Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Nov 1988, p. 38

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PAGE A6, WHITBY FREE IPRESS, Horne Improvemoents, NOVEMBER 2, 1988 lLJHOM E lm 1>1011 MiENI' Replacing broken windows made easy If the neighborhood driveway hockey league has just lcft a ho le in One of your basement windows, don't wonry. It is flot difficulitao replace the glass. Hawevcr there is more ta the job (han just inserting a ncw pane and add- -ing a littie putty. The firse parn af the job is ta remove the aId and broken glass. Wear sturdy work gloves and take tlhc pieces out anc at a time. Take great care whilc pulling out the broken pieces 80 you don't get cut. The next step is ta, remove the aid putty. Ibis can sometiincs be a difficult process and some heat may be required £0, soften the putty for casier removal. The heat source can be a solderin& iran or a propane torch but grcat care should be taken when using cither af tbesc tools. Jacuzzi spas are easy ta move, and may be enjoyed in ether an indoor or outdoor setting. Jacuzzi spas can be carried through a 30 inch wide door opening because the self-contained support system is accomodated within the perimeter of the sheli. Ail the old putty must be rcmovcd. The glaziers points must also be taken out at this time. Whcn al the putty is rcmovcd give thc framne a good soaking with insced ail which wiIl help ta pre- vent the new vputty from drying out. Bcfore inscrting-the glass a bedding layer of pu"tvisplaced around the (ramne then die glass is placcd in the opening and, (irmnly pressed into thc bedding layer of putty. Holdingancw pane in position insert a glaziers point in cach side ta kccp it firmnly in place. The glazier points can be inserted With very light pressure. Once the pane is held in place take thc remaining glazier points and insert (hem at regular intervals around the frame.- This can bcst be donc with a chisel slid alonst thc elass. This does Uic Adjustable hydro-air jets and contoured, multi-leve I benches provide soothing comfort for fOur or more aduits. Jacuzzi spas are made from tough, high- glass acry lic and arrive pre-pi ummed, ready ta use. For a greater efficiency and canvenience, most spas job with little chance oi breakage. Whcn the glazier points are ini place it is time ta, use the putty. Puey... Oct an old» piece ai glass ta, use as a kneeding board for Working Uic puty into Uic right shape and consis- Ilere was a time in thc deep and distant past when using a screw was an exercise in muscle power. Taday this is flot neccssarily sa. The development ai Uic variable speed reversible drill (hat is now beï.ng marketed at a price that can be affarded by almost every Do 1£ LIGHTER AND MORE POWERFUL THAN THE COMPETITION, NOW THAT'S PEiRFORMIANCE - <)~2N 7ftu.£LixTooIs ava il"able at TOOLS ACK *PICNERING TOWN CYRE 1543 BaylyStreet,'Pickering 839;-2364 Mon. - Fri. 8 - 6 pm, Saturday 9 - 5 pm J"J feature through-wall surface skimmer, temperature gaug e, and a 24 hour, seven day programmable timer. Most spas came with the added elegance of the Water Rainbaw spout, which pravides a beautiful cascade of shimmering water. Tanton Rd. "A nythlng else le somethlng else."E a OHW 1200 ROSSLAND RD. E. WHITBY, ONTARIO - 430-1884 (For over 21 years) 1251 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA, ONTARIO 728-1113 tency. Thic putty is (hen rofied into pencil like strips and wedged inta the edge ai thc (rame. Whcn yau have it in place ail around Uic (rame smnooth it out with a putty knife. Yau wil find thc putty knife works better if you dip it into YourtelIr has made it possible ta use a large number of screws in a praject without the accampanving aching muscles and blistered hands. The new cordless drill, although more expen- sive, have made it possible ta use screws even where power is flot available. When using anc ai these exciting ncw taols (here are several (hifiRs ta remcm- ber. Whcn starting Uic scrcw be sure to have tic tip of the driver firmly seatcd in Uic socket, slat or crasshead of the screw. If yau don't Uiere is a strang 1l.inseed ail just before usiing. Use long camer-to-corner strokes wi(h the putty* knife. Do notlet the PuttY get ffanuzh out on Uic new windcow sa it's Visible from the ather side. possiblility ai damaging the headaofthe screw 50 badly you will flot even be able ta remove it. Secondly, be vcry careful when Uic screw herad rteaches a flush position and be ready to takc yourfinger' off Uic trigger. Thc torque of these drills is so great you cauld drive Uic screw' right through Uic board. When working in hardwood, it is always wisC ta predrili Uic hales With a cauntersink (hat matches Uic size. and 3hape ai Uic screw you are using. TIhis will prevent splitting and will save wcar and tear on Uic drill. It is aiso wise ta lubricate Uic scrcw befare driving into hardwood for Uic saine reasans. Use plastic putl botties for screws, na....s Over Uic years we have gaUiered many tips an woodworking and general house repairs. People intcrested in (hese pursuits traditionaily share such infor- mation - so here arc same of aur fa- vouritesl * Caver Uic back ai fine sandpaper with masking tape bet'are using. Yau will [mnd Uic paper lasts much longer without tearing. 1£ works partîcularly well an power sanders whether oscilat- ing or straight-line. * Beiorc starting ta, paint, take a nail and drive several hales inta Uic groove Uiat Uie lid fits inta. Uiis will allow any paint Uiat gets into Uic groave ta, drip back into Uic can instead ai building up and running dawn the sides. It alsa, prevents a large splash w'hen you re- place Uic lid. * Make a board wiUi shallow raised sides that you can fasten ta Uice top 'oi your stcpladder ta, hold Uic screws, nails or tools without having tbcm rail off onto Uic floar. If you like, you can make anly hali ai Uic board a box and drill hales into the other hali ta hôld -tools. A ward ai caution: Do not leave anything on top ai the ladder when you are maving it if you don't want it ta cnd up hitting you on Uihe adl * To stafl a nail or screw in a diffi- cult-to--reach arca simply push it Uirough a piece ai cardboard' which can reach into the area, then tear it away once Uic screw or nail is started. * Plastic pili bottles make excellent containers for small nails and screws in Uic tool box. The only prablem is Uiey are hard ta find tucked away inta Uic bottam camer of Uic box. The solution is ta build up a string ai five or six boules that is easy ta locate and handle, by glueing thc botaom af anc bottie to the Iid ai Uic next with cpoxy cement Just open the section you want, the test stay tightly sealed. Works great in a fish tackle box too. Using screws is easy with power drill FEWING POOLESAL & SPAS1

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