WH1TBY FREE PRESS, Interiors, SEPTEMBER 28, 1988. PAGE A5 Buying a mattress? Lie'down and thi*nk about i*t There are lots of reasons for buying a new mattress and foundation: getting married, maving to a new home or ac- quiring a new and bigger bed. Maybe your old mattress is rcady for the bed- ding graveyard. No matter what your reason, the ultimate expectation is a comiortable night's sleep. But with ail the different construc- tions, firmnesses, sizes and prices for sleep ses, how do you decide which one is right for you? Consider these helpiu hints from thc Scaly Posture- pedicO bedding experts: e Test the mattress by lying on it. Sitting an the edge of a mattress set and bouncing up and down a icw times isn't enough. To further test the mattress, lie on it for 10 ta 15 minutes, and make sure it is comior- table in ail normal sleep positions and offers plenty of support ta your shoulders, hips and lower back, i n ad- dition to providing gaod perirneter support. If you and your spouse plan to sleep on the bedding, yau should both hop aboard and give it the com- fort, and support test. e Shop for the largest sleep set your bedroom can acconumodate. A full-size mattress is no more than 54 inches wide; that's twice thc size of, a baby's crib - flot very roorny for two grown adults. You'1l be surpris- ed ta learn that you probably have room for a queen (60 inches wide) or king (76 inches wide) bed. e*Its bes ta buy a scecp set - mattress and matching foundation. Your new mattress deserves a foun- dation of equal quality ta properly support it. Tests show that an inade- * ft's what's inside the mattress that counts. Many types of innerspring mattress constructions are available, each with its own unique features, in- cluding design of the coils, the way they are assernbled, gauge of the wire, and number of turns per col. Gener- ally, the lower the gauge of the wire, the lirmer the support of the in- dividual coil. OUEEN SIZE 60 X 30 KING SIZE TWIN FULL 76 x 80 SIZE SIZE 39 x75 54 x75 THE DOUBLE BED (ful-size> used to be the accepted size for two sleepers. But consider what the 'doubIe" in a double bed really chrt frm S ily Pstueedaic inicae, e Make sure your salesperson is a qualified source of information. He should be trained. to answer yaur ques- tions about construction, warranty, sizes and other points. If your ques- tions produce a shrug, yau may te wise ta try anather store. e Generally, in purchasing sleep sets, you get what you pay for. If yau'vc dccided ta buy a new mattress set, invest in the very best yau can ai- fard. Prices are determined by the materials used, the quality ai construc- tion and the size ai the set. Don't cut corners when it cornes ta, getting a good night's sleep. It's an investmnent in one-third ai every day ofiyour lufe. That can bave a dramatic effect on how yau feel the other two-thirds. I Making the legacy of Whitbyl, 507 Brock St. N. (3 blocks N. of Hwy #2) 668-4231 Mon.-Wed. 10-6, Thurs. & Fr1. 10-9 Sat. 10-5:-30 one last thought fram the people at Sealy: If you're thinking of passing an your aid bedding ta, a relative or friend, or even seiling it, fbrget it. And don't put worn-aut mattresses in a guest room. If your aid set is not giv- ing you the comfort and support you need, don't pass on your dispîcasure to others. And, of course, the r everse is truc: Don't accept hand-me-dawn bedding. Remembcr, a proper nigbt's rest helps case the stress of die day abead. t MSissisaUga, Home & Design Centre, just E. of Winston Churchill Blvd. on Dundas St. 828-1212 Mon.-Fri. 10-9. Sat. 10-6 SPECTACULÀAR SEPTvEMBER A4 --.i mu- SAE ENDS THIS SAT.! m - j