Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1988, p. 23

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WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1988, PAGE 23 FROM PAGE 15 One of the firet thinge I did on regional ceuncil was extend it ta the second stage. We now have the sewage. pipe, a *3-million extension, right into the town and it's available for a censiderable population, ini the' several thousands. Sa we have the services there, we have the land and we should do something with it. Now Coscan. rve heard horror stane about 25 and 30-story apartmnenta, and rve heard it's feasible for 22. 1 haven't had the opportunity of discussing or seing those drawvinge at close hand. I think theres an opportunity for a building of some ind down there. But I must rcmind the people of Whitby that there is a concept, a policy, firmly established, that there muet be accese. If ite a recreational harbor, and theWe' no accees, then there's no point in it. Whatever goe there, and I 'don't know what the lateet figures an Coscan are, it's got ta be something that allows the people of this community on that side ta get ta the harbor ta ejjoy it... PrFre Pr..: Would you provide protection for heritage buildings? How much? T.E.: I become a littie irate when this question arises because I was in the tawn when we had the opportunity of retaining, not the former council chambers at Henry and Dundas, but the one before that at Brock and Coborne. We allowed that building ta bé ecrapped, although there was no question it was structurally deicient. But it could have been eaved, and ail the historical values could have been saved. Finaily it was my opportunity, my responsibillty, to, recommend that we retain the Centennial centre, which je the aid country council building, bult in 1852, and one ai the best examples of that type ci- architecture. I arn disappointcd that there isn't greater use made of the building, it's i fine shape ... We turned it inta a centre that could b. much mare widely used ... I think that indicates My view of the value and importance ai aur heritage. Fr.. Pr...: This municipality spend. a large part of its budget on sports/ recreational but vey little on cultural facilitie. exeept for the library, if you want to include that). Would you change that at all? rm oertainly in support of more cultural activities. Of course, we have one going on right naw, we have a study which includes consideration of the Centennial centre ta sec how it can be utilized. I hope that will enable us ta guide the way ta corne increased cultural facilties in future. Frèe Press: The last few years have brougli complaints about "losed' govrnment. What would you do te open it up? T.E.: I wae anc ai those who voted ta try ta provide the minutes. Fm not cmbarrassed because somebody phones me on a Saturday and says "What's the story on such and such a thingT' If I don't know, lil say I don't know and youll have te wait until I sec it." rve said so, on many occasions. If we arrive at a determination ta have al aur meetings open, exccpt for personnel niatters and legal matters which would be detrimental ta the Town, that wouldn't dispîcase me anc bit SFre. Press: What are your feelings on disclosure of yoeir holdings? T.E.: rm a little ernbarrassed. Ill give you my holdings: I have a house at 501 Mary St. W. ai which rmn assistant administratar, I have a iew bonds which my wife looks after, r7m working towards a pension: my wife has a car, my own car is ancerny employer provides for me; and exccpt for a lnwnmower which I too infrequently get the opportunity ta use, rm afraid that's ail I got... I wieh there were some convenient method at arriving at a decision ta disclose whnt you have so that people will be reassû'red we're not niaking docisions based upon how it affects you financially, and yet ta allow people ta make decisions and not have ta plead conflict. Frýee. Pr...: How do yeu envision Whitby in, .ay, the year 2000? TZE: I sec Whitby 12 yeare from now with the cenotaph where it is, with most of the downtown buildings there, hopefully prettied up a little bit and made mare secure ... the Centennial building has been there for 140 or 150 yeare, it's going ta be there another 12. Sa Whitby wil look like it does now and did, ta a certain exteat, at the beginning of this century... Fre Press: Do you think taxes are tee, high? Yes, taxes are too high, they should b. lower. But I want my cammunity ta, maintain a standard... Kmë iem r.: What .hould b. the rentionship b.tween the municipality and commnity groupe? The Town has had a pelicy or r.ducing or eliminating grant. to, sucli groups? Do yoei agre. with this? T.E.: No. Neyer. I was not involved in this idea, I don't know who brought it in. We used ta b. very proud ai the number of organizations which the Town supported. In my view, it's toc, easy ta say well phase out the grant system, that's a simple way of doing thinge. I think the difficult thinge is ta arrive at n sum of money that is appropriate, without taking it irom people who can't afford it, and yet allowing the kind af activities Ive desscribed ta, take place. No rm not at ail in favor ai this policy of getting rid ai grants. Fre. Press: Do you think Whit1by wil become a city? T.: Eventually it's going ta happen. I hear people beating their breasts about it ... but there was only anc guy who voted againet it (becoming a city) when that matter came before council (1983), and that was a guy named Edwards. And the amusing thing je that Mr'. Emni introduced the motion firet of ail. Out ai respect for bath the mayor and Mr. Emm, Mr. Emm in 1981 or 1982 came inta council or recommended ini cammittee that we seek the statue af city, and he was scoffed at. Little mare than a year later, the mejority af council eaid let's see if the people ai Whitby want a city statue. I opposed that..it wasn't the Whitby Frce Press or the editor of the Whitby Free Press who prevented that (city statue), it was the people like Betty Weldon, Gertie Drew, Adele Ruddly...and a few morec... they were the once, they were the heroce, they gat an the phones ... as a resuit we had 4,000 odd votes came in, ail but three sByng You Ibave aur tawn alone." I was he only one wha opposed it on this council, neyer mind 6-1 as the mayor enys, it wae 6-1 the other way ta put that experiment out. rm giving you the facte... Free Pr...s: Can we maintain a separate identity? T.E.: I think we can maintain a separate character from now ta the end of the century. Free Pr...:- What special qualitie. would you bring te the position idiich sets you aside from your opponents? T.E.: It's really a question you should aek ai other people ... As you have noticed, niy experience oi the past. For instance rve heard about the need ta do somcthing about the newspaper boxes. Ive been jumping up and down in this community for 20 odd years ta do something about thatJ. tried ta provide some kind of Election ' 88 - Tom Edwards Corrections An article about. ARC Industries in the Oct., 26 issue of The Free Press incorrectly stated that ARC Industries was the agcncy offering the Basic Alternatives to Sheltered Employ- ment program. The agency offring BASE, as Weil as ARC Industries, residential services and family and childrens' services, is the Ajax-Pickering Association for Community Living Association. And ARC bas been in operation for approximately 30 years, net threc years as stated in the article. The Free Press apologizes for any misunderstanding that may have resulted from the errors. p 0 * now at Arthur Murray! Dirty Dancing taken fram the movie is just anc af the marn' hot dances wc tcach. Tauch dancing is bock. along vvth cool maves and sexier steps. Tauching has nover been sa much f un. ime ta leam bady language ln yaur dancing and watch your partners express themselves. Fast dance, slow dance, apen free style - learn tem ail. be gaad! 409.Brock stSI., Whltby, Ontarlo. 430-0014 ~PP5I/P/fMMI suv.mn;s [ 1O~% F F Napkins * Plates a Tableware e Classes a Decoratic>ns Stock up now for the Christmas Season! MYLAR MADNESS Ail Standard Shape Mylar Balloons Regular $3.99 NOW $2.49 OUR BALLOONS ARE INFLATEDI OUR PRICES AREN'T. ESTI-IET IC BOUTIQUE Offerfng a fui! range of... PRODUCTS BY - Ellen Betrix - Jessica - Gehwol - Clayton Shagal SERVICES " Facials " Manicures " Pedicures " Waxing " Brow & Iash tints " Electrolysis " Make up applications " Gift certificates TUES. - THURS. 10 - 8 MR. 10 - 6SA. 9- 2 101:'î MARY ST. W., WHIT BY L 666-4715 123 Broçk St. S0&YJAAa Downtown Whitby 6630 666-3551 __________ control ...Ànothei candidate claimning he intraduced the rallway crossing an Brock St. rve been advocating that since 1955, and actively on cauncil since 1964 ... That's one I dlaim... Free Pr...: -le there anything e1.. you'd k. to, bring up which w. haven't covered? T.E.: I hope that when the dust settles, I hope I wil be re-elected, and that some of the negative comments that I heard will disappear. Unfortunately, it appears there are stili rescntmente and irritations which have lasted since the Iroquois Park dispute ... Life's too short ...I1 would like to sec greater cooperation, pence made bctween the council of Whitby on the one hand and people on the heritage levels and Historical Society, including the (publisher) of thie newspaper, bury the hatchet, and concede that the past ie past. Lynde House je where it ie. Let's talk about preserving what there je now ... I do hope there' somne1 method of persuading people ta corne together... a lis 1 r-

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