.: Determination. Business experience - when you ( WhJitby Febrics) expeed three times;andâ your growth is 500 per cent in five and a haîf years, thaes a record you.. can't beet. I cere e lot, I cere a* lot about people, I alweys have. I think that my dedication will b. unsurpassed, I will work very hard. If I think somethingis rigit, I wark et it until r'm sure tint I get it, the wey I think it siould be... FROM PAGE 17 rezones it ta mediurn density 50 you've gat tic neigibourhood objectingf, tiey don't waet townhouses; "it will develue my property values." If yau or I lived there we would probably sey tic came thing but if that property had been zoned mediumn deneity fram tic beginning, I believe tic anus would be an tic buyer ta, check it out. If they want ta buy it, it's their ciaice. Wiat I would like the municipality ta do je tell you what's there now je their little notices tint go up when there's a particular rezoning. Fr.. Press: Town planning is a balance betwe.en the rigits of a property owner and the rights cf tic community te regulate tic uses ofis property. Would you b. inélined te, attach greater importance ta the land owners rights or the municipality? J.S.: I don't think I cen give yau a blenket aeswer an tint. Fr.. Presse For example if a person has a commercial zoning and1 wants te, put up a strip plaza, siould the municipality decide wint oab. built or should the landowner b. allowed te build wintever i. likes? J.S.: Oh no. The municipality absolutely has ta have cantrol - aethetice je a big part ai it. Sorne builders are actually very creative tics. days. Fr. Press: What degre. cf protection siould we b. giving te, heritage buildings? J.S.: I think it je up ta individual ownere ta decide wiat tiey will do ta their prapertie. Fre Press: Do you think ther. should b. some process whereby proposed demolitions of eider buildings would go througi some process before tiey were tern downl J.S.: I would support sornething luke tint. I tuikicritage preservation je greet. I can't imagine anyonc saying it'c not. Tiat'e wiy I don't think it's an issue. Fr.. Pr-ess: What about Port Whitby? J.S.: I dan't luke the idea ai 22-story apartment buildings enywhere, period. It's too high. I would suggest tint tic height b. graduated - say from 12 ta 15-stane. Tiere je enather aspect - tic publie accees - tint hec been raised and rve thougit about tint and, well, it'e their land. I understand there je no access naw and I don't know if I cae put myself ini tic position tint the develaper provide public eccess. Free Press: But we're talkIcng about a planning process tint lu proposing te chxange the use of tint proerty. Are you saying tint the. municipality siouldn't ask for public access? J.S .: Oh, no. I tuiktic public ecces eould b. tiere. I just think that we cen't maie tiat a condition ai approval. Free Press: The municipality spends a fair proetion of its budget on spoets/recreation facilities but litt. on culturel fa cilities. rd like ta sec more ai it je Wiitby. Frenkly eot enaughis je ing donc. Tiere je came, tic tieatre group and the young people's ticatre, I undcrstand, but nat enougi. I mean wc don't even have a mavie ticatre - tiat's culture too. Free Prose: Specificeily, do you tiink tic muiucipality should b. involved in providing cultural faciities? J.S.: No. Well rm probably talking off tic top ai my iead. I ionestly iaven't tiaugit about that. Certainly I think tint groupe siould b. encauraged ta develop. If tic municipality cee be ai assistance in terme ai financial or staff support in ielping ta plan tiose kinde ai fecilities. AIl rigit. If facilities cee b. laaned et minimal cast. I thini tiat's great. Thase are aIl very positive raIes tic municipality cen play without spending a lot ai money, and let's face it the more money we send tic higier aur taxes. Free Press: Should tier. b. a balance b.tween sports and cultural facilities? J.S.: I tiink yau have ta look et tic demend ije tc ommunity. Tic demand for sports je vcxy, very, vcry higi and treditioally it je in communities right acrose tihecocuntry. Fr.. Presse Do you think whiti2y has a "#clesed" goveram.nt? J.S.: As e reporter for tee ycars, I found Wiitby was anc ai the more accessible municipelities - if I necdcd an nner, I could get an enswer. Naw rm talking as a reporter-, I can't talk ta yau fram an. average perean's point ai view. Tiere arc thinge wiici need ta b. donc beiind cosed doors - personnel matters, real estate purchases and legal matters and that's it. Wien I'm a member ai cou ncil I will not participate inelosed meetings tiat dan't have ta do witi tiose tirce thinge. Politiciens have ta be accessible - their decisions have ta be eccountable. You have ta allow for input. Fr.. Press: are your feelings on disclosure? J.S.: I cen sum mine up in rive seconds - I awn the clties rm wearing - I thini. I tiink tint if tiere is disclosure it siould apply equally ta councillors and candidates aspiring ta ho councillors. Tiere is tic provincial coeflict ai intereet act tint is le place now and any code ai canduct wauld have ta conform, ta it. Free Prose: Do you tiink taxes in Whitby are too higi? J.S.: I would love ta say tint I will ireeze taxes but I can't reali etically because the demand for services je tiere and we as a municipality have a responsibility ta provide tiemn., If yau look et Regional taxes and educatian taxes, tien I don't thini tint Wiitby je doing tea bedîy. Free Prose: How do you envision Whitby ini the year 2000? J.S.: I talk je my brochure ai the blending ai tic aId and tic new. I really want ta sec tint happen. W. maved here from Oshawa - we 1ke the "old tawn" atmaspiere - I wnnt ta, sec tint preserved? Fre. Press: Do you tiink Wiitby wMi b. a city? J.S.: We could b. a city naw but I don't thini w. want t bc.. Fr.. Prose: Witi ail tic growti pressure do yen think Whitby can maintain its seperate identity?. J.S.: That!s e good question. Ive neyer considered tint Wiitby would ever b. anything but a separate cammunity and I like it thet wey. Fr.e.,Proýss: -What, ,special qualities would you biing te tie position ci councillor tint sets yen aside from your opponents? J.S.: I don't really.want, ta get into 11m better tien so.-and-so." - 'rr running as an individuel., I would bring e knowledge af tic municipal goverement process - I covered municipal c ouncils for about tee years, Wiitby for about five. I think I have e botter understanding tien mast people. As e, resident ai centre ward I have peid attention ta tic things tint were going on. I have an agendeai items tint I think are important. I think I have thc nbility ta ta listen ta tic concerne ai the people ai centre werd and I will b. listened toaet council. I tiink I cen express myseîf fnirîy well. I wiIl teke e book'et aIl aides af an issue before I maie up my mind. In my present job, e large part is being an intermediery b.twecn tic average jae and tic system. I deel level ai gavemement on behaîf ai constituents tirougi the office ai tic M.P.P. and I cee tint as being tic raie ai a councillor. The volunteer work tint rve donc wti tic Canadien Mental Henti Assac., tic Folk Arts Council, tic jaurnalism advisoiy cammittee et Duiar College has been very muci pc'.ple oriented. Communicating and providing information ta tie public have alweys been a part af my job and volunteer activities and those are tic tiings I wauld like in my representatîve. m Shirley Scott Election '88 Joan Skelton i j'] 'i in aur. community and, how w,? proceed in the next rew years. We have thet community spirit now but it's going to be up to future politicians ... and the community is going to have ta, be involved, and put pressure on the politiciens to make sure we maintain that community spirit we have naw, to keep that uniqueness we have... Fre. Press: WbaSt special qualities iwould you bring to the psition cf counciilo which sets y<NI aside from your opponents? G.K.: I have foretha)ught...I try ta envision what we've done in the past, take aur triumphs fram the past and try ta put thase je the future. Let's get back to basics and laak at what we're here for and the goal is in the long run...As a businessman I have a gond sense of money and values,. where aur tax dollars go, and that a belanced budget is part of the town ... One thinig that I can offer is evailability. Being self-emplayed I can give the people accessibility during the daytime ... I aIea stuclied goverament administration in college, and I- have a certificate, in environmentel horticulture ...rFve, had a good round background ini businesses as well as my awn business. I cen relate my business experience ta the town. My roots in the cultural and. historical side as I grew up, I think I can reflect that over ta the sensitive needs cf the community...I'm not using this as a stepping-stone, rm not heading ta Quoen's Park and Fin not heading ta Ottawa... i