Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1988, p. 15

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IIT-TMD«r lc)vvniDaaximKmznAv PTwTL'mfflL'Dn QI oaa DPÀ(-5r. lx mental deliciencies as if it was a new 25 years ago when I first became a Free Press: Can we limit in Durham, we may be successful... concepat... It's been member of this council. And I notice growth? Free Press: What are the limite .with us for a long time. 'I hope, your news aper accuses me of having T.E.: No question about that. We of commercial. growth? Do you however, that the emphasis wil remilt an attitu e ta return (ta the past) used to have what is known as an think the Town should limit cd in compelling the town of Whitby, from time to time. The reason I do sa industrial -standards bylaw, which nuniber of new commercial plazai council and regional council of is because rve learned by my said if you want to build a residential or should the marketplaee decide Durham to do something about it. nijatakes. home of any type in Whitby, yau must 'who survives? I don't know about the incinerator, We had a policy established in either provide a job-producing facility I wish we could go back six years in mny view, the jury is stili out on 1964, when I first became a member or else you provide money ta buy land in this community...This cauncil that one. But I know that they have of council, that said no single family and provide a place where those jobs allowed a single family residence been effective in the past, and-I know dwellings wauld have a frontage of can be incorporated. When I Ro location ta be rezoned and allowed a that the residue of incinerators has less than 50 feet. Theres no magic in knocking fromn door ta door and commercial plaza ta go i at Chestnui been used ta reclaim lands that were that, it doesn't mean that the home is somebody tells me that we're going and Brock-That gave everybody els< otherwise worthless. But also when better, or is better situated. What it too quickly (I'm talking about people licence ta say 'Me too." Thats where they were in operation, we were not does do is give us a negotiating tool who have some inside knowledge, the problem took place, in my aware of the toxic nature of the with the developers we corde up former politicians and sa on), I say view ... There are mistakes that we'v outcome. Sa the jury is open on against. It came in very handy ta perhaps we should bring back the peribrmed, council has performed, incinerators, they may or may not be improve a planning concept, a industrial credits bylaw. Then the that the. community allowed ta of assistance ta us. subdivision concept. I believe we rosponse is "Oh no, that's toc severe." happen without really great What I am convinced of, and what should have held on ta that, we ought Sa it wvould appear you can't win. protest ... Legally there was nothing we I have been agitating for, for the past not ta have discarded it as easily as I have advocated controlled could do about the medical centre eight years at least, is that the Region was done ... that was a mistake. growth, although I arn content with building..ULt's learn froni these of Durham has got ta look after its I wish that the counicil (again the rate that we have expanded at. I mistakes then, let's change the Tom E wardsown needs...From an econoniic point talking about regrets) had somnehow believe we would have a better downtown zoning bylaws ta prevent it of view, we can look after ourselves, been able ta avoid the lack of community if we retained those froni happening in the future. - 62 years old therefore I think we ought ta be cooperation with the media, in bargaining tools which we appear ta Fe rs:Wa bu h reien fWhty providing a garbage disposai locaation particular, the Whitby Free Press. I have given up. future of Port- Whitby? D)o you - eieto M b for the population of Durham. This spent a lot of my time on council Free Prose: How would you &al support high-rise development? 33yaswill not be any cheaper than going at trying ta persuade the downtown with the question of aff-ordable T.E.: Well here I go again, dipping 33yer it with Metro, in fact, initiaily, it wiîî business people that we need a local housing? into the past. I rely an it because - empioyea by CUPE be more expensive; it certainly won't newspaper, and we need one which 15 I urge anybody who has concerns we've been through these arguments - lt lete t cunil be any sooner, but neither will it be conversant and aperates exclusively about the cooperative housing concept before. When I came on cauncil in 1964 q ekercifwe go wth Metr in the town af Whitby. We had one ta go visit Athol.Green, it's been up 1964, there was stifi a dlemina in Fukr i ee os WhaMt do yu1~ such, and unfortunately in the last for 20 years...I just visited the the council af that day whether 196 maredree tis majorat oeomplieint three years particularly, has arisen Ribblesdale cooperative subdivision, Whitby harbor should be an -___________________ /filres the ajrst thresenyo -s? very severe disagreement between the 90.odd units...We gat 'the 16 senior industriaV/commercial harbor or T.E.: rm pfhelasd that ee ent people who rua the Whitby Free Press citizen units on Centre St. opposite sornething else. It wasn't until we had Fre Prse:Wha doyouthik aEd wih roqas Parta e et and the Town of Whitby council. To the Centennial centre. There was a a number af studies andi we invited a ree thessmajor o ssuesothis exendth we oqdisd arka thsey some extent that was largely brought lot af concern about that concept in umber of expert people ta aur amleeton? or sapposnte thasexe t we didI o coplet about by the Lynde homue dispute. the town in 1964. 1 foel there is a community to look the fflace over that E.:Teqetion of arbge he ob tdo the eidescopitethe But underneath everything, it's great deal less taday as. a resuit of we were advised it was geographically disposaiis onumstioneofe's mince. tesmob ount having st taelsimmering, and it causes the Whitby aur experience with those particular and physically one af the best dipslis tho ab tythe Tow ndta wrever we sabli hanew adty. e Free Press ta express itself in a buildings. recreational harbars on Lake Ontario. Another steaiiyothTont hrvrw salsa e alt. certain editorial fashion. Like Sa we have an obligation, provided Sa that's the direction in which we cape flot only with the extremely aid People will stili have ta travel ta that ayoy else, rm consciaus I can we don't take people by surprise, go... areas of the town i termis of streets, facility. The alternative is ta previde make mistakes and sa can the What I do abject ta is that we allow One of the first things I became sidwalcs ndpavmensbutals areceatoncenre n verbod'scouncil. But when we hear comment people ta buy single famuily homes in involved in, i 1976 or 1977, was the with the comparatively newer backyard. That, obviously, is nat an excîusiveîy negative, continuousîy certain locations, and the grounci need ta provide sanitary sewer locations such- as West Lynde, appropriate consideration. Sa rITi negative, then you tend ta disregard it next ta them is zoned single family facilities ita the Port Whitby area. It Garrard ]Rd. area and Meadow Ores. happy we made improvements taoaur and the value of that criticism is lost. residential, and then we attempt ta was constant flooding, constant where subdivisions have boeni palce recreational nocds. I wish that could have been avoided. I change that zoning. That's not fair... back-ups because we had a sewer pipe for about 32 years and are now rm reasonably satisfied with the certainly will do what I can ta Free Press: As Whitby grows, which was established i 1914 ... That beginnig ta deteriarate. That's an way the town has developed. I overcome what I soc ta be a deficiency traffic wil beeome an increasing has kept us gaing until this time. It issue that's going ta taice much ai aur recognize, that new deveiopment if I return ta cauncil. problem. What initiatives/changes wasn't until the late 70s when we attention in the initial months of the brings iconvenience to immediate Fe rs:D o hn ol o doaet euetebgnt akaotipoig(fe new coundil. People want an neighbors and to the whole Fo roe'Doye til ould o avcaetordu the begn a akaoutixnpo fng ( tatr assurance that somethiug wiil take community in termis af increased Whitby is growing too fast? be? they Reionacgon erieetsa place, they don't expect it ta be donc traffic. But the increased traffic, ta a T.E.: No. Again, I think we coulc T:E.: We have to go to the thy eracigocrirrprs overnight... large extent, is brought about by have used that bargaining tool. But _,provincial governvment....It might be which the tawn of Whitby had .Going back ta garbage disposai, rmi activity outside aur boundaries. aur rate ai growtb, altbougb higher pie in the sky, but I think if we can provided, which showed that need. a littie arnused that people ail of a On the negative side, I wish we than the regional average, is still less make a canvincing case, and SEE PAGE 23 quciden have discavered environ- had maintained the standards we had than in Ajax and, Pickerng. supported by aur fellaw murncipahitics Affordable housing. That might think it was good itfie sense that E.G.: If I jucige by the flow ai munity as a whole? mean building more apartmcnt they listeneci ta the people. I'm sure traffic in the mornings when 1 drive E.G.: lt's clear that on the one buildings. they wcighcd the matter carefully. ta Scarborough ta work, l'd say yes. hand, the homcawner ought ta have Mare openness in gavernment, that t is good that mare industry bas That's anc reason why. lt's just takes certain rights. If yau're living in an includes making the agenda avail. came into the area. a rainy morning or the time ai year area zonedi residential, you ought not able. For instance when I went ta get And the recyclinq programn, the fact whcn yau get the first ligbt sflOw, ta have a strip parlor put up next ta the agenda for the regional meeting, that we finally dîi get those blue andi you don't want ta have a pro- your bouse. Sa there, the rigbts af couldn't get anc because there was boxes. I'm aware that it involved a blem on the 401, you have it Hwy 2 those individuals have ta be resec- only public copy. Anther individual lot ai bard work by a number ai andi there just scems ta be no escape. ted. I guess anc yardstick would be wha is running in anc ai the local pea %e, especially Mr. Emni, and no The other (reason) is the fnct we techrtraihepriuarng- wards bad already picked it up. Now doub t people fromn Durhami Recy- bave many portables, wbich somne borbood as it exists. B ut there is thien if it's a public copy and tbere's only dm ng, Glenda Gies, for instance. Sa I people consider an eycsare, objection. this other aspect. The municipality, one, it aught not ta be given tbink tbat's something ta be really able, etc. (l'm not completely agaînst the larger social unit if you like, does out...that's not right obviously proud ai because it establishes us as them, you get fresb air tbere). But have some rights, toc. And bere because you should have a sense ai leaders in the area. it's not a good longtcrm solution and you're inevitably then gai ng ta run wbat's going an beforchand. 1 don't Fe rs:D o o n the iact that we bave thern at ail, for itosnepbes.Tenlwa think it's just an organizational pro- failures? the Iength ai tume we've had some ai can sec rigbt naw ta make a state- blem on their part because at the fist E.G.: The fact that we baven't them, is evidence ai aur not having ment about that concern is ta deal regional meeting 1 went ta 1 beard at deait adcquately with zoning pro- considercd the population influx in witb the situation as it arises on a least anc ai the councillors there say blems, or perbaps I sbould say, the relation ta the services that we case by case basis. That is not 'This wns just put on aur dcsks this manner in whicb somne ai those already have. supposed ta mean tbere sbouldn't be morning." issues wcre dealt witb; the mect that Free Press: Are there any a plan. There bas ta be a plan. The oSubstance abuse problems in the you have all these plazas; the fact limite to growth? character af the neighborhood bas ta Ede o ilearca. I was speaking yestcrday with that tbere's even cansideration given E.G.: Let me put it this way, if we bc taken inta account. At the same "Environmentai concerns. Creck U'm BXVIJ noAd7AiA5 Jatss an Ioi. There have ta be explanatians bere for, ta consider alternatives that respansibility ta the business people croion th buldes omeîme Uiimaely n dobttha's n cu- for these probicms. And one are aif bavcn't beon considered), staggcred wbo have already set up their shops. building toc close ta the valeys, an I invalve tic manufacturinq sectar se conern thepprentis the vr ortheiit. work hus. n Taarnt, y'ergFteePros:Would you provide sec near the Corbett Creek arca, that excssive packaging is reducei, wDie sparently ehaotherasSacth speope ae this. a, apparently, were o protection for heritage build- practicaily bulldozing niateriali mtc etc., etc. In the meantime, an a wolceentat ive beigtasect 5 eoplu e r le o t Ilent tiiesta ings? How much? part. ai the valley. The resuitent short-term solution, let's recycle more ticaltht isrgaing ta became reduce rtittbeobi. Tetao ihit E.G.:MTat's a very tough question. érosion problems and, at tumes, poilu- what wc cai. Lct's expand the pr mreducitca.. The mre people become really wrarb itt areul ida elugb Because on the anc hand, anecoculd tion problenis that are concomitant. gram ta include not anîy différent cduaedof The moreheop etonsae ytohraesta are stili f:oldjsts ta e, argei htndvuaowsht The fact that we are losing more ai materialo hut ta unvolve mare people. aacapht hroncinsoaesiiunpieiput eta e geri ty, individe ual owhasethae theoldbuidins. m, ot f t( reePres: iha-do yo thnk the mare changes they will demand, save an extra 15 minutes. That's ail roperty, bdor he t t a bavli e thet theio aid buildingsimnt idtng rete mros:Wat oplou hnk the mare tbcy will want that aur it amounts ta... On the other hanci, anc is, in a sense, opinon hatevcy snglebuidin wee to maor ccoplihmets/ local board ai beaitb, for instance, Fr e Prose: How do you view standingufoanbsrcian over 100 years aidi neoessnrily failures of the iast threo years? iniarni the public concerning wbat is the re oqlnig[nWlb tati h ue orai histrcaciee-n wartby or preservatian. But certainly E.G.: I sec the Decom decision as a advisable and whnt is nat. Wh oe oful gldn rWthe ino mnt at ieveo aicsthetic, arcbiec- those that are beautiful, tbat are triumph. I'm aware that it took a Weewudyuda h ie mnsm oto shtc rhtc designated as heritage sites, cer- certain amaunt ai public pressure for Free Prose: Do you think betwoen the rights ai each land- tainiy thcy sbould bc preserveci. council ta change its opinion. But 1 Whitby ie growing too, test? owner vs the rights ai the com- w it y t 0

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