Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1988, p. 17

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WITBY FRE PRESS.,WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1988,, PAGE. 17 SMUNICIPAL ELECTION 'gg8 MEET 111ECANDIDATES CENTRE WARD, Free Press: What do you think an example put a $-100,000 house failures. I have to agree with a lot going to dump harniful waste into the aetemajor issues of this next to a $5lek os ndsr iohr onilr ndpol ntw lake and have to drink it themselvee, election? balance it in the neighborhood. That that we should have put away the Saving our downtown, promoting G.K.: The issues I feel are doesn't work today. People with a money for a dump site years ago. our downtown and making it an important in this election have to be $200,000 house, by today's dollars, That's going to be a critical factor, attractive place to do business is taxes and planning, those are my two don't want somebody with a $75,000 we've got less than two years left for going to be an issue, especially the major conceras. Some of the house beside them, or a subsidized dumping. Brock corridor area. I would like to municipalities in Toronto kept their housing. We have to redistribute, you As for accomplishments, the see it done in a way that we don't lose tax rate down close to inflationary just can't mix them ail into one pile growth of Whitby>s industries froni our amail town community image. lovels, four to five per cent. I'don't and throw them in a subdivision ... I council's or Bob's (Mayor Attcrsley) We can grow but we can also keep it think the Town really took a close don't think people accept that. Once it encouragement, I think that's a major attractive, we don't have to lose enough look at how we spent our was the end-all and be-aIl, but accomplishment ... Generally Ive been something in the transition of mony. omeims ter& anowadays, what we have to do is pleased with the community, te growing. If we have participation with misunderstanding about what the when we croate a subdivision is community spirit in Whitby. The the citizens and the people who own municipalities can and can't do in a gently integrate the houses together heritage people and the cornnunity, the places, and direction for the cost sens.Iidsm wokfrte swednthvpopecmain. groups have done a good job of architecte to work in, we can have an City of Oshawa over the yeare, with FËree Press: What do you think keeping the town spirit alive. It's a esthetically pleasing town. My biggest my uncle, we did some janitorial were the major accomplishments- good community... thing is sight pollution, I hate big work, for example. We gave them a Ifailures of the Iast three years? If we can direct the planning the signe ail over the streete...Pd like cost that could just blow the G.K.: rd have to say overrapid right way, we can turn it around and them 'ail back on the building. Let's competition away. The City could not growth and not enough foresight in use it to our advantage... make it'pleasing to the eSie and keep do the job we could do for the same planning. Somebody said Whitby's Free Press: What do you think that town image. prcwith the benefits they have to been an easy pushover for developers, will be the most contentious The development of. the harbor Gln on rows i pay. I think we have to look, and I and we put in huge developments. issues on council's agenda for the area,- Coscan's development, rm ail in 34think Small Business Magazine For example, Hwy 12 paet Rossland next three years? favor of cieaning up McNamara's - 4yrs aid mentioned it, at alternatives to doing ]Rd., we get a hell of a lot of traffic G.K.: On major issue coming is the mess. In think it'e a good idea that -lifetime resident of Durham a lot of work and subbing that work going north there now and there'e the LASCO berm, I mean thats on the Town is letting a developer do it, - lived in Whitby 9 yrs out. I don't personally feel that, at Ontario govorament not wanting ta everybody'e mid. I arn in favor of an it takes the anus off the taxpayer ... I -self-employed freelance writer present, the Town is looking into that put the rooney out for the road environniental study on it. iAsco can't seS any problemn with it (Coscan & uins mr (eto c>k enough. expansion. Maybe we could have has alwaye been a good corporate develapment), (although) the &asn eur anity)n oc Planning is a big issue, and it'E turned- arcund to some of the citizen. We have to get back to basice apartment buildings are a littie toa an iplomain Pbli very broaad..It goes back to the officiai developers and said 'There isn't the here. LASCO is recydling automobiles, high, rd like ta keep those down to a A dilmintratiDc a plan, it's 15 years old. I think the guyE facilities or we don't allow the buses, we are getting rid of sanie of our mliimum... Admnitrtin uramthat set it up had the right intentionE we can't ailow the development at this waste. Ia any new project, we're 0Of course, affordaible housing wilI College originaily, but 15 years later, thc time.1" I know we can't restrict growth going ta have a bit of risk, but rm not be a big factor in the next few yeare. - Certificate in Environmental mood has changed. I remember when but we maybe ehould limnit it ta saying we should risk aur lives. The We have to set our minde straight, Horticulture - Durhami Collego I was in college back in the mid-70s, smalkr jobs.. people who work at LASCO, some of whether it be townhouses or detached -marricd, 2 childrenth cocpoflangwagrt rd say the'up of course, is on the executives, thcy live in Whitby, plans to integrate neighborhoods. Af everybody's mind. It's one of the too. They're not stupid, they're not SEE PAGE 30 Free Press: What do you think how ta keep the character of the town. you'il isolate the downtown and that's Free Press: How do you view are the major issues of this And I think the needs of seniors is not what we want to do...Keep it the roie of planning in Whitby? election? very important. The population is gaing on Hwy 2, keep the businesses Where would you draw th.e fine S.S.: I guese like everyone else, rd growing older, more people live longer, happy. I know. between the rights of each say grawth is the major issue and how we have have a lot of seniors in aur Free Press: How would yoei deal landowner vs. -the rights of the tcontain tA town is like a persan, community. They have a lot of neede with the question of affordable community as a whole? and should grow with dignity. We that aren't addressed at the present housing? S.S.: That's a tough question, but I want ta keep aur character and it will time - places at a bus stop, they don't S.S.: I don't think it's adequate and think it's compromise aIl the way. take a lot of planning and insight to have shelters close ta the senior I don't think it can ever bo adequate. Anybody that wants ta develap land, do that. I think a woman wha can citizen buildings, they should have And I guose rm like a lot of people, I unlese it conforme ta what's around take the tume and look at the different those when waiting for a bus... don't know what affordable housing and is approved, thon that's fine ... it plans ... see how they're going ta fit in, Free Press: What are the limite is. Affordable housing on a $30,000 should conforen, it shauld have cnn add a lot ta this development. Ites to growth? salary may be affordable for someone character, it should imprave the & high tume a woman had a look at the S.S.: rm not expcrienced yet ta withaut children. But for samebody area ... If it doesn!t, thon maybc the situation. You need somebody that's know how I would limit growth...but with children, it's different. I think developer needs some information and Ibeen around as -long as I have, who you do have ta grow and do it with it's very difficult now for young guidance on how ta develop that bas a deep loyalty ta the town, that dignity. Everytime thore's develop- people, young couples, ta get homes land... w .,, ,.. really wants ta cantal develop- ment you have ta look at it seriously... unlese you have a family backing Free Press: What are the limite mcnt...Yau'vc got ta have growth ... but Free Press: As Whitby grows, them up, I don't really know how they of commercial growth? Do you you have to contral it, you have ta traffic becomes an increasing do it. Sa I do think that there should think the Town should limit the have it lit in. Whitby bas ta keep its problem. What initiatives/changes be affordable housing. With rent number of new commercial plazas identity. would you advoeate to reduee the contraIs, if theyre left, we're nat or should the marketplaoe de.-âde Free Pres: What do you think problem? gaing ta get it in apartment buildings. who survives? were the major accomplieliment- S.S.: Therc's been talk of ane-way I think of Town-subsidized S.S.: I don't think we should have S rl' < tt/failures of the last three years? strecte on Coîborne and Mary, Im nat housing, but how that can be worked strip plazas with donut shaps e, S.S.: I can't criticize, I haven't been for that at ahl. I think that would into subdivisions, I don't know. Whcn shape along Hwy 12 and Hwy 2, Shir,,,,y Sc ttan council. I think thcy've donc a destroy beautiful homes and take a developer cames in with a plan, anymore than we have right naw. I - former partner in reasonable job ... thcy work hard, theY away from the character of Whitby. maybe he should give back ta the think they should be rcstricted if w try ta contrai growth, retain heritage And rm not s<> sure that downtawn Towna certain area where the Town can do it ... I will find that out, and I Whiitby Fabries and so on. But sometimes maybc they traffic is aIl that harmful., 've been can have subsidized housing. Maybc wiil work againet it if I can. - rsien o Cetr w rd haven't got enaugh time te look after in business, and the more traffic the that's a way of doing it, I don't know, Free Prese: What about the - reidet o Cenre ard ail the issues as a persan, such as better. And aur business district is Fm not that cxpericnced. Subsidized future of Port Whitby? Do yoei for 25 yrs myself, would do... not very extensive. If people have ta housing is good at the beginning, but support high nuse'development? - married, grown Fre Prose: What do You think slow down through tewn, it's notfor a neyer after a subdivision has been S.S.: Port Whitby shauld ho will b. the maut contentious items long time, jt's mavbe live, 10 minutes. completed - if people camne in and sec devclapcd, it's long overdue. Buildings children on cou.ncil's agenda for the next I wauldn't change that for the plans, say alright, this part is for shauld nat be as high ýas the (Cascan) three years? anything, getting rid of thc traffic onl subsidized housing, or affardable S.S.: Once again, I guese growth, Hwy 2. If you take alternate routes, housing, whatevcr yau want to, caîl it. SEE PAGE 30 eJoan Skelton - 33 years od - resident of Whitby 6 years - Executive Assistant to MPP Norah Stoner - Journalism graduate - Durham College - married Fr.e P- -3t do you think are the .4aor issues of the election? J.S.: Rather than calI theni issues, n' going te caîl thcmn concerne because I don't particularly care for the tcrmn issues because it denotes a disagreement and I dont think thre can be too much disagre. -t on t thinge I regard as cancerns. Sa perhaps if I outline the areas have priorities in. The first anc that I wil mentian, although not in any particular order, is the escalating growth rate. It is necessary for services ta bc in place ta meet the rapid rate of development. I think in-filling is another area that I wiil address as a councillor. I think it'is neccssary that in-filling is compatible with the developroont that is currently in place. For example if it is a single-family residential area and there happens ta be an cmpty lot acrass the raad and the owner is proposing ta put up a six-story apartroont building, weil that's not compatible with what's already there. The municipality bas ta consider the commente of the area residents and even if there isn't any objection, they can look at it from a municipal viewpoint - is that what you want te sec happen? Free Presse Are there other concerne? J.S.: Oh yes another area of eoaoern for me is traffic. There are a fcw things in the aspects cf traffie that I would like te sec improved. I would like te sec Rossland Rd. cxtended through ta Ajax. That would take same of the pressure off Hwy 2 in the downtawn area. I wauld like ta sec truck traffic rcroutcd over te Thickson Rd. from Brack St Brock is the main arterial rond in the municipality - it is highly congested now and I would like ta sec if possible - at least investigate it ta the fullest extent and if that means gaing ta the Ministr$' of Transportation because it is a provincial highway thon sa be it. And aIea the situation on Athol St. 1 think needs ta ho addressed by council. I think there neede ta be a stop sign on Athol St. Other thinge that I ami concerned about are aff*ordable housing. I think the municipality has ta take mare ofa roIe in the area of supplying mare moderate ta low-cost housing for singles, families, seniors, the disabled. Not everyone can afford ta buy a $200,000 home - it's not realistic. I really want the Town ta look at establishing a housing corporation - it works in Ajax. I think environmental issues are a big anc tao and I think it's absolutelY imperative for the environment te be considcrcd in land use planning and dcvelopment and I say that because I attended a cornmittec meeting when the Lynde Shore secondary plan was being diecuseed and I was surprised te leara that there wasn't an cnvironmental impact study donc before it reached the committec level which was discussing whether ta approve the plan or not. Wc have ta look at what impact development and land use planning bas. Other environniental issues are waste management but it may not not be a local municipality issue but it certainly is an issue. And a local council certainly can put pressure an the regional council ta impreve waste management - reduce, recycle, reuse. Durham's doing a lot in that area but I think a lot more can be donc. I was pleased ta red~d about the pilot project for leaf composting. These are al thinge that will reduce the dependancy on landIill and I think they're very positive thinge. The municipality can take a lead raIe through purchasing policies, for example buying only lctterhead that's donc on recycled materaI - it's available; buy it. Stop buying styrofoani cups - buy only cupe that don't damage the environment. As a local council we can take a lead raIe and putting same pressure on the regioànal goverament ta go it alone in termes of waste management and landfill and say te Metra, no, we don't want any more Metra garbage in Durhami - weUi talce care of our own garbage thank you very much and away we go. Free Pree Loodag back oYver the last thie. years ci coundil, what would yoez regard as its maj0V failures «V ccmlih mente? J.S.: I can honestly say that nothing cames readily to mind se 1 reaily can't say. Free Prose: Do you think that Whitby in growing too faut? J.S.: I would lave ta be able ta say "Let's stop growth" but I can't say that. We have ta ensure that the services are in place - roade, street lighting, ire protection, hospital services - ail those things you have ta, have - the support structure. We have ta make sure that the growth wo're getting is the kind of growth that is good- for the municipality - a good mix of housing, a good mix in the industrial base. We need ta attract mare job creating industry, I mean, we've got the people here, we have to build on it, mnake sure that the municipality is able ta survive independcntly and that it can sustain the population that it has. Fre. Proese: Has the town don. enough about affordable housing? J.S.: No. Fr.. Proe: Would you like to uee a more even mix in developmentu au they are being built? J.S.: Yes. Take an exaniple. you've got ]and with single-famudly bouses - $250 ta 300 thousand 4-bedroom houses, beautiful, and thcre's an empty parcel of ]and across the street zoned low-density residential. Pcoplc who bought houses and asked wyrr told it was low-dcnsity. Counci SEE PAGE 30

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