Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1988, p. 16

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PAGE i6, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WE...DNESDAY,'NOVEMiBER 9,1988 MUNICIPAL ELECTION ' 88. MEET THER CANDIDATES CENTRE WR Free Prese: What do you think St. Even people on Green St. and L.B.: Yes, I do, though you caret simple yes or no. As an example, the ame the major issues of this othor streets are worried about ail control growth ini ternris-of saying no Brock S t. S. corridor study indicates elecionthe additional traffic flow. They'd like more houses. You can just try te stop that for commercial conversion, they L.B.: There are a number of issues, to sce more four-way stops put i. and take a deep breath and say it's have to have the approval of each the first one being anything related to Whcther we deal with the Province or tume te review the officiai plan and individual site. I think th at's very planning. People off on the side however it's dealt with, rd look at look at where we're going in the important, that is does conformn to streots, rve found, are quite eliminating truck traffic on Brock St. future -and what do we want te the surrounding neighborhood. If 5concerned about what's taking place, altogether, and alleviating ail the accept. zoning is already in pince for in ternis of what they can expect i additional congestion on Brock St.~ Free Press:' How would you deal commercial, you can't argue with the future. Down at the harbor, itself, taking off some of the on-street wlth 'the question ci affordable that, and most people would be aware there's a lot of concern down there parking at the four corners. Moving it housing? of that. But for rezoning, it has te ho ..about the type of development that!s off during rush hour periods would L.B.: First, it's important te say what's best for everybody as a whole. * going in. Yet a lot of people want be better. what affordable housing is. In my You've got te try to consider the * development there, and I do, too. But Froc Pre: What do you think mind, affordable housing means a individual's concern, but at the saine sé I just don't think we should just give we the major aecompllshment proper mix of housing available te tume, corne up with something that carte blanche te the developer and let or failures of the lest three everybody. would be best for everybody. So theni build whatever they want. years? First-time homebuyers, young there's no pat answer. * Thore han to be sonie controls and L.B: Some of the weaknesses were people that have lived i Whitby ail Free Preess What are the limite guidelines set up, I think that's very that members of coundil, ini dealing their lives, are getting married and of commercial growth? Do you important. . ~~~~with planning matters, weren't strong want a house, obviously can't aorda thnteTon hudlmite Another issue is traffic. Truck enough ini dealings with dovelopment, $300,000 home. They would certainly iiunÙber of new commercial plazas traffic is a major concern for people in the downtown area especially, ini like te have a condominium or or should the marketplace de-cide off Brock St. and, of course, on Brock simply negotiating better types of tewnhouse, that's at leat a Who survives? St. The concern there is twofold: one development. . reasonable price. That's my idea of L.B: I would look at it in ternis of Lynda Buffett is the noise, and the second is the The second weakness rve seen and affordable housing. The only way you density of the population, look at damage that it does ta the roads and continue to hear about is the lack of can do that, again, is by looking at what percentage of square footage of -37 er l sideroads. The sidestreets have conmmunication between' residents the officiai plan. Things like changigcommePr cial space is available and sec. yer odenough problenis now, needing new and counicillors. They have ta wait designations froni what they were to that it's balanced out. Right now - lived in WTitby sidewalks and gutters and so forth, until the problem. occurs before they lower density was a mistake. I we've got s0 many strip plazas and so 12 years and the truck traffic seens to be communicate, and you should have an wouldn't necessarily agree with many different business areas that we causing a lot of ndditional problenis. ongoing communication. That's subsidized housing. I tbink affordable probably have more than enough te do - post secondary at The other probleni with trafflic is with something IL plan te look aftor on a housing should iust be a proixcr mix. us for the next 10 years. Ryerson the GO train in the future. People are regular basis by having a quartcrly Free Proe: How do you view the Free Proe You've alread conccrncd, they already have a lot of newsletter even if I have te pay for it role of planning ini Whitby? Where diseU5eed Port Whitby. Do you - Sales consultant- - traffic congestion coming off of Brock out of niy own pocket. would you draw the line betwoen OufflSt ig hI rise developmont? insurance St. on te the sidestreets into the Free Prose: Do y4Rz thiii the righte of oach landowner vs L.B.: When I was asking questions neighborhood areas, and they're Whitby is growing toe f eWash rgt f0 tecm uiy ftepanning directo e ek single conoernedthe aboutofofthe c childrenthe pl gafetyewwe__ esocireail otthe ciproei of Atol are the limite to growth? a whole? esecaly it teprblm f thlL.B.: Thate hard to answer with a SEE PAGÉ 28 * rce Pross: What do you feel seemd te ho cleaned up a bit and probleins. probleni, then, yes. are the major issues of this elec. Pearson Lanes was a very nice FrePoe eta h Of Fo rs:Hwwudyuda tion? project as weil as the condominiunis the Town or tice chool boards? wt fodbohuig J.D.: Awareness of the downtown across the streot froni it. They are J.D.: I holieve it ehould ho taken J.D.: Having ail now developments core through the use of pamphlet bringing back the beauty of the care of by hoth. The Town should include a certain percentage of outlining services, shops and park downtown area. The strip joint make sure sornething is done either affordable housing for ail but the ...... ..........ing. People arcn't aware of wherc the controversy was well taken care of, we through them or by badgcring the exlsv huig, ik eecto parking is, how much it casts. Also, basically made sure no new ones school board. huig ehv agttebidr th ed ofthe elder and ihndh wouId be put in and the ones that are And make sure that the Downtown to produce affordable housing. icappedwthrrnsad iht n h l there are operated s0 that it's not Business Improvemont Area contin- Fe rs:D o likw downtown area. I know Whitby is FrePts:ioli hikw ver god fr he ctul trets ut affecting the other citizens who donet ucs ta get support. They've donc a have enougi affordable housing in sanie of the shops downtown there gofrta.ob Whitlby? Or do we need more? ar scpup. heThe completion of the Rossland Rd. Free Prose: Do Yeu think J.D.: As it stands now, we seem to orsane ofth less busy intersec- area that thcy are just finishing off Whitby is growing tee fast? have enough. That's basically because tions there isn't enaugh time for now, that was vey much needed. And J.D.: I don't think it is growing too we are out of the Toronto area and it people ta cross. l've talked to someo the fact that sorne of the other roado fast as long as wo cari contrai how it rnay flot seemn affordable to some but * the senior citizens about that. The have been flxEtd up is good but wc is growing. Becauso theres nothing it is a mattor of opinion. People intersection at Hickory and Dundas have te keep u" with that. I know a we can really do te stop the growth. mvn u rr oot ol ge St. E. is a bad anc and at Dunlop and few reads, anc heading down towards Not with the GO trai coming in. It's there is affordable housing where as Brock St. S. is a slow anc alsa. thc Ladies Colloge (Trafalgar Castle) inevitable that it is going ta grow. some other people may nat. la Part Whitby devclopment, I've is a mess. Just the gencral upkeep of Froc Prose: As Whitby growe, coniparison ta other places, I would liked the plans. I'vc seon theni. You thc town has been well donc. traffie is going to bocome an say, ycs, we -have ,enough affordablo would have ta get a geologist ta sec Froc Prose: What do you think increaeing problem i Whitby. housing. how strong the land is for the 22- will ho the most contentious Can you suggost any Free Prose.: How do you view story buildings but 1 don't even issues on eouncil's agenda in-the initiatives/changes to roduce -the the râle 0f planning iWhitby? eJeiff efi eappose hi how eor ,Zithe devlopr next three ycars? problem? Where would you_ drawe the lino Defi ney andswi counciatt hat itiwr J.D.: Makng sure that the J.D.: This may not sit wll with btwen the rigts'f a landowner 24yer odThe GO train is an issue. If wo can Rossland Rdlilrock St. complex is sanie people but over the next 10 ta 15 and the rigits et, the community - 2 yers ldupgrade Whitby transit enaugh that donc properly. Watching out for years, we are going ta have ta look as a whole? - esdet fCetr w rd pople will ho willing ta teke the bus developers, such as the Perez Corp., into major one-way streets, Dundas as J.D.: I would have ta go: with- the resientof Cntr a d own ta the GO station that would that counicil has been scrutinizing one, and a second street. With the lnndowncr. It'e hie land. Ho, paid for 20 years -alleviate a lot of traffic problemns. closely, continue that. If they do existing buildings as they stand you it. Theré 'should ho bylaws stipulating - Gr. 12 Free Prose: Wliat do you tliink approve the Coscan proposal at Part canet make the streets wider. hoe canet do outrageous thinge..But it wore the major aceomplieliments/- Whitby, make sure that it falîs into Free Prose: North and souti nmust ho kept within: limite.",People - employed at Radio. failuros of the last three years? the future plans for the town and it one-way streets as weil? canet have to niuch' power over Shack J.D.: Growth was pretty steady is scrutinized during dcvclopment. J.D.: If it cornes down ta that. rrn private property that'e not acceptable. during that tirne and it was welî Looking into new schooling and not sure if that's ioing te ho as much taken care of. The downtewn core trying ta lead out sorne of the portable of a probleni. If it does show the SEE PAGE 28 John Doistra - 33 years old - resident of Whitby approx. 10 yrs - 2 yrs at U. of Waterloo - employed at GM 15 years - married, 2 childi-en Froc Prose: Wiat do you thlnk are the major issues cf thie elee- tion? J.D.: We have a number of thern as far as l'm concerned: the lack of growth at Whitby General Hospital in a cammunity of 51,000 plus; the downtown area could ho destroyed by plnzas, let's keep its character; Port Whitby, and 1, in this carnpaign, have corne out saying surely we could make this area a people's place and anc the citzene can ho proud of, trafflc congestion, the Henry-Burns ,-t. area where we need etoplighits, the Manning-Garrard St. area whr wo need stoplights, Athol St. where wo need four-way stops and no park- ing signe, crosswalks at Henry and Mary, probleme on the Byron St. area north and south; wator and sewer probleis i the Clear Springs area and other areas of the centre ward, including Chestnut St. Froc Prese: What do you tink were tie major accompllshments/- falluros of tic last three years? J.D.: One of the failures wo had not remnoving the aId hontei Whitby harbor... We needed federal approval and wo didn't get it. And the grawth of Whitby je too fast, although Fra not opposed ta growth. 1 think there's many issues in the centre wnrd that have to ho laoked at hofore wo go any farther. 1 think it's an issue, and hopefully, if l'rn elccted, thnt's anc of the things we'll be Iooking at. In the indu striallrnanu facturi ne sector, we need mare jobs in the tawn of Whitby. XVe lost the Cadbury plant, 420 jobs out flic door. 1 know a lot of these people have fou nd other jobs, but that doesn't salve the problem. We nced industry. I like the growth of Whitby, 1 believe there's nothing wrong with growth and revenue caniing mn, but ît's the way it's going...I think our property taxes are high enough, it warks out to a 7.9 per cent increase per year over the last three years. I realize Ajax and Pickering are hiqý- her, but look at Newrnarket where it is a lot lower and they have growth the samë as wo do. 1 think they're controlling growth hotter than what Whitby is as far as revenue coming i. Sa it (growth) has got is pros and cons. Froc Prose: le Whltby growlng too faet? J.D.: 1 think it is hocause we have problenis in different areas like the centre ward which has hoon neglec- ted over the years - culvert problerne, water problenis, sewer probleme. Before we keep going as wo are, probleme in the contre ward should ho looked after .. One of the bigger problerne l'ni looking at it is in the Clear Spring area where there are water and semer problenis. That pro- bleni was hocauso of developrnent. These people should ho compensnted for the problenis that they do have, flot by the Town but by the develo- p or. That's the type of thing F'm Iooking at. They want ta build, fine, build, we'l look at different things But we'll start bargnining real tough.: Froc Prose: Wiat are tic limite te growth? J.D.: One way wo can start ta limit growth is ta take a took nt proper zoning. lnstead of mnking changes right away in the zoning * when sarneone wants a rezoning, let's see what they the zoning change for ... Perez is an example. I think it was in 1978 they had a zoning change, the zoning is thoré, and now they came forth with a site plan application that was turned down. Yau can reet assured they're going te wia that at the 0MB, but not te the honefit of the community, only te the honefit of the develaper. Let's cantrol that.. -lets reason. There's too mnny of these thinge coming back te haunt us down the rond. Free Prose: How would you deal wti affordable iouslng? J.D.: You mean subsidized housing. In not opposed ta lower incarne hausing, there~s n desperate neod for it but it has te ho cantrolled. I don~t want ta see developers and builders slpig affardable housing, which is fuddby the provincial goverament, in an area of $200,000 homos and sny "Fao bad if you don~t like, thnt'e the way it is." I think these buildings should ho put in on hohaîf of the cammunity, lot the conununity knaw what's gain g on, and not get inte a dilemma like we had at Regency Village where 1 live. This way, every- body in the community is happy. 1 think people shouîd have a sny when it cornes ta the site plan application, have their input, have the Ibuilders there. Thnt's a very tauchy issue but there is a need for lower incarne housing. When it's funded by the provincial government, aur. people should have a say, and a big say, hofore they.even consider it going in. Free Prose: How-do you vicw tho role af planning iWitby? Where would yau draw betwcen tic rights cf oaci landowner vs the rigite of theceommunity as a whole? J.D. : To ho honeet, Id like te SCO sanie of the downtown buildings lixed up. If ,samebody wante te -fix theni up, fLx them up ta what they werc as far as the character of the Town af Whitby. I think we're loeing that ... Let's preserve the character of the tewn. Nobody wants te sec the whole downtown destroyed and tetnlly new. I think there should ho same input. Let people express their views. Free Prose: What arc tic limite of commercial growth? Do you tink tic Town siould limit tic number of new commercial pie- zes or ehould tic marketplece decide wio survives? J.D.: Lct's not allow the downtown area ta ho destroyed by plazas. Let's p ut in proper zoning and take a good look at what we're doing, because this centre ward is the heart of Whitby. Let's analyze -it, look at the map and say What, are we dcaling with here?" The heart of Whitby is here -and 1 dont't want ta see that destroyed. Froe Presà: Se you would advo- cato limitlng plasà?'- -ý!-. J.!).: Ahsalutely, no doubt about it, especially on the Brock St. 'arcâ. SEE PAGE 28 .1

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