PAGE 8, WH*ITÎBVFR~Çe SS/WEDVRNESDAY, OCTOBER 19,1988 whmt*'bsins Sylvienne Fournier bas relocated ber franchise of Arthur Murray's Dance Studio to a Brock St. S. location. After occupying the third floor of a building on Brock St. N. for two years, Durham Region's only Artur Murray's is now next door to the 7 Eleven store and Beaver gas station. "We needed more space," says Fournier. "Now we bave a larger dance floor. It's easier for women witb babies and small cbildren. They don't bave to climb stairs.' The new studio is on a main floor, and stili undergoing renovations. Fournier's education in dance was completed at York University, where she earned ber honor's degree in fine arts. Sbe studied ballet and modemn dance, had ballroom training, and taught at the studio before obtaining ber own franchise. Fournier is also a member of the Canadian Dance Teachers' Association. The dance studio offers a variety of classes including ballroom, Latin American, ballet, tap, jazz, and a new addition, dirty dancing. "The title came from the movie, and is quite popular," says Fournier. Not only can staff members teach dance stops, but videotapes show the steps as weIl. Upon request, cameras will videotape classes. "This way they are*able to see what they've learned and what mistakes tbey have made," Studio in larger quarters Fournier says. "Some just love to be filmed, wbile others don't like it much." Arthur Murray's offers a combination of private, group and practice lessons. Classes run from 1 to 10* p.m. from Monday to Friday and 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday. With the exception of the dirty dancing class, wbich is soon to be divided, classes are generally small. "lt makes it easier to teach," says 17ournier. Ages of students vary, from as young as tbree to over 80. Each student receives a chart to monitor progress. As the student bas mastered a type of step, they then can mark off how they've done. Competitions and performan- ces are held at various places, and Fournier. is boping ta, organize a competition soon after Cbristmas. "If it is a big competition, then we usually rent a hotel for the weekend and bold the competitions in the basement," says Fournier. 'Right now, I'm preparing to go ta, Chicago for a competition, and some of the other girls will soon be off to, Vegas.q" Fournier's franchised studio will be having its grand opening sometime in November, with an exact date depending on the Produetivity workshop Nov.1l A small business worksbop to increase your productivity througb your people" will be presented by the Whitby Chamber of Commerce at a breakfast meeting on Nov. 1. Vic Tyrrell, regional manager of K. D. Crone and Associates, licenced sponsor for Dale Carnegie courses in Ontario, will address il areas that companies in the 1980s must focus on to ensure that they are competitive in the 1990s. The workshop will be held from 8 a.m. ta 10 a.m. at the Garden Gate Restaurant (upstairs) at Cullen Gardens. The price of $20 per person will cover the cost of the workshop and a breakfast of coffee and muffins. Anyone wishing to attend is urged to reserve as soon as possible by calling the Whitby Chamber of Commerce at 668-4506. Reservations will be cut off when the number of those attending reaches 50. Three questions addressed ta those attending by Tyrreli will be: does your team understand wbat the changes and challenges affecting your company's future are; do tbey see a need for change; and do they realize the can change? As a result of this worksbop, local businesses will have a clearer focus on the strengtbs of their organizaitons, says tbe Whitby Obamber of Commerce. Sales donated To celebrate its first anniversary, Blue Sea Fish and Chips will donate haîf of its sales on Wednesday, Oct. 26 to Whitby General Hospital. "We have ta give sometbing back ta the community," says Blue Sea owner Angelo Labropoulos. Blue Sea is located at 840 Brock St. N. TNERAPY PADS Natural Pain Relief Based on sound principles of physios and physiology, IBIOflex® pads alleviate everyday aches and pain. These patented, scientifically proven bio-magnetic devices were deve- loped in West Germany, tested at the Massachusetts Institute 0f Technology, and successfully used in Europe, Asia and lsrael. BIOflex® are re-usable, permanent pads which are corn- pletely portable. They are non-allergenlo, cause no irritation or burns, and do not soul clothing. BIOfleX@ bio-magnetic therapy pads are safe and effective for the treatment of: * BACKACHES a TENNIS ELBOW e MUSCLE ACHES MUSCULAR TENSION IN THE BACK, SHOULGERS OR NECK TENOONITIS e SPORTS STRAINS Avallable In Whtby at: Xe *BaiIey Big V, Brock St. S. *Canadian Home Therapy, Brock St. N. eGuardian Drugs, Dundas- Ctre Medical and Anderson St. eShoppers Drug Mr.Dundas St. W. and Whtby Malil. competition schedule. "With tbe competitions coming up, the opening may clash with them," says' Fournier. Th e opening will include an o'pen house, performances, classes as John Nugent (ail 6'6".of him) promises to keep your Midday in Motion weekdays between 10Oa.m. and 2 p.m. Whether it's Stan Larke's "Garden Guide" or Paul Harvey's "News & Comments", John and bis friends will keep you in tune with the la test in News, Sports, Entertainment, and anything that meets your fancy. well as a party. As to wh ether the success Of ber studio will spawn another franchise, Fournier- is still uncertain. I don't know if I will," she says, witb a smile, 'The future il tell.'# Speaking of fancy, for that "Someone Special", John has dedications from il a.m. tili 1 p.m. every day. For Durham Region's BEST midday radio show, turn your radio dial to CHOO 1390 AM weekdays between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. for "Midday In Motion" with John Nugent. John -Nugent Weekdays 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. ~ii *>C» RADIO «1390 AM Durhams Vol ce ... by Choice' INYSJING? GEI SECUJRITYAND IIIGH Y[EL IN PERT BALANCE WITH OUR GIJARANThED INVESTMENIS. Choose from ourCGuaranteed your regular savings account. Investment Certificates and PEACE 0F MIND, because we Debentures for: THE SECURITY 0F A RISK- FREE INVESTMENT, guaran- teed by one of the largest trust companies in Canada. A HIGHEP RETURN than you're earn- -4irough take care of everything for you in a professional way. FLEXIBILITY to choose the investment, interest pay- ments, terms, etc. you need. And if you need cashable investments, ask us. FARN EVEN MORIE INTRES. 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