Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1988, p. 14

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PAGE 14't WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER, 9,1988 '~MUNICIPALELECTION '88. MEET THE:m CANDIDATES REGION routes. And thoee major routes, by early 1970s. That ret needs ta The only true way of getting common persan wae the uppermioet and large need to be establlshed by be explored. But it wfibe a big issue control je tbrough the officiai plan. ini our law. We have changed frm the 1egion of Durham. The Town bas in the town. When you get into an officiai plan it je that . ta civil law, which pute civil . ...tried doing Manning Rd. and somie of Fre. Proe: What do you think a long, drawn out p'oeus. You have riht of an individual. above that. theoterstret. oasnirsDr. bas wee the major aeemli e tat have approval frM the Province Beause we are used to the common to get through, that je the number one or failures of the last three years and the Region of Durham. And it's law view of tbings we have a tendency thing. We- have to find some way to M.B.: That's a difficult one ta deal important that we have someone on ta expect that the individual will accommodate traffie coming from with. Councils do wbat tbey do. regional counicil on that planning euccumb te the comrnon good. In the Oshawa. Sometimes they work out to bc tbe committee because we have many Town of Witby we have officiai plan, We niso need to look at doing right tbing and sometixnes they turn issues that corne from the Town for building codes, plumbing codes.- We something more with Durham Rd. 23 out to be the wrong tbing. This approval and commente and we have have, I bet you, if you've talked ta and getting, perhaps, a IIwy 401 council bas been responsive te the neyer had a representative of Whitby anybody that bas tried te build a connection there; getting Rossland kinde of needs people have expressed there. That situation will be resolved bouse, you would eay that you are Rd. across through Durham te to us. That's really the succese or with the addition of an extra regional overgoverned. Durham Rd. 23, in some proper failure of a coundil based on whetber counicillor. But that sort of changes when you fashion than tbe way it is now; those you can respond to the people you Free Press: How would you get inte a large tract of land and you S transit concerne are very serious. represent. I think the coundil bas deal with the question of have a large subdivision. Wbea you One of the other matters is the done that. You can take issues like affordable housing? Do you think are developing a larger lot, ail of the garbage issue which is sometbing that Iroquois Park or Lynde H-ouse and Witby's reeord is adequate? coste, relatively to wbnt you're can blow up in our face and wind up point at tbem and say bave tbey been M.B.: AlTordable housing is a selling, go down. You bave a legal costing a lot of money on our taxes. I a good tbing and that would depend difficult 'thing to deal with because staff to help you with ail of the don't tbink that wbolc matter bas on what your opinion was on those wbat's affordable. We bave a bot probleme that develop. So I guess it been bandled well. Tbey fumbled the particular items. market in Wbitby rigbt now. I tbink depends on tbe single individual baîl in 1980 wben tbey agreed to get Free Prose: Do you feel that you could put up an outhouse and building a lot or wbetber you are M arcel nruneule in bed with Metro and go with there. Whitb~y is growing tee fast? rent it for a ridiculous price. Sa talking about a large developér. I And Fm not saying that was a bad M.B. I guess rm like evryone else. because market is what we are guess rve got to eay tbat I stili believe -46 years old decision at the time, it was probably I would like the merrygo-round te dealing witb heme, if we really want ta tbat tbe individual bas the rigbt y ýthe only decision tbey could make. stop- and catch my breath. And put in housing that peeple can afford, wben he owne propoerty, to do with - resident of Whitby 19 But tbey sbould have concurrently attempte have been made to do that. wbat we need to do is put bousing in the property, wbat hie wisee. But it mande the decision that, let's start The problem is that a few years ago that is acceptable to the neighbrbood is aiso the municipality's responsi- years working to eeo a fund and a the poica goverument hne standards and not ail in one paes bility, public responsibility, to sc that -Gr 12 location for our own dump site down the Planning Act. When someone tbat you create a ghette but sprrnkled wbatever bappens there is in tune r.the rond. That was sbort-sighted and wanted to take us te the Ontario tbrougbout the comniunity. And then with the rest of the comniunity. - employed at GM I have n lot of probleme with that Municipal Bonrd it would take te a subsidize tbe people wbo are going to Free Prose: Should the Town 30 years kind of short-sightedness because tbnt year. So a developer would think long live there. Tbnt's the wny to do it. limit the number of plazas or let - 5is really not loeking into the future. and bard before doing that. So you Renterprise is one of the ways tbe the marketplaoe decide? - mai ieu,5 children And we can't afford that kind of could get more eut of him. With the Province bas corne up with, that M.B.: Wben tbe plaza on the west government. advent of the new Planning Act, seeme to work to some degree in some end of Dundas St. W. (just west of There are a number of other wbich enys that witbin 60 dnys ail ways. But that je the way to do it. Cochrane St.) was put forward, I Free Prose: What do you feel concerne I bave. The quality of our these rnattere muet bc resolved, the You don't start out and say you're opposed it. That was the wrong thing are the major issues in this drinking water. If you bave ever 01%R seeme te be now tbe tool of the going to build an nifordable bouse. to do. I still thing it was the wrong election? taken a precipitntor and put it in the developer. It used to be tbe tool of the Wth tbe cost of land, with the kind of thing to do. I think there could bave M.B.: To everybody that is a water that you get eut of your tnp and municipality. We bave bnd cases speculation going on, in Whitby, it's been somte nice residential different question. To the person wbo precipitate eut of there, wbat's in that wbere we have negotiated with a unbelievnble wbere you get offers development there, I think the ives in a bouse and hie sidewalk water, it will scare yeu. I promise you, developer and gotten a number of stacked on top of offers. You can citizens in the aren would like te bave neede fixing and hie rond neede fixing, you will net drink that glass of water. thinge from b ire. The Perez imagine wbnt that does te -the price of seen residential development. If we're te bim the issues, are hie particular rve been talking te Pollution Probe development, wbere we got reduced nnything you're going to build On net careful we could make Dundas St. probleme. Tbat's what I bave been about this problemr and tbey really unite, a cemmunity centre put in, and that. Tbe only effective way of W. into a Dundas St. E. wbich is nxy dealing a lot with the lnst six years. don't want te deal with a candidate. unfortunatley the council turned it providing that je if you get inte cencern. I rnised it and eaid it loud' That is aIse a difficult question te They say once you're elected let's work down and the rnatter ie going te the helping the peeple that need belp and vociferously, and it's been picked answer because there are town-wide from the inside. And rm prepared te 0MB. The developer now bas dropped witb funding. And that is net up by otber 'Candidates now and concernes and numerous, rm afraid te do that. ail those requiremente and that is sometbing the Town of Whitby does. they're ai singing the tune and say, street concerais. This new recreation complex that's wbat he bas gone to the 0MB with, Tbe Region doe te some degree in welcome aboard but where the bell One of the reasons Fm running for going te be built up on Rossland Rd. and I den't feresee that we are going identifying these cases. were yeu wben we were, doing, the Region je because there a number of The ceuncil in 1986 feli afeul of that te win that one. Se our community je Free Press: Town planning is a figbt on this matter back in 1987? I things that need te bc done by the and had quite a long debate about it. that mucb poerer because of that. I balance between the rights of a guese that gives you sone indication Region that haven't been done. We And it wae bealtby in a sense that it think that wae a decision based property ewner and the rights Of bow I feel about strip plazas. That have known the GO transit je coming got the cemmunity involved. There because of this fear of growth. People tho conimunity. Where are oY<u being said, the growth of tbe heme for four years, and the last needs te be seme goed, solid debate look at a development like that and inclined te place that balance? downtown core into semething that je election warned everyone we hnd on that complex, how they are going say "Why are you guye doing that,' M.B.: I guese we are having a bit viable, that attracte peeple, because better do something for traffic. It je te fund it. It very much loeks like wc not understanding. People don't of a change in our lawe. We have been there are new things there as well as going te happen because there bas are going te debenture, go into debt, understand the complexities of the under Englieh comnion law for a long SE1AE3 net been establishied sortie major and we haven't done that since the Planning Act. time and wbat was goed for the EPAE3 majer accomplishment getting it landholders at one time se we get it been tbe east-weet arterial. And wben control it. But yeu te reernber if we througb, witbout anyone getting ail on the table. If tbere's going te be people go ta work one way, tbey seere bold up,-'a developer, fer wbatevcr killed. We get sorne industry in and developreent in Broeklin, I want te te go that way ail the time, ne matter reasen, bie can immediately go te the devehopment generally lias been fairly make sure we know wbere everybody wbat. beard,Ã"r the Cabinet and say he's good, I think. I think council bas done stands, net just one guy. The one guy We have te upgrade Garden St. for hoingý misused. The developer bas a fairly goed job on that. will know where we stand, we want sure. Consumers Dr., and tbat's a bit rigbts as you and I bave Free Prese: Would you, looking ail of thern te know. of a political football right now, bas rights...Tbere'e a great veice eut there back, handled any of the major We have an officiaI plan that neede tci go tbrough. Hlenry St. bas te go saying planning (department) isn't j issues any di.fferently? looking at, and we bave staff working frore a rural te an urban because deoing their job, but I tbink they're J.D: Having 20-20, in retrospcct, je within that plan. Its council's [nuIt if theres ne question its going te be ýdoing their job, absolutely. Wbat bas <gi-cnt but it depends sometimes on the plan bas net been updated, net overtaxcd when the GO train starts. I1,ta ho donc is that the off lcial planbas which side of the fence you're sitting the fault of the staff. That will hc one weuldn't want tealive on Henry St., .te ho amended. on te see what view you take or how of the main criteria for the next quite frankly. Free Prese: Wbat are the limite you handled it. Certainly Bluegrase council. Free Prese: How weuld you deal of commercial growth? De you wasn't handled in the beet way. But Free Prese: Do you feel that wt th qusineafoablo think the Town sheuld limit tho rve always felt that, wben you're Whitby is growing tee, fast? housing? number of new commercial plazas talking about affordable housing, J.D.: Yes and ne. Again we go back J.D.: rmn a gi-cnt boliever in or eheuld the marketplaoe decide wben people are settled in an area te the plan. It's been in place for se cooperative bousing. That, te me, je Who survives? and are there for many years, it's long that wben someone cornes in te one of the waye, and the better way, J.D.: We're loeking at the unfair te put sernething in .there they put a plan of subdivision in front of te go. We have in the cet ward two commercial developrnent north of don wnt Nt eossril bcase yo, hepln 1ysyo.cn e.erai-ceep,1he't bauifl,-ndw-rc ReslndanJs-thofTantn ilth -an do. Developmnent ie an issue and threyears? have alleviated that problem, but it cet Whitby, it was there bclorc In retrospect, that should have been taxes are always an issue. I tbink J.D: I wish I had a crystal bail. I basn't alleviated the traffic problern. anything and now there are bouses cbanged. there are major issues which change suspect the samne type of issues may Free Prese: As Whitby grows, around it, within a stenes throw of We're leoking at a commercial from election te election, but taxes arise. If we reo the officiaI, plan, traffic wil bocomne an increasixig quarter-million -dollar bouses. That development north of Rossland, and aise traffic, ahi the thinge we bear we're going te get al kmds of people proiem. What initiatives/changes shows you the reverse of the situation. Durham Heigbts. Frankly, I prefer about ail year, are major at the time at Town hall saying we don't want would you advocate te reduoe the Now if you say you're going te put that developrnent. We lxked at that of election. But this tinie I would say this here, we dent want that bore, the prbblim? Ontario-type bousing in near those in 1978, I think, and now were development and taxes, altbougb net camne as bappened in 1971, 1972 and J.D.: We certainly have te have homnes, theres a war. Se ne matter dcaling witb new owners I bave to necessarily in that erder. 1973 wben I wasa't on council. another cast-west arterial, tbere's ne bow you feel about it (affordable say that the people with whom wc're Free Prese: What do you think Certainly the sports complex will ho doubt wbatever. Burns St. bas got te houeing) you bave te respect the dealing are flirst class, and the were the major acoomplishments- an issue. The developreent of Brooklin go thmough. The Inet piece of that wishes of peeple around it. developmnent looks te ho tfirst class. /failuros of the last throe years? could veîy well be an issue, and it puzzle te get it through will be in Free Pross- How do ycex view Wc may move things areund in the J.D: One of the major migbt take precedence over almeet place ncxt year. Manning Rd. je a the rôle of planning ini Whiltby? site plan process but generally it looks accomplishments of the last three anytbing else as I se it new. If you put muet, an abselute muet, te through te Whero would you draw the lino te ho a good one. years was getting Manning Rd. sewers te Broeldin, you want te ho Adelaide St. in Oshawa. Wcre looking between the righte of the Free Press: What about the threugb (and conceptunlly througb te sure that whoever dige the roads up, at doing the engineering drawings landowner ms the rights of the future of Port Wbitby? Do yeu Adelaide) altbough it was an pute the roade back as tbey were or right now and we've got cos, but cornmunity as a whehe? support.Whl-rise deveiopmnent? accomplishment I think people sert of better. And witb Brooldin, I don't that bas te ho the tep prioi-ity te get J.D.: The municipality bas the J.D.: I suooort higb-ns,,e, yec. I forgot about. And Iroquois Park, it want te doal with one developer, I trafric off Dundas St. You can't get ail rigbt under the Planning Act and ba-s was major accompieLsment, and a want te doal with ail the major traffic off Dundas, traditionally it~s the riglit under the offical plan te SEE PAGE 34

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