Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Oct 1988, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26,1988 ,F'..QMPAWi 10' If yau play soccer the bil always goes in the water. You simply say, 'You, through your site plan have an area for sports facilities. You build it and don't juet dump yaur rubble there and let the Town corne along and have to dlean it up afterwards."~ You make sure it's fine graded and dlean and suitable ta aur inspection for a soccer field, not what the developer's version of a soccer field is. The population are the. ones that are requiring the recreationai needs. And the existing population, probably 20 yenre ago, were an older population and the Town served the needs. It's the new population that le nceding the additienal faiities and it's ail tied into development. Fr.. Pross: Iat do you think will b. the most contonticus issues during the, noxt thre years? G.E.: I think the growth that je here now. Those people wil have corne here and will be givinjg their demande ta council fer thinge that they had in other municipalities. They will see that arc not neceesarily here and they will coming to council and eaying we want these. Fr.. Pr...: You have suggesed that Whitby is growing too fast. How would you g about controling that growth? G.E.: I think if you go for quality and make thera (developers) stick te the bylawe that we have on quality. And when. they waat to work an Saturday and Sunday ta build these houses. Do we have the inspectors there on Saturday and Sunday te make sure they are putting the quality into them. They don't allow the homeowners ta go in there and look at thc construction there just banging them Up. Election '88 Fr. Pr...: What about affordabi, housing? G.E.: I feel afforclable housing je a muet in this municipality. I want ta be a mayer of all the people. And I den't thinIc yeu can just be a mayor of ail the rich people. I thlnk yeu have te pirovide for those children who were bora and cducatcd in this ruiiality and wo't be maldng the $0O0or $0,000 a year. I think afferdable housing je eornething we can accemplish. And that's where you say te the developer, 'Tour block of affordable housing, build it now." You see what happened over la the weet ward (Otter Creek). It wae left there fo r a later -stage aad the guy said ne, wc don't want it now. You get it put la firet. I have a developer aow whe wants te put it la but Bob Short (Whitby planning drector) le esayag we don't aeed al that mixed houeing there. He hasn't allowed it in other sections. But if yau put it la whcre there je neo ther houeing arouad yeu can do it. It'e like a durnp. Nobedy enys they want te live beelde a dump but you build a dump and you can bet that within five ycars tirne people wil want te tart .and build expeasive heuse around it. Nobody wante te build beside an airport. You build an airpert la the middlceof nowhere and it won't be long before people begin building expeneive homes. Why net build affordable houeiag? People want ta corne and build arcund them, which they will, thcy will. But what's happening le the developers are building ail the expensive homes and then you try and put a block of affordable hausing in and you get ecrcaming and yelling and everything. Fr.. Pros.: You seem to think thore is no affordable iiouing la Whitby right now? G£E.: There's net enough te meet the dcmand. I didn't sav there was ne affordable heusing. We're allowing se much of the expensive housiag in comparleen with the affordable housing that the balance is way off. strearn. Free Press: }Iow do you view tii. oi. of planning? Where would you draw the. lne botween the. rigiite of .acii Iandowaer vs. the~ rigiits of the community as a wiiole? G.E.: I think if you have a character of an area that should b. a domnating facter. If the character je well established then what cernes in ehould blcnd into that character and should enhance the character of the area, net ta distract frora it. I think that's extrcrnely important. If eamething cernes in that juet changes the character then that opens the door Wo someone esete change the character. Then you don't have that arca anymare, yeu have n badge pedgze situation. Free Pross: Siiould developers b. made, to make their deveiopments more appropriate for the town. G.E.: Wc have tried. Take the Perez situation. We sent that site plan back several tirnes. And we got a better site plan. New the developer je goiag te go ta the Ontario Municipal Board and do you think he je going ta go with the irnpraved one or the original and that's going te b. a lose te, the tawa. That's an unfortunate situation. Fre. Prose: How do we limit strip plaza. la towa? G.E.: You don't ailow the one down an Garrard Rd. for example. That's the first thing we do. Free Prose: What are your feelings on Port Whitby. G.E.: I amn opposed te the 22 stane. I chaired the meetings at the church basement and it was an interesting project and rm plcased with what's proposed, open space along the waterfront. It'e an exciting anc as far as the walkways rcalting te the Ontario hospital. rve BSn the lateet plans fer the Ontario hospital. But wc have te b. careful. It's a succesetory in a way that it's becarne a harbor for emaîl craft, which le good. But I don't think wc should rush and try and MIi t up over night. I thiak wc carefully brlng in what we want ta see Port Whîtby as la the plan. What wc thiak je the ight thing teday may net be the ight thing in the ycar 2000. Now, the Coscan devclopment. There je hcavy dcnisity down there and though it le an cxciting project, and somcthing te work upon and look at, Fm net going te say that's what I want te sec. I want ta negotiate heavlly with that. It's net acceptable la its present ferra. Free. -Pýros: How mucà protection do you think w, siiould be giving to heritage buildings And wh~at kdnd of protection? G.E. Can you give enough? Fr.. Press: The. municipality spends a large part of its budget on recreational facilities and very litti, on cultural facilities. Would you change that? G£E.: I thinlc cultural opportuntie are extremely valuable for the tauriet trade. We had ever a million people in this rnunicipality Inet ycar and I think if yeu don't enhance yaur cultural cornmunity you're laeing eut m Gerry Emm (~)~~~jCORPORATION 0F THE \~ç/TOWN 0F WHITBY MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 1988 NOTICE TO MUNICIPAL ELECTORS ADVANCE POLIS, REGULAR POLIS AND PROXY APPLICATIONS NOTICE is herbby given te the municipal electors cf the Town of Whitby that whereas more candidates have been nominated te each cf the folîowing offices than the number required te f ilI such offices, poils wiII be heîd on the dates and at the times and places stated in this notice for the purpose cf electing the holders of such offices: (a). Mayor and Regional Ceuniciller, erle te'be elecied by genieral vote ; (b) Regienal and Area Couincillor, tibree te be elected by' general vote; (c) Area Councillor, Northi Ward (Ward 1), oe to ba elected by ward vote ; (d) Area Councillor, West Ward (Ward 2), oele to be eleoted by ward vote ; (e) Area Counicillor, Cenitre Wa:d (Ward 3), oreate ba elected by ward vote; (f) Area Ceuncillor, East Ward (Wa-,rd 4), oreate ba elected by ward vote; (g) Mernber of the Duihani Bonid of Edutcation, three te be elected by general vote of the Public School alectoral greup; (h) Member cf the Durham Regien Roman Catholic Separate School Board, tlrrae te ha elected by genieral vote of the Separata School English-language electoral group; and, (i) Whitby lîydro-Electric Commriissionaer, four te be elected by genieral vota. ADVANCE POLIS Advance poils will be hald on Saturday, Novembar 5, 1988 and Thursday, Novamber 10, 1988, at the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, from 10:00 a.m. te 8:00 p.m. for the purpose cf receiving the votes of those municipal electors who expect te be unabla Vo vote at the regular poilIs. REGULAR POLIS Regular poilis wilI be held throughout the Town on Monday, November 14, 1988, from 10:00 a.m. te 8:00 p.m. Ail qualîfiad electors wilI recaive. a voter notification card in the mail advising cf the location of the pelling station where they are te vote. Should you net racaive a card by November lst, please caîl the Clark's Department for the location cf your poîling station PROXV VOTING Electers may vote by proxy. Applications are available from the Clerk's Dapart ment. The Iast day for making application te the Clark for a cartificata te vote by proxy is Menday, November 14, 1988, net tata r t han 5:00 p.m. Dated at the Town cf Whitby this 26th day cf October, A.D., 1988 Donald G. McKay Returningj Officer and Clark The Corporation cf the Town cf Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby. Ontario LiN 2M8 Phone: 668-5803 have talked about areail wel aMi good, but you are onlY One member oncouncil. Do you have enough pull with other couneil members to get tii... thingu done? G.E. Guidance ie a special art. You guide them into something that is good for the town. Tlhe people will then get back ta those cauncillors and say, that is a good idea. If ite popular with the peaple. Then cauncillars will want ta adopt it. - I work as a tesm, I work with the coundil and Ive had a lot of councillors -. l ,me te reeolvetheir problems and I do. 4. ..... CORPORATION OF THE ST0WN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION The Ceuncil cf the Corporation cf the Town of Whitby intends te pass by-laws te stop up, close and sali the untravelled portion cf the public highway municipally known as Brock Street North, as shown belew, being composed cf Part cf Lots 181 and 182, Plan H-50029, designated as Parts 3 and 4 on Plan cf Survey 40R-9337. The Operations Committea cf Council will meet on Monday, November 21, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in Committea Room One cf the Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road, East, Whitby, for the purpose cf hearing any person whe dlaims their land wiIl be prai udiciaîly aff ected by the by-laws. Any person wishing te meet with the Cernmittea is asked te advise the Town Clark accordingly ne latar than Thursday, Novambar 17, 1988. Donald G. McKay, Clark The Corporation cf the Town cf Whitby 575 Rossîand Road, East Whitby, Ontario LiN 2MB Phone: (416) 668-5803 on opportunities for touriste. I think we don't retain enough, of. the tuurist dollars that we could b. in this muncipality which would help our hotels ta survive. Free Pres.- Speclfically, what are your fée.llps on the Town getting involvea m funding a museum or a theatre? G£E.: Well, theres the McLaughlin gallery that we contributed ta and that's a world class facility in Oshawa. We contributed through the Region. I believe those are the sort of thinge we ask, through the community, because I know there are people out there, who could corne forward and help us start something. If there ie an opportunity and enough people are interested then work on that. 1The inititative should b. coming from council, that it supports that in this muniicipality. There are a lot of people with leisure tinie and you may start off with giving a building for that sort 'of thing and what ever groupa are sucoessful in building up mnembership and activities then expand upon it. Fre. Pr-es Recreation groupe are getting funding while on the. whole cultural facilities are gettlng very litt1e. G£E. I would invite thern and ive them an open door ta corne iindZ discuse those niatters with me. When I take the mayor'. chair, rmn going ta need these people ta core ne I will have ta make some tough decisions but I want ta, give themn the opportunity ta corne forward. Free pres:.What stops would yoI> take to pen the goverment up? G..: I will keep the door open and the only phones that will ring will be froni contituents. There will be no other interference. 1 amn a fuil-tinie councillor and Ilil be a fuil-tirne mayor, Free Prte: What are your feelings about disclosure? G.E.: Definitefy. g4o questions. I supported your editarial on Aug. 13 and I thought it was right on. I. have always told people what rv had. rm gigta write it clown, black and whie, and get it exact. I have no hesitation. I think the people want ta know, if they don't rmn going ta give it ta them anyway. Free P»«e: Do you think taxes in Whitby are too higl?, G£E.: Yee, they are high compared ta other municipalities and I will want ta address with council what their thoughts are of looking at the tax situation and where we are going. Free Pr...s: How do you envison Whitby ini the year 2000? Can we maixtain a saparate identity? G.E.: Definitely that's a muet. We should strive for that now. We are starting ta, lose that. And rm afraid we will not have that image we enjoy today if we continue along the road we are going. That had attracted s0 many people ta this muncipality. It's got ta be looked at seriously ta see what we're going ta achieve in the year 2000. Free Press: What special qualities would you bring to the psition ce mayor that differs from your opponent? G.E.- I camne over here as a 17-year-old from England. I choose Whitby ta raise my faniily. I give se much and my intereets for the people here are so deep and sincere. And 19 -e-rs on counil gives mea awealth of

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