Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Nov 1988, p. 39

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WH1TY FREE PRESS, HoIme Impruvements, NOMBER 2,'1988, PAGE A7 Painting requires preparaion adcrflplication (NC>-:-Get ready ta paint your bouse when exterior surfaces begin to show wear. Wood grain wiIl begin to show clearly, primer, wilI show through Uic outside paint and Uic colour of thc old paint wili fade. if you repaint too often you'i1 end up with a too-thick coating that's Iikely te crack and brcack away. The coating will bc too thick ta adjust to weather changes (from hot sun ta bitter wind) and ta the natural structural shifts of Uic bouse. If you don't repaint soon enough and the paint surface deteriorates, it will take bard work to restore its smooth- ness. You rnay need ta sand down ta tbe bare surface and begin again as if it were new wark. Keep an eye on thc condition af your exteriar paintwork s0 you wili be able tojudge the right tirne for a new paint job. Yau Will Need " pafint " paint primer (différent kinds for woocl and metal) " linseed ail " salvent " wire brush and steel wool " paint scraper *cleaning solution for rnildew (or bleacb and water) *putty *woad sealer - caulking compound - putty knife * saadpaper. - paint brusbes (100 mm, or 4", is best for large areas) *paint rollers and tray *paint buckcts and paddle or stick *two stepladders and cross plaaking *dripclotbs * air protection and gloves for yoursclf Chooslng the Rlght-Paint Exterlor Alkyd Paints Exterior alkyd (oul base) paints bave high biding and sticking qualities. In many cases only anc coat is necded over a properly prepared surface. Alkyd paint cavers bairline cracks and seals the surface against moisture. Alkyd paint requires a completely dry, clean surface, dry air and application in tem- peratures above 50C (4011F) for bcst results. ' Clean up witb turpentine or paint Uinner. Exterlor Latex Paints Exterior latex paints rnay be applied on a damp day (but not in main or a beavy dew) when air and surface temperatures arc above 10"C (500F). They dry quickly ta lessen tbe chance of spotting by dust and bugs and they "breathe" ta alaow moisture ta escape and s0 reduce the possibility of blistering or peeling. Clean Up witb warm watcr. Preparation For Painting Replace ail damaged and décayed wood. Check around windows, steps and posts and around the caves for damnaged woad Check downspouis and gutters and clean thern before painting. Clean rust from ail metal areas, using a wire brush and steel wook, then apply metal primer ta the clcaned surfaces. Check al cxposed nail heads for rust. Use steel wool to remove rust, then sink nails witb a nailset and fil the hole with putty. Applylng The Paint Choose a day for painting with rain or heavy winds arceflot expected. Don't paint if the temperature is likely ta, be bciow 100C (50"F) or above 32"C (90-F). Follow the instructions on the caa of the paint. Make sure thc paint is weli rnixed. Begin painting thc higbest parts of the bouse first and work down. When painting circular objects like downspouts, paint diagonally at first, then cross the diagonal stroke by paint- ing downward. Avoid hazards. Aiways follow thc Does house have dream house potential? (NC)-.-Tbe 1987 movie, Tbe Money *Pit, portrayed a happy young couple movin# into their dream bouse only ta watch it begin ta self-dcstruct, piece by -piece , momfents after theycrossed thc thrcshold. While Uic movie was a comedy, Uic rcality of living in a poorly constructed bouse can be financially and emotion- ally, tragic. If, you kaaw wbat ta look for and - where ta go for advice, assessing thc quality of a dwclling is flot difficult and is well worth thc effort. Thlink of the roems cdl around ton that you admire most. Well bet Rousseausç im a part of every one. Do other people always seemn to find the most exciting things? Don't be surprised if they ail shore a same ingredient: furnishings from aur store. We flot anly go out of our way ta find parlicularly beautiful and unusual things, but we also have a highly trained staff that con* help yau blend ihem into your life - with style, with excitement, and with on individuality that's you, with just a litie help. Whether yau're doing an entire hause, or just looking for a choice accent, we have everything it takes ta put yaur home on t he Most-Admired List. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation bas pubiisbed an inspec- tion cbccklist ta belp potential home buyers determine the overail quality of a bomne. CMHC staff members arc also well-versed in Uic techaical require- ments of sound construction. While you don't bave tobe an expert ta notice things like dampness, peeling and cracked paint, and uneven floors, Uiere may be some questions best put ta Uic professionals. la Uic case of a new borne, tind out if Uic builder is registered wiUi a provin- cial New Home Warraaty Program. If so, ta wbat extent arc yau covered against defects? In Ontario, ail residential builders are required te be registered under the Pragrarn. In other provinces member- ship is voluntary. Ia general, Uic following items sbould be exarned.closely. Be sure ta take your time and check every feature of evey room. To obtain a CMHC inspection checklist, write to CMHC, 682 Mon- treal Road, Ottawa, Ontario KI A 0P7. f k - Il Il Store Heure: A U Closed Mondays Tues. J Wed. 10- M-4 Thurs. & Fri. 1D-9 DU<z§da1SAU -- HERITAGE HOUS'IE Iimited o 216 MarY Stret,gEast, Whitby ...668-3483 I Toronto..686-0061 A Whitby Tradition in Fine Furniture Since 1929 rnanufacturer's instructions. Keep paint and painting products away frorn cbildren. Keep tbe work area clcaned up-be- fore, durins! and after painting. Get rid of wastc (emnpty paint cans, rags) cvcry day. Make sure the ladder is secure. Do flot overextcnd your reacb. *Wth purchase ot.ch new 009. 009L01, 011OlT, 012,024 Super, 028 Wood Boss, 028 Super. 034 Wood Boss, 034 Super, 038 Super Pro, E-14 and E-20 chain saew. While supplies fast! **VsaU baed on normal retail seillng price lncludlng 21" chain. -i p ..,

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