Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Sep 1988, p. 19

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By Pat Dooley Knock, Knock - Who's not there?-, Answer: "Whitby's develop'- ment planning." .When the Officiai Plan was first circulated in 1973, it was criticized as, and was admitted te, being, "a broad brush ap- proach" according to thon may- or Des Newman. This criticism was counterod by the assur- ance- that "implementing (re- stricted) arça zoning bylaws" would be drawn up te remove, the,-uncertainty. When the Of- ficiaI, Plan was accepted, it did- include the statements re "im- plementing (restricted) area zoning bylaws." During the same intro- ductory period the question of 'bylaws" for the applicable 29 envronenal res was dis- cussed by our 'executive with Mofeed.Nichael, regional dir- ector of planning, and Kevin Tunney, then Town planning director. Both gentlemen as- sured us that 'bylaws," as stated in the Official Plan, had te be drawn up to complete the planning process. To this date, this has not been done. Following the acceptance of the Official Plan CARA ap- proached Town council re- questing the process be follow- ed as stated in the Offidial Plan. Council replied with re- solution 580-76 which showed that the council unanimously agreed with CARA's stand. It would appear, te date, that this resolution was passed te satisfy only CAIRA, for it was nover implemented. The Official Plan had one other protective device for.the residents. There was a mai- mum population level fixed in each environmental 'area. Council solved that problem - they had it removed. But according te the OfficiaI Plan, they were supposed te bring it te the attention of those af- fected by it. When it disap- peared or who actually had it removed is stili a mystery. In the late 1970s the point that the process of 'bylaws" was not carried out was pro- tested at administrative com- mittee meetings, council meet- ings and 0MB hearings. Since Corridor Area Ratep ayers' Association that time 'resolution 580-76 bas been completely ignored. Town council handicaps itself because it must handie every request for development and as a resuit doesn't have suf- ficient time to adequately pre- pare itself on al topies to be discussed. Planning in Whitby is done on a "spot" zoning basis. There are no adequate bylaws to control or direct devlopmýent. As a resulti developers or indi- viduals try to circumvent the- established bylaws. Individ- uals go to, the committee of adjustment and if they are re- fused they approach the plan- ning department for their own special bylaw. Developers just present their plan of subdi- iiision and the planning. de- partment accepts as suitable anything because they will just pass it as an amendment to the more stringent bylaw that all other residents are subject to. It is a fact that there are two sets of bylaws in Whitby - one that has been adopted and passed by council andf the other an accom- modation for almost anything that a big developer brings forward., Commercial development in Whitby appears to have neither rhme nor reason. There is on ly one direc t route from Whitby to Oshawa, on Hwy. 2. CARA and other groups have p ointed out to the town, for 10 years, the ne- cessity for additional routes. But, to date, nothing has been done except te concentrate more heavy commercial de- velopment in the Hwy. 2 and 5Oth anniversary -BERT AND Annie Daunoey are alsmiles as they acoept a plaque from the Town of Whitby in recognition of thefr 5th wedding anniversary. Councillar Tom -Edwards presented the plaque. *Thic'kson Rd. area. -This has added te the confusion and the traffic density has l'orcod drivers to use. residential roads, endangering carefree children. There seems te be no re- lationshi p between commer- cà eveopment an.d parking. In each of the four shopping plazas in the above mentioned area the ratio of parking to. commerial outiets is constant- ly shrinking. In point of fact, th Woolco Mal was to have built a -parking ramp as con- dition for expansion. Expani- sion is completed but there is no parking ramp and the mer- chants are ,suffrîng because of the Iack of parking for cust- omers. Ail of the forementioned (eaves me wondering:. - Who benefits from the, vague, indefinite, planru*ne' situation? Residents? Council Planning staff? Developers? - Why is it ermitted to continue even ou hu it vi- olates the OfficiailP Ian, be- cause council is responsible for ensurxng services are in place for ail new residents?' Now the development of Whitby -harbor is at hand - 22 stories. Do you think we could get us a Skydome too? If this wasn't 50 serious and the Town's regulatery control so bi- ased one would be tempted to laugh at the suggestion. One wonders if Tom Edwards is going te insist on the 25pe cent low income units. Is this any different than Bluegrass Meadows? Being election year, why not insist that the candidates ex- plain their position on devel- opment and gve a course of action that wllend the opening joke. Why don't local voters de- mand answers? The next column will point out how Whitby council prac- tises participatory democracy with their taxpayers. NOTE: The officiai position of CARA during any election is to remain neutral and, as an organization, support no one. Individual directors are free to sup port whoever they wish as in dividuals. Reminder: election dance Nov. 5, $15 per couple, can- didates te decorate the hall. Tickets available from execu- tive and directors. Teachers at annual meeting Twenty-four teachers from Durham Region recently attendled the annual meeting of the Fed- eration of Women Teachers' As- sociations of Ontario. Debate was held over issues % such as child abuse, immigrant children, affirmative action, rac- ism, special education and port- able classrooms at the annual meeting, held in Toronto. Local teachers attending are members of the Durham Women Teachers' Association. Hire an experi ecelarOcr' mangerona r WB1TY FIIEE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPthMER 28, 1988, PACE 19 Hotel plan is approved Whitby council has given approval te the construction of an automobile service station and hotel on the east side of Thickson Rd. S., south of Victoria St. In addition, council bas given approval for, approximately 70 acres of land surrounding the two uses to be rezoned prestige industrial which wou allow a variety of uses. Those uses would include a bank, office building, auditorium, commercial or technical school. The service station will be one acre in size and located on the southeast corner of Thickson Rd. and Victoria St. The hotel, te of Victoria St. be ,located north overlooking the 401, will be no higher than six stories and no lower than two with 80 minimum guest rooms. Council stilI bas te approve a sit.e plan for the hot.el Cigarets stolen One hundred cartons of cigarets valued at $2,090 were stolen from the OLCO gas station on Dundas. St. E. sometime over the Sept. 17-18 weekend. Entry was gained through a glass- door at the rear of the station. Also stolen were 100 lighters valued at $99 and a. small quantity of cash. Commission on Election Finances Commission sur le financement des élections SINRY OF Iia u AiDCAI(GR IE PUBLISIKIPURSUMINT R&CLUSE4(1)(k) OF TMI RLCTM wFfIBUCESACT, 1986 POULNG DAY - Septedber. 10, 1987 ELEL¶ORILDISTRICT 0 OF FMAS inuom BEYItK SUDSIDY $43,872.18 $54,808.49 $19,92334 Tma InfrmUoe xunabovebhm beau taken f rce finagclal, tatmtts filed ulth tbe Caimssoei by ChilefFlumcial Off bers of Candidates, andi wbere applicable, cia>idd vth tbat of the en&rsing «matitu«Mc assoclatien. Inom before - ub*inc1um transfers f riprvincial party mygaimbtias. Cmpgexpenses du set incdude trnfers paid out. Copies cf the fuit fi.nicial utatmtz my ho abtaioed frum the Ccussioem Mmep.ayit of the aqiplicaûe fees. Do~nald C. FaDJoea.ld chaizum #800-151 Eloor Street lWest, Torounto, Ontario ifis S I (416)965-0455 Ontailo CMNIDATE Cureatz, Sms amoe, Dian 1PFILUTICN PC L CANI mmimm $36,8W0.09 $31,176.31 $15,639.90 PRID TO $9,074.30 $9,074.30 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 1988 REVISION 0F THE PRELIMINARY LIST 0F ,ELECTORS For the purpose of the 1988 Municip al Electtons, the last day for making application to revise the Pidliminary List 'of Electors for the Town of Whithy is Saturday, Ã"ctober 15, 1988, and flot Monday, October 17, 1988,..as previousl9,pubIished.' This change of date arises fron, a recent dec'ision of the Supreme Court of Ont ario. Copies of the Preliminary List of' Electors showing the naâmês of ail electors in the Town o<f.Whitby have been pubic<- posted at the following locations: 1) Ashburn General Store, 89.90 AshburpiRoa d, Ashburn; 2) Fire Hall, 201 Brock Street South, Whitby; 3) Hy- Hope Farm Market, 9550 Baldwin Street, Myrtle Station; 4) Iroquois Park Recreat ion Complex, 500 Victoria Street West, Whitby; 5) Post Office, 2 Price Street, Brooklin; 6) Post Office, 200 Dundas Street East, Whitby; 7) Senior Citizens' Activity Centre, 801 Brock Street South, Whitby; 8) Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby; and, 9) Whitby Public Library, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby. Ail electors should examine the ist to ensure their names ançi relevant information are correctly shown. Applications for inclusions, additions or corrections to or et1ý from the list are available at the Clerk's Office. Applications for revision of the list may be filed with the Clerk, Monday to Friday betweený 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and on Saturday, October 15, 1988, between 820 a..m. and 4:30 p.m. The last date for filing applications for. revision of the preliminary list of electors is Saturday, October 15, 1988. ..Donald G. McKay il Returning Officer and Clerk' The Corporation of the Towni'of Whitby fWhitby, Ontario Phone:668-5803

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