Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Oct 1988, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WHLTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1988 BLA1N WICK: - 26 years old - Lifelong resident of Brooklin - General Manager Brooklin Bulletin & Pubi. Co. Video Image' - Business Administration Diploma, Durham College - Single Free Press: What do you think are Free Press: Do you think the town the major issues of this election? should linilt the number of new B.W.: Asfar as Brooklin is concernied, commercial plazas or should the the growth potential witb the advent of marketplace dacide who survives? sewer and water which will likely occur B.W.: Inm a capitaliat. within the next terni of office. Free Press: You would let the Somneserioi.is planning has W be done to marketplaoe decide? ensure that Brookhin remains the B.W.:.Yes. But they can niake betteruse community it is, and that any growth and of space. For example, they're building expansion adds Wo the community, Wo save these one-story strip plazas, and there's us being lost. Downtown Whitby used ta an opportunity ta build second and third be a vcry 'close conunity, very well stories Wo provide low cost bousing on top connected. As the town grows araund it, of those. it's losing its sense of community. . Free Press: What la council's role Free Pross: How would you control in development? that growth? What kcind of growth B.W.: To encourage development in a would be appropriate? certain direction. The problemn with the B.W.: Eacb time a developer plans, there Perez development, the way I sce it, is has ta be something for the current that the lands were just designated for residents, the people who are part of that developmnent, waiting for someone ta corne community. For example, a major along with a dcveloprnent. The planning subdivision plan should ensure there's departinent said this is what we want you going ta be scwer and water service to the ta do in arder ta have your development existing residents. On a vcry local basis, approved. Rather than approve the you could take an established fanm or development as it is, they're arguing aven residential area and try ta grow around whetber or not they should bave prc-sald that rather than destroying it and setting -the units or not. They aborted the plan Up , something brand new. With because Perez went out and pre-sald the commercial growth along Hwy 2, tbere's units. It's a neason ta bc alerted, but I been very little donc ta kcep the older, don't think council shauld tie up their establisbed bouses and buildings. In moat develapment on tha t basis. But tbey can cases, tbey're juat ripped down and new, learn from that expérience and implement modern buildings put up without sanie preventative mensures. consideration for the past. Fre. Press: What do you think will Thinga like that nced ta be considcred in b. the moot contenticus items on a growtb area. There was a subdivision counicil's agenda for the noxt three plan for the Macedonian Village area. The years? plan bas since been witbdrawn but the B.W.: The Whitby museumn, and the residents wcre up in arma about it. There Graywood developinent at the corner af needs ta bc more negotiation with Rossland and Garden. There's already an residents ta sec what kind of a village indication that the Town bas no clear idea tbey wanted ta go there. of wbat tbey want there. It could end up Free Prose: What are yoeur feelings in the same situation as Perez - (Town) about subdivisions in rural areas? being told (by Gray'waod) 'rhis is wbat we B.W.: Every tume a major subdivision is want ta put on tbisq corner of land because donc, it creatés a separate community. yau gave us free rein ta decide bow ta do We bave an area in Brooklin called the tbis, and now why are you are balking at subdivision, therc's the aid part of town it? We've camne up with a gaod prograrn, and there's the subdivision, the why not juat -let us go ahead with it?" Mendawcrest subdivision. Brooklin bas a Free Press: Should tho planning very specific business conimunity, and bas departmont decide what should be a little bit of industry. That needa W be hee expandcd in Brooklin as the developinent B.W.: It's prctty bard for planning cames, as the bouses- are built. People department ta decide wbat would bc nioving inta Brookil aren't ail from feasible or ecanamically beneflicial for Toronto, and hopefully are trying ta find pivate enterprise. If tbcy (planning employmnit locally. department) are going ta camiplain about Free Pressa- What do yen tbink woro a proposaI, they should tell themr ahend of the' major acomplishmonts/failuros cf time wbat's expected of tbem. If tbey gct the last thres years? a proposaI, and tbey tel themn how ta fix B.W.: I think Renascent (alcobolic it, and tbey fix it that way, they should lot rebabilitation centre) was handled them carry on. adequately. It seenis ta, me the biggest The recreatian facility an the narth side issues for residents were water and sewer ofRslnRd i bansueAswt services and wbcn they (council)passed it, of ossbigd rd. t, will g an isseAs th tbcy had stipulations that Renascent bad mTfbipctis, will nvg atyovch osht tinstail a water tank sud better sewage Tefclte ilnyrmthwa flta es everybody wants so tbere'll be a lot af FetesPes Pe.usy discussion and negotiation ta settle that. FetoedProse: Previtosle enh FrePress: Do. yen think that m etcne oucilhadn't don. ough ll growth itself will bo an issue? Do you teet esu th ero.Do en think we are growing toc fast? Should foo.:tth kthWsaaotapenng thero ho limita? BW.: atI thin there a lot h aeig B.W.: It's bard ta say. I would say yes, nTha tI oacrédt aaroe o aconthtao. as the issues camne up tharc'-ll be prablemai andeslettrof ceit s gonet ourt en witb growtb. But as long as tbey havé yad is bengno tatsaed. It ok tem e tume tadiscuss thinga at council, I don't years ta ethW taot stagTe Nowdtvisirn think w'nc growing toa fast. The worst doan fomte tio tot. the udivsion part about a large influx of new people is plan fr theweat ade oftawn, the Csa by may have a bard time fitting in the subdivision on Asbburn Rd.,tbeyre community and may try. to set up thein wbat' going ta make on break the sewers own community, i conflict with- what!s ta Brooklin in the next twa on tbree years. already there. If yau niove into an old I can't sec the Région. delaying it any neigbborhcod, yau have ta becomnien of furtber. I real.ly think it's going ta go those people. I a new neighborbcod, tbrough ini the next term. A lot of issues everything ia settlcd over turne. are going Wo corne of that once tbere's approval by the Region ta take the Free Prose: Do yen sS traMei as a services ta Brooklin. Yau bave Wo console major proleni? the people on how the services ar on B.W.: Sometbing sbould be done about ta be interfering witb their lives - t'ern Thickson Rd. noth of Rossland in orden ta up the streets, cost of connections - and Prvn alo of ces àd ad how the new developinent is going to driveways gaing onto Tbickson and in affect the cornmunity. For example,. arder ta keep the speed lumit up. there's a very atrong feeling in-Brookili Free Proese: Are truckcs gclag that the commercial sbould stay on tlirough Brooldla on IIwy 12 stili a Baldin t. nd ot a aen raud1te 1poblm rbsiess .1-ý ROd-SS BA¶TEN: Free Press: What do youthink are the major issuzes of this election? R.B.: To be very honest with you I don't think there are any major issues in this election. I think the town is running jretty smooth. This council, although not perfect, has responded to the concerna of the citizens. We maintained a good flow of activity through a tough time. Weére going through a lot of growth in this town ndI thiiik this council has -responded to that growth and tried ta allow it to fit in with what's already here. We have attracted good industry. We maintained a good tax level and I really don~t feel there are any main outstanding issues. Free Press: What would yen regard as the major acoomplish- ments/faihires of the last tbree years? R.B.: One of our bigger accomp- lishments is being able to bande the growth situation. We're part of the Golden Horseshoe, and it (growth) is going Wo happen here and I think this coundil bas accepted the fact that we have Wo put up witb the growth and we have Wo keep control of it. And I thinlc that's wbat we have tried to do - just keep some control and not lose that through another level of government. And I think our. big _plight was Wo make sure that we had tht growtb adopt to what was already bere. We have a small community, or what was a sinail community. We have a good nucleus of a comniunity and we have endeavored as a council Wo make sure that the new people coming in adopt W hat is already here in order Wo maintain that sinail town flavor. We have as a council established goals Wo make sure we add facilities to accomxnodate new . people coming in. We did, of course, expand Iroquois Park Wo provide saine additional recreational facilities. We have taken a move ta provide a new recreational faciity adjacent to the municipal building and that!s going to take place within the term of the next council. I think we've responded Wo concerns of select groups of individuals and there are groups that have got good response from our council. Free Pross: The. most contenticus issues of the past tbree years, for example, Decom, Bluegrass, do you think they ehould have been handled differently? R.B. Well, on the Dccom issue, I guess we got we got off on the wrong start and I know that we were criticized the way wc handledthat issue. We had a couple of meetings early on, but maybe we should have gat pubic involvement right off the bat. I think ini retrospect what we were trying to do was control the situation and I tbink we were controlling the situation. lil be very honest with you, I think the press through it out of proportion. I think once the residents got involved and se forth, it was blown out of proportion and it looked as if it was their involvement that ninybe changcd the course. But I feel as a comnittee and ultimately as a coundil, we had it under contraI. I do not want Wo discourgae public .participation in any of those issues and 17m not, ini retrospect, sorry they got involved. I think it belped, I think public participation always belps. Free Press: One of the issues affecting Brookil was the ]Renascent Centre. Do you tink that was handlod properly? R.B.: We have a severe problem in Brooklil, a severe water problein and sewage problem. I have ho quarrel at al with the application, and the use of the property and the building. I thinlc Ws an excellent use. I don't have any problem with that at ail. I know there were seme residents in the iznuediate area that did, that bad saine resi concerna. I met with thein, I told tbem what my concerna were. What I was opposed ta was the fact that with that use it was ging Wo drain the cxizting watcr situation and tax the swagesituaion. nd - b'vey- hne- - 44 years old - Resident of Ashburn for 41 years - President: Batten Business Group, teleCommunications and computer consulting, SIBusiness Accounting Certificate Durham College Married, 3 children thought it wha premature. It waa passed (by council ), it wil go ini and that's there now. They're tearing down a couple of buildings that the Carnwith famoily are not happy with and I have some concerne there but they're proceeding and I think they wil do a good job. Free Press: Do you think there will b. any contentious issues in the next three yeairs? R.B.: 0f course. If we get back to growvth, and I said enrîjer there were no major issues, I guess growth is a major issue. I think this town will continue to grow. It wil level off soniewhat, I don't think we. can keep up the pace that we have been going the last four or five years. It's going to be up to this council ta handie that. 0f course,- in the north area, and one of the main reasons why I wanted to run again, was the fact that with the acceptance of sewer and additional *water services in Brooklin, there is going to be *some growth in that area. It's going to take sanie good leadership to handie that growth properly. I think the most imnportant thing about bringing services to Broolin is making sure the existing residents get a'far deal. Free Press: Do you think those services will be extended within the .nrext three years? RB:I. think sa. That's a regional matter and I. don~t have complete control of that. But, through conversation with developers, and with people at the Region, I can sSe there is gong to be a7reslve of the existing probleins and we"ll seS ful services to Brooklin within the next few y ears. Free Press: How do you ses the people of Brookin fitting into' that problem? R.B.: I think that~s very Important. You have a small community the saine as you have a sinal 'community down here. It's going to grow, and I think roost people realize that you have to grow. But you should malce sure that that growth conforma to what's already there. You have an existing core to the tovin, mnake sure that you maintain that, and the people coming in have to conform to what's already there. I think we had a problem years and years ago when the Meadowcrest subdivision was put in, it really split the town. So you have. old Brookîja and the subdivision. And people stili refer to it as the subdivision. I don~t want to sec that happen again. That can happen if you allow it to happen. I think you have to make sure that when there is growth in* Brooklin, it 1is not going to happen in just one area. You have toanake sure you get the services çoming in to the existing residents. Make sure that we solve their problem before we start adding ta it. And of course one of the big things is to make sure we get the services to the downtown first sa it can grow properly and serve the eisting* comnunity and we expand it from there. Free Press: Do yu feel Brooklin wants to grow? R.B.: I dodt tbink you can, as a coundil or any government agency, just say we are going to grow to 80,000 and then we are going to shut off a valve. I think the -arketan ope dictate what growth is

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