Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Nov 1988, p. 14

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PAi AGE14WIM'QVPRE1! PRSS.WPDNP.51TAV T WVEMR R2.1988 i about planning sud slow it up a little ta be reluctant ta share information just got it off the ground on the very with what they're puttmng in: 'ihey get bit. There's a concern that it seems in the planning proceas. Anybody basic commodity of peper. I know of ail this of this garbage caming out of the new subdivisions cen get ail of who has got any kida ie echool ce'n see ather cammunities and seme places in the steel after they've taken the metal GE FFRISON the services in terus of ssuitary the effecta of it. They're terribly the States where they're now serting out of it, and they know exactly sewers and wnter, etc., while some of overcrawded and campletely inade- ah kidnds of garbage and recycling what's in it. When the raina cames the aId, established subdivisions can quate compared ta, surrounding meny different tupes of producte down it leaches the soli, it takes - 56 years old sec ta get enything done. juriedictions. ather than just paper. That's got a everything eventually down ta the - Resident of Whitby, There's concera about budgeting. I Another thing that should be very close connection wîth the water table. The water table in that want ta, ensure that the tax dollars looked at je public transportation. rm approaching problem of disposai of particular aren is adjacent te the lake. 5 years are spent wisely and, everyane wiil ve:y strongly in favar of an improving garbage. rve already been discussing rm not convinced yet that I know - Teacher at Anderson say this of course, in the best intereet the regularity and quality of service that with a group highly cancerned cnough about what's in that leachate Colegite or 8 yars of the people in Whitby. rn aiea in public transportation. I think with that. Basically my feelings about or that they do in order to consider Colleiate or 18yearst the way (sud I cen't maybe it's nat quite right et the garbage are that those who croate it that as a sefe praject. ]Pm nat - B.A. Queens, M.Ed. get et this as a councillor, I don't present time. I see enormaus-eized shauld be responsible for the disposai particulnrly happy ta seS that type of Toronto think) but I know theres a problem buses, which are empty, going around of it. I ami in no wny very happy ta sec developmlent stretching further and chlrn within the region in the way that the the cammunities. I think peniiepe people from juriedictions outeide of further dlown on LASCO property - Married, 2cfde capital costs of the board of educatian amaller buses going on a mare regular Whitby or, indeed, Durham, came in are finenced. I think that is one Of basis would be mare a eficient waY t disps their gabg9i u SEE PAGE 22 MUNICIPAL ELECTION '88 a MEET.THEw CANDIDATES EAST WARD Free Pross: What do you think is recreation. They (council) apent eventually ... With à council that doesn't take a geiu to read it. l'm are the. major issues of thus elec. $3.5 ta $5 million te create one doean't even know what it is vqting juat wonderig how mIany councillors' tincovered mausoleumn ice pad. If they on, because they don't get the agen- have read it. How many of them even P.D.: There are two main issues had used a littie intelligence and had das until Friday. Nobodly works know it eista. The Town pianner, he and a number of aide issues. The asked the public instead of asking Saturday and Sunday sa they can't uses it back and forth like it w85 a main issue facing Whitby todays the professianals, which this Town gtifraintoedy.Te viebl.We ewnsanehn the veryp oor planning proceas which seems to be so perennaly tuc agendas, mainly, are about 130 pages he will quote the officiai. plan which has develoer hîb.Te eodwith, they might have turned around lang. So therefore if they even read is ýpurpaseiy wide open. And then problemi that has developed is the and built an infrastructure for it, ît's a amail miracle. Therefore, no when he doesn't want something he tremendaus level of secrecy that sur- recreation in thia town. Start at the input from anyone, because no one in will tell yau that the officiailp an is rounds the onerations of t he Town of basia for it sud develop on it. They the town knows what's on the agen- not the development bylaw or the Whitby. A third one which I think could have put in t1rZ or four das. And then they go on Monday town. It's a muée littie lame that'a has got ta be addressed is the lack of outdoor, artificial ice rinka. They mamning and they corne te a council played. The oniy way we re gaing te adeuat, acesibl reretio fail-coud hvetaken the maney the meeting an Manday night - haw ini chance this is the pecopie are going te ties for the people in this town. saved, put it into a bank, take the God's name do they knaw what is in have ta chance it. Even if l'm elected, 'reePres: hatdo ou éelintereat sud psy people te run the that agenda. Anything could be slip- rlm not gaing te be able ta change it. FrePe. htd o eloperatiana for them. And then yau ped in it. People, are gaing te have te get off wero the major accompHlsments would have su infrastructure which With a wide open develapment their butta sud tell the Town they or failures of Whitby council in you could build on. Few years down plan with no contrais whataoever, wsut protection and that they wsut the last three years? the road *yau could put swimniing yucsu put anything yvou want in the agendas a week eariy. P.D.: Planning has got ta be the poola with themn. And in that, people de1velapment. And the devlapment in Pe rs:D o hn biggest failure. When lyou provide wouldn't have ta find an adequate this town - I wouldn't say $5 or $6 Free Pis ress: Do o at in developers with open-ended, free- bus systemn, which we don't have, billion is saying that that's a lot. And P.:Iît a rowndg to as t b wheeiing, development rights, some- They wouldn't have te get the car or when yau've gat that kind of money PD I a u tmyntb PAT DOOLEY thing has got ta b wrong with your their neighbor ta drive their child ta floating around, 1 think there's to grawing to fast. The concerna of the aeelpment. 1I l al noyau the recreatianal facility. Their child niany people wha are willing te take people in the area are rampant. (council) as a developer sud say "I couid walk because the recreatian advantage of such a siipshad perat- Youve got a developer who's cor- - 53 years old have a plan here, 1 want te put in faciity would be in the neighbarhaod. ing pracedure that this Town has. pîetely plawing over the landscape, - Resident of 'Whitby, 400 homes." Then halfway thraugh it Why we go. with the mausoleumxs - Fe r.*Btj <~wr permitting the surface water ta carry 22ya1 coud say, "Wel, why not' slip in 30 blows my mind. beePrs: u i ouwr the mud off ito riers ad col 22yasmare." What plan is there ta stop it? F. r.:Doyu.. eleeted, you wouid i h.e pletely destraying them. I wauld -Former teacher Port Planning ta me presupposes yo aFreePrlliesD? seay samne position as the present hgave ta say it was develaping tea knwwht gig ohapn Yu acoplsmetcounicillors? quickly. Perry High School have w t's gyaingemhpents au P.D.: The Town has been succeas- P.D.: That's right. And the aniy Free Press: Can the, Town limit - President, Corridor Area stop certain prolilema that we know fui and capable of completly cutting way that anything in this town is growth? Raepyes ssc.have ta arise, off ail input from the public. I think going ta be changed je for the people P.D.: By law we can limit it. Al Raitepyers ssoc.Since there is no p lanning, the that's a great accomplishment.' ta et off their butte sud make their the Town has ta do is stop making -President, Down develapers have this open end, Free Pr...: What do you think position known. rve said this in this Whitby such a prmep1m And they Syndrome Assoc. of there's no contrai and there hasn't will be the, contentlous issues i town at least sinoe 1976. do that by follawngte officiai, plan Ontario been. Look at what they are doing ta the next three years? Without firm, solid, substantial which stated "Hey nuster, you've Pringle Creek. It's a mud bath, top ta P.D.: 1 can tell you right know bylaws in place sud the official planSEPAE2 - Married, 8 children' battam. The other classic (exemple) what is going te happen in this town spells it out like it was a reader. It EPAE2 Whitby Fr.. Press: What do them by surprise. it's continually The town's planning directar is those homes right up ta a manth you think are the major issues of< being violated with spot-rezaning. An quoted as saying that the Thickson- before that thing was annaunced - the, election? example is the gas bar on Bowman Dundas area as the Town's "discount they should have been told. I spent [Editar's Note: Mr. Fox's answer to Ave. centre". If that's how he is perceiving two and a haif year of my life fighting this question covered the vast With the apartment at the corner that area, then there is semething that thing. majarity of the issues and took up of NichaI and Wood people wha paid a wrong. That kind of mentality has got We've had danut shape, we've had more haîf of the interview. Ia order ta premium for ravine lots were neyer ta stop. I will fight ta get goad Lasco berms, we've had'non-profit indicate where each issue is beingtod fpln for the eight story development not just for the rest af housing. It's been these sorte af issues discussed, we have inserted the apartment building juat behind them. the community but the enet ward as that the east ward has had te deal questions which would have normally I have never seen a mare disgraceful well. It is a thriving ward and in some with - I wish we had had ýmare been asked.] development in any community and it ways is cxpanding faster than any positive issues like Port Whitby or D.F.: I think the first major issue isn't necessary.' other but truly, in some ways, it's that type of thing. that is an mast people's minds is I think it'a time that the East ward been ignored, partîcularly in the area But we haven't - it's been a continuai planning and development. These are came onto its own. I think its time ta of planning and development. hatbed aver environmental types of' the issues that I have had the most broaden council's horizons. Such Whitby Fre. Press: What were issues. experience sud knowledge in over the things as the beutification of Thickson the. aceomplishmients or failures of Whitiiy Fr.. Press: Shouid we cours of the at eight or nine years Rond. It is the major accees inta thig the. previous counel? îmî rwh with my involvement with council. I area and it looks terrible. Hwy 2 as For a year piar ta the Decom D..:Reinta growth i eal think more public input has ta be weil. There are many stores withaut envronmental assessment toak place, outpaceing a lot o th meii ean encouraged in the decisian making any architectural style, no I spent every Monday night in the servaices. Itink tsetimetesowait procees. Aise a greater access ta architectural contraI. I think there is council chambers coninu ervdoicon Itainit.tiet lwi DEININIS FOX ~~information. I have been ta too many a way of creating an atmosphere juet questioning and pradding and testing Ti soeo h i esn o DENNIS FJ.& ~~council meetings where the developer through the architectural design of whether it was truly as safe an Ti soeo h i esn o has been invited ta speak and the buildings rather than these block operation as they were claiming it ta are getting such a turnover in - 40 years old residerats have been refused the buildings that they just throw up. I be - could it stand the pressure f swbitvitesoiseofleahoscreatvingi apportunity. The procedure and policy think some of the local malle could be Pennis Fox? - obviously it cauldn't. o ihte np arke fsla and taor - Resident of Whiitby, has perhaps aggravated situations beautified. It was subsqently shawn at the facilitiean rkndndtor 9 whee a ittle are pennes woud Th enetward ccouts fo a lad Enironmntai ssesment earin thre yeas Intr, nthings hapened 9years weealtl oeoens ol h atwr consfraln niomna.Assmn ern They're saying 'To heck with this, - Special Education have solved the issue. The proposed mass of approiimately half of the that Council had in fact paseed and demvn.Thtypofacly teacher, Toronto Board plaza an Garrard Rd. has provided a tawn itself. In terme of tax revenue approved Decom on March 25, 1985 we el m sailing." htyof facilit of Education gaad example. the east ward autmuscles any of the and there's no excuse for hiding that I hetabilizwe ehbou rhdeaadsmor I think what je needed is a other three wards by far but we get from the public.Ithkwehuddmad ar -B.A. University of cmlt eiwndeauto fte zr nrtr.I t h ags n The samne thing with the GO-ALRT from some of these develapers. Waterloo tawn's officiai plan. It may have the wealthiest of the wards, its time railway yard which was ta be placed Whty F. Prs: ht -B.Ed. Hamilton served the tawn well ini the past but ta start giving it the same kind of adjacent ta new homes on Bellwood -Married, 3 children growth has really taken a number of care as the rest of this tawn gets. and Sawdon Drive. People bought SEE PAGE 22 Fre. Press: What do you think the major reasons why aur taxes in ta do it, in cost-saving. We should backyards. I know there has ta be are the, major issu. of this this region are considerably higher perhaps look at the Dial-A-Bus some kind of cooperatian because 1 ) 11

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