Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Oct 1988, p. 25

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wIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1988, PAGE 25 FROMUP4G bth under a provincial grant called Rentaprise. They wauld neyer have been buit if they hadn't zeceived a grant from the Province. So here'e the taxpayers paying that grant. I think we've got aur system ail wrong., Counci has an obligation, to do everything -in its power ta provide affordabie hausing. You cannot get the investers and say 'You have ta bu ild this." They only build if theres a marktet for it. Fre Pros: What about group homos, wblch 'tend to bo conc.ntratod in the, downtown' B.A.: W. have an obligation, and we have lesa people, per capita, in group homes in Whitby t han in Oshawva and Newcastle. The ministry, under the Charter of Rights, can't keep the people in the (psychiatric) hospital. Society has an obligation to look after these, people. Fre.Press.Iow do ýyOu viow the. rois of planning? Whero would you draw the. lin. betwoen the. riglits of sacii iandowvner vs. thid rights of the. community as a whoie. B.A.: I dontV have an answer Vo that. We look at it, we're elected o - make n decision the best wny we see fit, with the informnation thnt's provided in front of us.* Free Prese What are tihe limite to commercial growtii? Siiould the. town Unmit the. number of new commercial plazas or let",the. marketplaee decide wiio survives? B.A.: You're going te have a certain amount of strip mails no matter where you are, it's n way of life. It's because of parking. Oshawa has gone through it with the shopping centre. Toronto has gone through it. With growth, there's going Vo b. n certain aniount of commercial move about. ]But you neyer move a downtown core. rve neyer seau à four corners in a municipality in Ontario that's completely gone and changed. Pro. Prose: Wbat about the future of Port Whitby? B.A.- Near and dear Vo my heart. Pros Proe: Do you think the. current Coscan proposalisl an appropriats on.? B.A.: We haven't got any comments from planning department. The wbole ( previous'adm~inistrative commjitteè) niéeting Was'Mn iawrong, it was handled completely wrong. I waa in Vancouver at the police chiefs' convention, but that would have neyer happened if 1 was sitting at that committee. Those People were called ta be at the meeting. Henry .-Periy was called by (planning *committee chairman) Gerry Emm to be at that meeting for bis input, which is todtally* wrong under the Planning Act. Wè could have had a real ringer becauàe lie cnlled that a public meeting1 and under the Planning Act youù have to circulate. The legal people brought that ta the attention of council. IV wns wrong, and you don't stnrt off that waY. You start with planning, you put the application in. It's massaged as it goes along. Until we have a look at the whole thing, until cauncil bas a look at the whole thing, until Election '88. planning makes some commente and we geV commente in (ram the outside, you don't predeterniine ... you dpn'V jupta conclusions. it (22-story bulings) is oaly a proposa]. W.. get ail inda of proposais. As ta their (Coscan) proposaI. of 22 stories, there's a certain amnount in the Port Whitby Plan, of so much density per acre. And they're saying if you g? tali and lean, it gives you a better view of the lake. If you drop the stories, it goes wider and.you block the view of the lake. ThaV's their opinion. I don't know if that's aur opinion, or planning's, well have a look at it. But at least we have somneone tha it's going ta invest $150 million' and take McNamara out. away. Pr rees.'«& Would'you provide protection for heritags buildings? How mucii? B.ýA.: We have them and we can. plaque them. There's certain heritage buildings we can save and they should be. Mro. Prose: What about cultural facilities in Whitby? B.A: I tried ta get one building for aIl the community groupesim Whitby...but t the end the whole thing feIl apart because I couldn't geV them to agree. They aIl wnnt their own identification,_ like in Oshawa. I was sure I could have got council to go âhead on the property, I was positive of a federal grant an the, building. To me, I -tbought it was a bang of a good idea. But I couldn't get anywbere with it, tbey were quite adamant they wanted tlieir own space and wanted Vo run their own show. rve got a lot of respect for and faith in the Whitby Little Theatre. I think it's super and try to attend as many as I can. And there wns some conservation when the show (former movie theatre downtown) first went up for sale, I was trying Vo get theni Vo buy i, I thought it would be super for Whitby Little Theatre. But hey just couldn't put the dollars together. I told them rd do whatever I could,, as fundraising from the outside, noV necessarily taxpayers' money becau se if you do it for one, they want it for the ather. ," r. Preïs: The Towvn, tiirou#ii tex dollars, dom. support sporte/recreational faciitios but spende littie on cultural facilties. B.A.: I couldn't agre. more, and Fm the jock that says that. If you'd have heard ail the debate on that (Iroquois Park) expansion, it wasn't for the hockey players, it was for the gym that I wanted, the running track that I wanted. I was the guy who was saying noV eve.'ybody pînys hockey or plays basebail. So I couldn't agree more. Free Prose: What should be the. reiationship between the. municipality and conununity groupe? The Town bas had a policy of reducing or eliminatng grants? to sucii groupe. Do you B.A.: Yes, we're trying Vo even it out, because sometimes, yes, the loudest squeaking wheel gets the grease. You've seen that with the -Bob Attersleyý. Histarical Society, ail of a eudden, boomi there's a great big amount of money wanted. Yeu muet rememiber, you'retalldn taxpayers' dollars, and whèn yoare olding the iII for the dollars yau've got be very careful of t. P re. proe: a Somne municipelities have adoptod a proesdure wiieroby tii.y put it at arnIe length, so that council allocatos a' certain amount et money to- a committee wbich decides whero it goes. What critéria would you euggeet for futnding such, groupe? BiA.: The taxpayere elect the council Va rua their il, not an arm!s length graup. That's the Town couneil's duty and they have Vo do it. And I think theres more dollars that can be raised from the outeide, from private enterprise. We've got sorne pretty good corporations ia the. Town of Whitby that are commun- ity-spirited. I can tell you ail kinde of things tint have gone on from industry in this town tlrnt nobody knows about, and helped out needy people.* Fre.Prees: The iast fsw yeare have' seen compiainte about 11closed!' goverument. B.A.: It's noV closed. Keep in mind that council was elected to rua the municipality. For councillors, the job doesn't pay enough for them ta just handle council. So they work ail week and the. agendas go out Friday night Vo councillors. They might not rend it Friday night, there miglit b. a function they have Vo attend se it miglit be Saturday night they readit or Suindny they rend it. Before, whcn they used ta go out, we lad pressure graups within the community who would be on the phone talking ta councillars about something they hadn't evenrend yet, and they're the elected people. Then you came out looking like a faol, not knawing what they're talking abaut. We have n committee meeting the week befare council. For interested people, that's when ahl the deputations are heard. People attending those meetings already knaw what recomniendatians arc going an ta council, they already have ail the informaàtioni. Nothing .changeg- fram that cammittee report unlese' cauncil changes it at, the council meetiniz. Free Press: Do you fted that it is appropriate for couneillore to disclose holdings? B.A.: I bave no problem with it. If you want ta ask me aow what holdings I have i the Town of Whitby, Ill tel you. I have my building dawntown whidh rve had since 1967; 1 purchased twa houses, 114 and 116 Green St., and use the back part for a parking lot; Fm invalved in a compnny, in wbich rve got lese than haif interest, tînt awns the corner of Champlain and Thickson Rd. Tbat's my otai holdings in Whitby. rm involved in Pinestone, Stouffville, Peterborough - Fm involved with other companies at variable degrees of investment interest. And rve declared my conflict of interest on the Thickson Rd. property. P ros Pressa Do you tosi taxe i 'Whltby are toô bigi?- B.A.: Compared, *Vo Pickering, Oshawa and Ajax - no. It's the value of asseesment. Pros Pýre: Howý do you envision Whitby i, say, the. year 2000? 1B.A.: I think you'il see Brooklin and Rosland Rd. become closer as Broollin maves south and Whitby narth ... We'll geV lots of open space and I think - you'tl sSe a nice cammunity Pro. Prose: Will Whitby bu a City? BA.: I got beat 6-1 last time - I guese Ilil try again. Population wise, wç?re bigger than a lot orcities thnt I studied in history in school. I think it's the "canimunity," whether it's a city or a own. When I brought the proposal (ta b. a city) forward, I wae looking at getting more identification as something bigger and mare capable at the Pacific Rini market and European market because Vhey 1 WA 43 -11 x~x.xx~ êxu~w.w4ww~w~w.w.vw~ were, the people we lwere talkIng to. Evýery time we sald, "town,", they lkind of backed up abit. Fros Pr...s: Can Whltby maintain a seporato ldsntity? BA. If were-the City of Whitby, we'd be the second clty in the region. We'd- really attaini an* identity wauldn't-we? I 'think Whitby waI, and always w111<(retain identity) ...I've been promnoting it since 1980 and prior to that when I was on rouncil. There' no question welil have an identity. Froe Prose: What «ualtios do you bring te the position that set you aside from your opnnt? B.A.: There' a lot ofdifference between selling eggs and being the mayor. rm strangiy business-oriented, I do make decisions. Theres a compiete history of rn pponent on decision-making...I'don't back down, I can't make ail the decisions, but. I make the decisions ta the best of my ability with the inifornation I have in front of nme. My opponent opposed Renascent all the wa until it came ~to a recorded vote andYthen switched votes ... He lost some of his best supporters in Braoklin over that particular issue because he couldn't niake up his mind. I dontV please everybody ... but somebody has to make a decision. COSTUME RENTALS 1

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