Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1988, p. 26

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VI' ELDAt q I~ Yt(3411V ~,ny<' , '~ "PMAtE'26WHn'WFREEFi'S, WBMNLEDAY; NQVBNMER,9, 1988,,,-ý FROM PAGE 15 tural acéhievomont. Thoro cernes a tirne whon you. have to stand up end protect that wbh 18 sinvis3ible,.> bore, an eéthêti.c Vali, bonuty; or wrhâtc- ver you want to cali it. Free Press: What about the future of Port Whitby? Do you support,high ris. development? E.9 'Tho 22-story buildlings, ight?' 1'd8aynelota it:hve t.It weuld be ésiabl tQcontinIué tô ho ablo te see~,t~ie sun .ri*ad set without thàse-.22 strica pbecuring -the viow. Whynt kee ýp thtttlakofront as it is. ce i -a danIt up -bocauso I know.,thtt,,,horo's a-lot of sludge down1 théeo But -it's nice to sec people, downi there on a storrny day, p 1 h'eople -whào-- are-.. attractod by tho wives. that.ý pound ýthe shore, tho whité"ipurne and èo.on. Thoro has to El e,,ion,'8 ho some of that wildness loft,, you don~t Want te 500 it cil paved ovèr or civilized. At the sarne timo, it wquld be nice te have a cafe or tWo doWn thoro, se that cfter wntching, you cýn relax. But tic place bans to*,be cioaned up. It atinks down there. Free Press:. The municipiklity' spends, a large part, of its budget on sports/- recreationalfacilities but very littie on, cultural facili- ties (except for the library if you want te Include that). Would you change, that et ail? Would you *want. the Tow.n to fund a new museum or theatre? E.G.: Most dcfinitely. A museum, cither a regional muscum or our vcry own W'hitby heritage museumn. Net *only that but a facility wherc dance cempanies, dance troupes can corne and perform, a place where debates can bc hcld. l'd love te do semething for the intollectual level of the town. Debates wbere you hear people who know something, talk about the issues that arc stirring up minds today. Froc trade. Have we rcclly heard anytbing about froc trade? ... Wo defînitely nood more for Whitby culturaily, thcre's ne doubt about it... .We're paying our taxes, lot's have some cultural dollars spont. Edie Go mille Fr.. Press: What should be the relatienship betwee the munici- pality and community groupe? The Town has had a policy ef reduclng or elimlnating grents te such groupe. Do you agree with thus? E.G.: To be honest, I don't know to what extent they have provided funda. I arn aware, howover, that they turned down one group's requcat for funda, that you made reference to in an article, a local scbeol band. But 1 think any greup that has somnething te centribute to the life of -the community, or, if you like, the highest goals that ought te motivate a cornmunity, shou Id be gi von some funding. It may oniy $l0O..What ought te be looked at are the criteria, what are the goals of thie cernmunity. Are those geais in tunc with the goals of civilization in generai, the pursuit of truth and the pursuit of beauty. Free Press: The lest few yeers have seen complaints about 44closed" gevernment? What would you do te open it up? E.G.: Tenders are te be made public. I've beard complaints frern local business that business X in town got c certain tender, and his or LIGHTER AND MORE POWERFUL I.A THiOPTTONWTA' PERFORI - Ma VlS4 il A E 7hi.LAUTooIs available at TOOL SHACK 401TON Czj 1543 BayW Street, Pickering 839-2364L L.J Mon. -Fri - 8 - 6 pm, Saturday 9 - 5 pm rî~YLY Sf CUSTOM FIREPLACE GLASS HDOORS... Corne in and visit our new showroom of stoves, doors, screens and every accessory you need. -J T H3E Taunton Rd. W. STOVE -DEN5708 ber business cctually hcdt tender. I'm aware that tendî necessarily awcrded te th, bidder but sometbing like tI te be on the public record the feeling on the part of sen that they've been cheat£ there's been favoritism. AI ings ought net te be secret. hware people cppeinted to tees? I'd love te be on thg board. I applied three y ora even though if felt I bcd qualifications as an Englisi and as oe of probably a wbe are genuînely inter( books, I wcsn't cppointed. VW wcs, however, appointed to cemmittee and wcs called meeting. (It was) the game committe, wbich wasn't ev, on the brochure that talks 1 Town's cominittees.. .sbortl this, I rcceived a letter (the of wbich I'd have te leek a but the giat of it was1 services were ne iongeor requi The other thing I've aire cbed on: (a) the cgenda( being available; and (b) beii able in plenty of timo se tha hcving an ebjectien te sc coming up , w have an opl te mnake c presontatien. Free Press: What are yc ings on disclosure of y: inge? E.G.: Perbapa business ougbt te hoe disclosed. I th ceuld be of genuino sig. Other personai mattera, whe ewn ene beuse or two, I gu( could get into a difference ci beccuse one of those houses i a business coacora. Lot me pi wcy, if the income from the is ever, let's say, $5,000 a should lho disclosed ... At û time, I don't think there'sa te tell people bow much yei your Chargex. I mean, in wbo cares? Net enly that, feel as if I were intruc someono's private businessi getting cli that... Fr.. Press: Do you thin are tee high? E.G.: I de indeed. I paý $ 1,900 plus. The wcy te geta is te lobby, as c pelitician, grass roots support and geti natures, for a strongor pi share in educatienci fundingE tbat's wbat over haif of our taxes go fer. DRUMM REGION CATCH BEAT!l * I TUE EURO FUEL SA VER.. offers you SAVINGS COMFORT FUEL EFFICIENCY A ?erage savings of 15% or more * 5yer ~~oditonI w~atyon produi D esign for gas, propane equpment *Maintenance FREE once nstaled by Oeàied Oas Fitters - .j' afteîfYI inspedlion of1flrnae unit *Approved CG.1~.A * andardOas F'aces, Unit Heaters- * Canadian Technology Engineered ta SAVE MONEY Carno CAROTIUSTRE 1 M(4e6)-26m452 Free Press: How do onvialon Whltby ln, say, the. yea 2000? E.G.: 1 hate te say it but it'il deflnitely ho a busier place. 1 don't think we'll have green sDaoes any- where south of Taunton Rd. Se it'Il bo more built up. I see aise, thougb, more participation in the recyclung program. 1 also see an even more the lower mnvolved electorate. When you have ors aren't that gro ater involvemünt, thero's a àe lowest much-btter chance for getting thinga bat ought done at the local governament level ...I1 to avoid foresee a ccring communit , ne me people where you have street signa t at say Led, that "Don't drive up se closely that you Iso meet- see the whites ini their oyes." 1 moan, .Further, I almoat got run down coniing acros o commit- the street here. I thought, if Pm LO library, eloctod, a sign of that sort is going to eago, and go up. Or a little sign that, says very good «'Keep an oye out for the squirrels." hi teacher Why not? Why not show. more con- minority cern for eveiyono.? retod in Free Press: Can Whitby main- rhy not? I tain a separate identity? Should oanother we? Ite, one E.G.: 1m not 100 peor cent sure I preserve know onough about what is perceived ion listed as that idontity. I know the cliches, about the the "County Town," the "Place with ly alter the nice historicci buildings," the contents "town that bas charm." Having lived at again), bore since 1973, 1 can say, yes, there that my is a good deal of that charin. At the fred. same timo, I'm aware that wo do ecdy tou- have an influx of people fremn Toronto definîtol,, who bring a bit more sophistication, ing avait- and that is nice, tee. rm sure that it at anyone is some of those people whn have aIse 3omothing béen responsibie for this increased )portunity citizen activism. At the samie time, I've met some eider Whitby citizens ,our feel- who have also become activist. If this ou hold- identity consista of people who really care about their community, who interests want te preserve the- beauty that iink that there is, who care about ail that's in ,nificance. it, thon let~s presorve that. ether you Free Press: What speclal quali- 055s there ties would you bring te the posi- Df opinion tion which sets you aside front might ho your eppenents? ut it this E.G.: I don't know enough about Sbusiness my oppononts te say that these quali- i yoar, it ties would set me cpcrt. But I do hoi saine know what I stand for, or have te any need effer. It's an enorgetie vision, bar- u owo on nessed te a sense of what is right. a sonse, Aise a senso of urgoncy, an urgency I would about the fact that we need te do iding 'on somothing fast,, net just on a global if I were scale..We need te do somothing. This' past summoer, we couldn't swim in àk taxes the lake. There are preblems with the drinking wcter, there are pro. ay abeut blems with the air. For the last eîgbt areund it years, net hofore that, I've neticod igotting white spots on my grass, after it !i~sg- rains. Lîfe is short, there isn't much revincial time, te save our community, te save g. I mean the climate. We ail have te beceme property involved. And thé way te begin is at the municipal level...

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