WH1TBY FREE PRESS, Hlome Implrovementa, NOVEMBER 2, 1988, PAGE A5 FAililI,liHOME ImI>OEMN Aleaky roof is li*keý the common head cold (NC)-,A.leaky roof is like the cern- mon head cold. If it is flot looked after promptly, it may develop into some- tbing worse. iAttics and roofs should be chccked have developcd over the winter. Fast attention to leaks, ventilation and cor- rosion problerns will add years of life to your hom's insulation, and lowcr the chance of damage to ceilings below. t 'Me condition of the attic often indi- cates the staté of the roof. Water stains on the ceiling or water in light fixtures after a rainfall-indicate leakage. Check for holes. If.they aresmall, leaks may flot stain the ceilings below because moisture is absorbed by insu- lation in the attic. If the insulation gets wet it wîll lose its thermal resistance properties andr have to be replaced. There should be at least 9 square mil- limetres of ventilation for every 30 Eavestrough is important (NC>--Spring rains soak the soul and prornete new plant growth. However, if you are not prepared, tbey can dam- age yeur home. Watcr, if lcft standing on the root7or near the foundation, is your homc's enemny. Eavestroughs and downspouts carry ramn watcr away frm the house, 50 that serious, not to mention expen- sive, damnage dees net occur. Neither eavestrougfts nor downs- pouts are maintenance-frec. They should be placcd high on your inspcc- tien checklist every spring. Bath devices should be cleaned and exçamined for blockages sud corrosion, leaking joints and soil erosion. Small holes caused by rust are easily repaired with asphalt roofing cernent. First,cdean the area with a wire brush and apply the cernent with a putty knife. Then apply a srnall piece of canvas, sligbtly larger tban the bole. Follow witb another layer of cernent, pressing firrnly. Whîle you are still up on the roof, check that the eavestroughs and downspouts are free of leaves and other debris that block thie flow of water. Eavestrough outiets, where the water rus inte the downspout, should have a leaf guard of strainer. Downspouts are best cleaned with a plumber's snake or flexible piece of metal cable. If there is no blockage, but square metres of attic floor space in most houses - twice as much if roof has a low slope. Hall the vents should be in the goffits sud the rest in the peak or gables. Frost build up (or accumulation) in the attic is caused by warm, moist air from inside the house escaping into the cold attic through boles found around Iigbt fixtures, exhaust fans, plumbing vent pipes, chimuceys sud attic access hatches. Check that all holes between the living space sud attic arîésbaled. Most will only be accessible from the attic. You can check thc condition of your roof from Uic ground wiUi binoculars.. What yeu shouid look for depends on thc type of materials covering thc roof. If you have asphait shingles, check for curîs or cracks Uiat can indicate po- tential leaks. If only a few.shingles are affected, tbey cari be replaced or re- paired with aschaît roofinE, cement. maint enance water still dees net flow properly, check the siope of Uic trough. Often an adjustmnent of the hangers holding it in place is ail that is uecessary. Preperly installed eavestrough and downspout systems direct water away from Uic foundation, driveway or patio. If there is a serieus soul erosion at Uic base of Uic downspout, use a long drainage sîceve with holes in it so that water escapes over a widcr ares. You can put a large stone under Uic downspout te correct a standing-water problern but a splash block is more effective. Splssh blocks catch water from Uic downspout, sud direct it away from Uic bouse. Place one under each dowuspout, rnaking sure, it extcnds at least one metre and has an adequate ilope (usually 150 mnm for every 3 metres). Every time you inspect the eavestroughs and downspouts, check that the splash block is properly posi- tioned. It rnay have settled into Uic ground and should be rcpositioned af- ter Uic ground surface has been built up te its original level. Maintaining and repairîng your horne's drainage systern require only simply chore Uiat you cas do yourself. If you neglect it, you may well face major structural repairs that must be handled by a contracter. Leaks in the roof itself can be re- placcd with roofing frit and asphalt cernent. Make sure the repaired part is level with the rest of the roof se that the drainage pattcm is net altered. The growtb of moss, blistering, and loss of granules are comnion problems leading te lcaks iu asphait and wooden shingle roofs. It is especially important to remove mess frorn wooden shingles as Uic moisture it bolds con cause wood rot. If your home bas a mctal roof, watch for corrosion. Temporary repaira can be made with foiIbaked -mastic adhe- sive, but anything more permanent. needs a roofer. Regular inspection, maintenance and repair is essential for the continued good hcaith of your roof. Wheni your contractor lets you down (NC)-Failure te finish a job, poor workmaà nship and misundersteod in- structions are the complaints about con- tracters mest commonly voiced by dis- gruntled homneowners. In secent years, a number cf federal and provincial iaws have been passed te pretect consumers against unfair busi- ness practices. Door-to-door salesper- sens must now be licensed and bonded and a cooling-off period permits the cancellation of a contract signed in the home. Homeowner's de have legal recourse wvhen faced with poor workmanship. They can seek advice frem the provin- cial departrnent cf consumer affairs te resolve problems that arise betweeri tbem and their contracter. The province rnay serid a building inspecter te examine the work and make a report. This alone may seule the dis- pute. If flot, a mediatar will be ap- pointed. The Better Business Bureau, a moni- toring agency maintained by the busi- ness cemmunity, wiII aise mediate con- sumner complaints. The agency can aise be consulted in the choice of a contrac- tor. as it keeps a record of complaints against its member businesses. Occasionally. it is necessary to take the home improvement contractor Io smail dlaimns court. This is an informai court. which does net require claimants te be representcd by a lawver. 'Me judge makes a binding decision ulser hearing both sides cf the dispute. To proceed te small dlaims court, home- owners should contact-their local court heuse for information. o O BUILDING CENTRE