EverthinuMuýst Go!1 A o A À '8sý MuST GO Vý4 À ILjL L.E À L J7 :; >li- 4 L - f S Td e %9 We made a factory Purchase of Used Vehicles. It's unbelievable but t rue. Just examples of 200 cars.', LOWEST'PAYMENTS * DEALERSWELCOME '88 EXPO .4 DR. 22 1. englne, auto, p/o, p/b, defroster, rear wlper cloý.i hlghback buckets,.consote, arni/f m, Ieft r/c mirror, gouges, .tlnted glass, plus more. Stock A P2386 BALANCE 7/115 POWERTIN WARRANTY AVAILABLE SALE 7 9 1988 LANCER 4 DR. tnctuding 2.5L engîne. auto.. ps.. p.b.. detroster. AM/FM stereo. duat mîrrors. console. clatti buckets. rear wîper & more. Stb. #MP2324 BALANCE OF 7/115 POWERTRAIN WARRANTY AVAILABLE SALES1 ,9 >0018NEW YORKER 4 DR. toctadîug 3.OL V6., auto.. p.s.. p.b.. p.w.. p. d.t . p. mrrors. air condi. ionino. salit ctoth seats, tilt. cruise. inted glass. detrostet. w.s w, radiaIs. AMFM à more. St. wP233B. BALANCE 7115 POWENTRAIN WARRANTY AVAILABLE SS7,995 1987 VOYAGER WAGON tncluding 4 cylI auto..p.so p.b. 6 passenger seatiug, detay wîpers. dual mrrors. IM/FM cassette, detroster, rear wiper w.s.w. radiats. strîpe package & more. Stk. aP238O. BALANCE 71115 PDWERTRAIN WARRANTY AVAILABLE SALE s139975 V6. auto, p/s, p/b, p/w. p.dJ p. seats, p. mirrors, 7 pass. sunscreen glass, atumlnum wheels, roof rack, tit. cruise, console, plus much more. Stock # P2360 BALANCE 7/115 POWEFWF1AIN WAFIRANTY AVAILABLE ~-~r '87 FIFTH AVE 4 DR. <aN V8. auto. ps.. p.b.. p.w.. p.dl.. p. seat. tilti. cruise. teather seatu. sunroot. wîre whee t . AM/FM caso.. & more. Stk. aP2428. BALANCE 71115 POWERTRAIN WARRANTY AVAILABLE SALE $151795 -188AHDOW 4DR tocluding 2.2L englue. auto.. ps.. p.b.. dual mirrors. delay wpers. AM/FM. cloth buckets. detroster plus more. Stk. #P2352ý BALANCE 7/115 POWERTRAIN WARAANTY AVAILABLE SALE S9 77 £1ý88 FIFTH AVE. 4DR VS, auto, p/o. p/b, p/w, p.d.l., p. mirrors, p. seat, tit, cruise, air, arn/fm stereo, w.s.w, slde moutding s & more. Stock A2427 BALANCE 71115 POWERTRAIN WARRANTY AVAILABLE SALE S17,995 i ____ J 88 GRAND MINI RAM VAN V6, auto. p/o, p/b. AM radio, dual mîrrors, clolh seato, full size spore plus more. St ock A P2360 BALANCE 7/115 POWEFrrRAIN WARRANTY AVAILABLE Unbe lie vable Sa vîongs NOW AT VILLAGE CHRYSLER AJAX 683-5358 ALL WEEK ONL Y! '88 COLT 4 DR. 4 cyl, auto, p/s, p/b, vinyl buokets, defroster, arn/flm, plus 1more. Stock # P2382 BALANCE 3160 POWERTFIAIN WARRANTY AVAILABLE SALE $7995 1988,Le.BARON GTS 4 DR. inciuding 2 5 Loenn.. auto nsP £00 Pteýcockes ,console Alilffl. delà olpersduel .niffors def.ils @or, epe. pius BALANCE OF ? 115 POWNEFTRAIN WARRANTY AVAILAuLE SALE $10,997 >* '88 DYNASTY LE 4 DR. 3.OL. V6. auto, p/s, p/b, p/w, power seais, power door locks, power mîrroro, arrs/fm cassette, alumlnium wheels, air, tilt, cruise plus more Stock A P2415 BALANCE 7/115 POWERTRAIN WARRANTY AVAILABLE SeDALE--SALEFSALE 87 VOYAGER SE WAGON V6, auto, p/s. p/b, 7 paon, air, deiroster, w.o.w.,roof rack, arnOfm, dual mirrors and miore. Stock # P2379 BALANCE 7115 POWERTRAIN WARRANTY AVAILABLE SAVE 1987 NEW YORKER .4 DR. 2.5L engîne. auto.. p.s.. p.b., p.w., p.d.t., AMIFM, air condi. tioninq. spt/t seats. Landau roof. detav wipers. detroster, w.s.w. ptus more. P2419. BALANCE 71115 POWERTRAIN WARRANTY AVAILABLE SALE $13..995 81987 LEBARON 2 OR. PREMItM4 tEeuiedo oaded. inctuding 2.2L Turbo. auto.. p.. p.b . p w. p.dli.. p. seat. teattier seats, tilt. cruise. auto.. temp.. air cenditoning. atuminum whet 1$. two toute paint. uttîmate sourit syotem. ptus more Stk fa2412ý BALANCE 71115 POV<ERTRAIN WARRANTY AVAtLABLE Ss 3.995 hi» "N