Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1988, p. 32

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PAGE A4, WHEITBY FREE PRESS, Durham Moves, OCTOBER 19, 1988 New fud Consuniiers with financial dlaims against Ontario car deal- ers may be able te, get compen- sation from a government-run program. The M4otor 'Vehicle Dealers Compensation Fund provides im- portant protection not offered anywhere else in Canada, says Ontario Consumer Minister Bill Wrye. The fund is designed te protect customers cf ail auto deal- ers registered in Ontarie, in a variety cf circumstances. If a registered deaiership goes bankçrupt, ieaving custemers with financial losses, the fund would provide protection. MO THEM OUTI WITH WPIhIAAi111J J±1 wL THE DISPLAY ADVERTISI&NG DEPARTMENT AT THE WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 provides Protection Buyers who don't get .their cars According te Berze. tite c within 90 days can seek compeil- pnsatien fund was set up te satien if deposits aren't refun ded. s=r consumers get what's 0V The fund aise covers unsettied to. them if problems ariÈde v dlaims under car warrranties deaierships. guarenteed by dealerships and In the past, if a dealer refu unpaid court judgments against te return a deposit or pay a cc dealers. judgment, the customer hac "It's important that every car fellow a time-consumidng 1( ewner and buyer in Ontario process in attempts te recE knows about the program," say any money. Under certdin Daniel Berze, administrater cf cumstances, consurners aise the fund for the Ministry cf access te a $5,000 bond poste< Consumer and Commercial Rela- ail dealers. However, that b tiens (MCCR). "If people, don't had te be shared ameng al cla know it exists, they xnay lose ants and was considered isul hundreds cf dollars unnecdssari- ient. ly.it The maximum compensai available through the new fun set at $10,000 for each tre action. Claims must bef V E within two years cf the deal refusai or failure te meet obliga- tions te the customer. Financed through mandatory industry contributions, the fund, ,was established in 19à6. It cur- rently hoids $2.5 million and is jointly adniinistered by the min- istry and an appointed board cf trustees. The creation cf the fund itseif may have had a stabilizing effect on the industry, Berze says. Some shaky dealerships may have chos- en te get eut cf the business rath- er than make the mandatery con- tribution. Compensation fund dlaim formis are available at any cf the ministry's eight Consumer Ser- vice Bureaus iocated around the prevince. Bureau offices are listed in the directory white pages. Forms and information are aise, available from Dan Berze. He can be contacted at the Moter Vehice Dealers Compensation Fund, Ministry cf Consumer and Com- mercial Relations, Srd floor, 555 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. M7A 2H6 - (416) 963-0411. TOP winter lunes rff Ithat SE A pi Id Yâurs for aSong. Cut out now for our Winter Tiine Up Specials! st out out tit coupon, eut $ Out out now for a lot of other to Auto Genies and get 9 Auto Genies specials! Lter tune-ups and topq Bring in tItis coupon and ask about md-nme prts t prcesAuto Genics' FREE "A" Club nd-nme Prts t prcesmembership card, too. It's good for Lt are going for a song. special 5% discounts and more. 6icyl. V6 cyJ. V8 c'Y. Ask about Auto Genios' double warranty on parts and service, for 6495 $6 9 $7495 example, and a whole lot of otber plies to niost cars. (Vans $15 extra.) 4 cyl car care specials. And see for our top winter tunes include: mos ours elfwh y'auto go to Auto ngine performance diagnosis otcr. Gnerih now - for upfront, ngine analysis report no-nonsense car care that'll neyerI 'operly reset timing muut leave you out in the cold. le speed adjustment CHAMPIONi Act now -offer expires nd top-of-the-line Champion Nov. 30, 1988 ark plugs (of course). Y'auto go to American Express. Visa and MasterCard accepteci. QAuto genl We're fixing the way cars get fixed. MISSISSAUGA .2191 Dundas St. E. 629-9113 *3087 Winston Churchill Blvd. 828-4463 SCARBOROUGH 1283 Kennedy Rd. 752-0232 REXDALE 183 Rexdale Blvd. 742-8277 MARKHAM *8 Laidlaw Blvd. 294-7200 '50 Don Park Rd. 477-7470 WESTON 5151 Steeles Ave. W. 745-2100 PICKERING 1600 Bayly St. 265( 420-1213 65 Rutherford Rd. S. 452-8254 KAMILTON Centennial Pkwy. N. 578-5200 KITCHENER 10 Manitou Dr. 894-4977 OLCO keeps growing By Debbie Luchuk Now with 300 retail sites in Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada, executive and industrial sales and home heating service, OLCO is cutting a wide swath throughail major fuel markets. Whitby is one of the nerve centres of operations for OLCO, with an office on Dundas St. E. and several OLCO retail outlets. Ed Aru, manager of operations for Ontario region, toid The Free Press the company bas a long history of mergers of severai large and smali fuel companies.» The DX oil company began in VWtby and expanded te, 17 retail outlets east of Toronto as far as Belleville, with fuel for heating for homes, farms and businesses available in the samie area. Ibis company was purchased by Natonas of Canada in 1979, and continued te run retail outiets under the name cf DX in Ontaie and IGS in Quebec. Other stations acquired by the company assumed the name cf DX as well. This increased the exposure cf the company te 30 stations, Aru said. Natomas teck over two U.S. com panies and then "chose te divest itself cf Canadian assets." The Kaneb family cf Cornwall deait in bunker and wholesale petroleumi in eastern Ontario. They bought up the Canadian assets and centinued te operate as DX and IGS. "In 1987, the family embarked on a major expansion,- and realized the potential cf the market. In order te finance the venture, it (the cempany) went public and offered shares te the public," Aru said. The cempany purchased Lyie's gas stations (a Whitby-based company) and sniailer companies in eastern Canada. The Lyie's purchase accounts for the large number cf OLCO stations in Whitby, Mru said. There are now more 300 service stations co-owned with the conipany "and the equivalent number cf dealers te provide a network of service stations," he added. The company bas a "tetal barrel concept" which accounts for the availability cf steve cil and auto diesel at most OLCO stations, Aru said. As well, OLCO stations frequently offer auto propane. Aithough it isnet part cf the "barrel," it is a preduct in demand by many automobile owners. The total barrel concept embraces sales cf bunker te ships, whoiesaie market heavy fuels, home heating as weil as the retail auto fuels. "Our service stations provide, top quality service at the ýpumps at a slightiy iower price than the major cempanies," Aru said, explaining why se many peoplIe are frequenting the service stations. OLCO is purchasing severail gas stations throughout Ontario, as estabiished gas stations become availabie either through other major fuel cempanies seiiing eut or through independent operators looking for a company affiliation. "We're looking ahead te the future as more and more people move eut here," Mru said. OLCO is purchasing stations on. both sides cf m*ajor roadways as fwe recognize the traffic probiem." Often it is difficuit, because of traffic, te get te a gas station on the ether ýsideof the road, and rnotorists plan their route fe access a gas station aiong the flow cf traffic. "We're spreading eut, trying te get i n wherever we don't have a banner Up," saiùd Au. Campaign againstspeeding A campaign against speeding bas been iaunched by the Insur- ance Bureau cf Canada, Ontario Mfinistry cf Transportation,'Ont- aric Provincial Police, Metropol- itan Toronto Police, and York, Peel and Durham IRegionalJ Police forces. The campaign, entîtled "Speed- ing Slows You Down," started with a news conference Sept. 29, at the Mfinistry of Transportation, Canpaign participants, meet- ing since April, have attempted to develop- a systematie. approach te, reducing traffic probienis in the greater Toronto area. The Insurance Bureau of Can- ada bas provided $30,000 toward the campaign, whîch will -be pro- moted by -each participating ag- ency, within its own jurisdictien. com- en- ving with ised -urt d te legal ,ver cir- had d by bond aim- iffic- itien ,d is ,as- fled ier's m 1 1

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