IwA1wx88, SEPAG1ÈA7 If 'a tire blowout occurs *Don't overreact. Blowouts can cause tremendous steering and wheel vibration, but don't be alarme&~ Steer the vehicle firmly in the direction you wish to go and bring it to a stop off the traveled' portion of the road. Rearwheel tire blowouts can cause the vehicle to sway - a "fish-tailing" effect. To stop the swaying, de-clutch. or shift to neutral and follow.the procedure. DURHAM REGIONAL Police have receiving funding from the Province begun a R]IDE program after for manpower and equipment. RIDE P ogram 490 cars stopped in Durham Regional Police are suspensions handed out; 17 a cracking down even more on tests given, and three failed;q drinking and driving offences person charged with 'refusinE with the start of the RIDE breathalyzer test;* one w~ prograni in the region last week. refusing a breathalyzer;1 RIDE -(Reduce Impaired drivers charged with alcc Driving Everywhere) was put in levels above 0.8. place te, further enforce the activities of the. force's selective Although. police, have enforcement unit. precedent te comhpare with The program involves random first week's resuits, they feel t checks within Durhami Region.' the number of chargesi 1 I the first week of operation, minimal for the number of c the RIDE program, stopped0 490 pulled over. cars. There were seven 12-hr. The Province has provided Ree vehicle show at Metro Trade Centre The "Great Recreational Vehicle Adventure Show" will be held Sept. 22-24 at the Metro East Trade Centre, Hwy 401 and Brock Rd. in Pickering. .Exhibiters will represent more than 60 brand names, catering to ail styles of RVing, from the less expensive tent campers, fifth wheels, C class and A class moterhomes te luxurious park models. Also to be shown for the first time will be a Canadian-designed and built motorbome totally accessible te the wheelchair handicapped. The C class unit is built by Royal Industries of Fraserville, Ont. The show will also include seminars on maintenance, insur- ance, caravanning, safety and *microwave cooking. first wee k Iert extra funding needed b one additiona1 equipment, i g a and promotional costs. Aiith ________ _ I - no the that was cars the to pay for nianpower "GREAT'~ REXL:CREATIONAL, VEIIICLE ADVENTURE SHOW SEPTEMBER 22,23,24, 1988 AN K.V. SHOW WITH A DIFFRECE 0F COURSE WE HAVE MOTORHOMES e PARK MODELS e TRAILERS e CAMPERS 5th WHEELS e RENTALS e TENT TRAILERS e VAN CONVERSIONS BUT WE ALSO HAVE SEMINARS COVERING CARAVANS 0PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE 0 INSURANCE 6COOKING LOTS 0F GENERAL INFORMATION FROM EXPERTS TO SHOW YOU HOW TO GET MORE ADVENTURE AND ENJOYMENT FROM YOUR R.V. AT THE METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE PICKERING, ONTARIO FHGHWAY 401 AND BROOK ROAD FREE PARING FOR 4500 CARS SHOW TIMES: THUR & FRL 1200 moon - 9.0, p.mi. SATURDAY 9:00 a.i.9.<» pan. ADMISSION: ADULTS $5.00-