Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Sep 1988, p. 23

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WIIT2BY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, .SEPTEMBER21,1988, PAGE 2.3 .GRPjIaw w~i~ MENASCO AEROSPACEI. 1 AN INDUS TRY LEADER IN THE PRODUCTION,0F LANDJNG GEAR AND FLIGHT CONTROLS. DUE TO IN- CREASED BUSINESS A'ND A PLANT EXPAN- SION WE HA VE EXCELLEN T OPPOR TUNI- TIES FOR: 20 MACHINISTS IF YOU ARE PROFIC1EMT.INONlE OR MORE 0F THE FOLLOWINGAREAS: e LA THES BORING. e NC LA TH-ES CNC MA CHIZ*7 CENJTRE 0 PROFILING DRFLLS ... WE INVITE.X0Q.UR ,APPIJATIO)N,T.ESE POSITIONS RZQ I ETM£ ABtU2'Y MORE- PARE ANI.» PRODUCE .CQI*PLEX ::PARTS AND T00L50 ~L$E,.OLERCEs$r YOU MUST ALSORE A *JMDK 12 RADUA:tE*WITH A CONZVJýTY.,,LLEGE DIPLOMA-1 OR HAVE COl$2$IEDÀ; A 46 EEK<. MACUIN1E 110OP PRQGRA M.. YOREXPERIENC, PLUS YOUR $ALAPY EXPECàTA TIONVS, lO;DA VEZLEWJMNG HUMAN RESOURCES, MENASCO AÊROSPACE, ZTD.; 1400 SOUTkt SERVICE ROAD, WESTt O)AKVILZ.EONrARro LaL5Y7. Co.lt industries M nac - - - -- -Aerospace Ltd - TRAFLGARCASTLE SCHOOL RSESIDENTIAL SUPERVISOR Required for private girls' school IMMEDIATELY. ISuccessfui applicants must be enthusiastic, able ta deal maturely with* *teenaged girls and willing ta take an active part in students' weekend activities. TEDA *Applyin writing: Traf algar Castle School 401 Reynolds Street M Whitby, Ontario Li1N3M b-mmm---m-m- mm-mm-mm---l- mm-Mu The Whitby Free Press is seeking self-motivated individuals ta represent us as: Advertising Sales Representatives prior experience in some type of sales or demonstrated ability in a related field is required For a challenging and rewarding position in an atmosphere of growth and opportunity, cail the Publisher or the Sales Manager for an appointment, 668-6111 I -FFi& part time for progressive 1$ 6.00 ta $ 6.55 hourly IREPORTER, experienced, must qhave. comprehensive newsp aper skills. You wili need reporting, [ayout Iand phoitography skills. We need a Imature, responsible persan willing ta take charge of special editions. Send resume ta The Editor, Allistan Herald, Box 280, Alliston, Ont. LOM 1AO.B THE 1GARDEN _ MART DISCOUNT GARDEN CENTRE REQUIRES AN *ASSISTANT MANAGER* also required: CASHIERAND" NURSERY WORKER Please reply in persan ta: 1625 Dundas St. W., Whitby (between Whitby & Ajax) i KITCHEN WORKER I I requlred, part time I I .(evenings&weekends) I SDRIVERS REQUIRED à wth own car fCASH PAID 5Appiy ln persan ta: 8Thickson Road South 9 Whltby t (A. & P. Plaza) 668U-4900 MANAGEMENT ISALES We are looking far manager trainees ta be trained ta manage local telephane sales office. Guaranteed salae while in training. 30 hours per week. Excellent fringe benefits. Eami up ta $18,000 per year after short training period Excellent re-entrv opportunity for homnemaker. Cal collect if necessary, (416) 827-6521 LANDSCAPE LABOURERS Apply between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 655-3331 5515 Thicksan Raad North Red Cross employs, trains and supervises ma- ture. friendly individuals 10 lake care of people in lheir homes. " Uniforms supplied " Paid training " Paid mileage " Flexible hours Phone 434-8700 (Collect) Opefated by the Canadian Red Cross Soriety, a non- profit volunary orgsnuzation TRUCK DRIVER, fuel ail deiivery, Whitby area. Full time, flexible hours. Lambert Oul Ltd. Phone Toronto 531- 1158, (collect>. RAPID MED a leader in the pre- insurance medical field requires R.N's and physicians for immediate full and part time positions in Oshawa, Pick- ering, Ajax and Whitby. For infomation phane (416) 490-19<87. MOMEMAKERS REQUIRED, by leadlng health care facillty ln Durham Region. We require mature, caring prof essionals wlling ta wo'rk on one ta one basîs in private homes. We of- fer Incentive bonuses, flexible haurs, shortilong term assigniments. Cal VALMED Monday ta Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p. m. 433-1494. LUNCH HOUR supervisor. required for Col. Farewell Public School in Otter Creek. 11:45 ta 12:45, Monday ta Friday. For more information please phone Mr. Lappin at 666-3901. BABYSITTER / NANNY 4112 month aid boy. il hours per day, 4 days one week, 3 day s the next. Phone 430-1836 or 576-2200. HAUGEN'S hiring fali help. Ail pos- itions available. Please- apply in persan, Hwy. 12 at 7 A, Manchester. BABYSITTER REQUIRED in my home. 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m., weekdays. Phone 723-3155. MATURE part-time counter help req- uired. Weekends. Phone 668-4971. ECE ASSISTANT needed at day- care centre in Brooklin. Day care experience A MUST. Phone 655-3864. WAITRESS/WAITER needed im- mediately. (Hours & a flexible). Day cook req ured. 1 pl at Barbecue Heaven, 655-8911. ADVERTISING- sales for large independent Metro Toronto com- munîty paper 73,000 circulation, 2 papers. Retail line rate $ .39. Salary- commission package. Verner Kure (416> 767-2942. B BE INDEPENDENTI If you are am- bitiaus and loaking for a career that is highly profitable and fun cail colîect 416) 827-2660 MA CHERIE HOME Fashion shows <Est.> 1975. B PROGRESSIVE a gricultural tour company requires entb usiastic, sales- orienteci certified travel counisellors. Sabre ex perience an asset. For de- tails cail C athy Lasby, Manager, C lare Burt Tours, Brampton <416) 451-4944. B SAUGEEN PRESS Durham, Ont., Division Southam incorp. rqie experienced PRESS PE RSON fr Web Leader 4 unit press and related duties. Excellent benefit package. Write orp hone Dan Langevin, or Barbara Jakobszen, Box 230, Durham, Ont.. NOG iRO. (519) 369-3905. B BUILDING T RADE CENTRE is now accepting applications by resume for outside sales people for building supplies specialîzing in roof trusses and home material packages. Send resumne ta Building Trade Centre, RR # 6 , Bracebridge, Ont. POB iCO, Attention Bill Hammond. B (1" CALL A P4P OfE StONALI HOME MOVIES, slides put an videa-tape. Low rates, excellent quality. Write or phone for prices. Memory Lane Videa c/o 30 Delaware Ave. Chatham, Ont. N7L 2W2. (519) 351-3502. B SUPER SPECIAL on chimney cleaning only $3500 for most. Chi- mney caps installed. Attention insert owners; Outside 8" x 12" clean-out doors installed. only $110.00. Phone "Lucky Brush Chimney Sweeps" 728- 6868 anytlme. WE DELIVER! Flyers, etc. all aver Whitby! Caîl the WHITBY FREE PRESS. 668-61Il. DAY CARE- AVAILABLE in a fun place ta be with a programf, stressing safety, nutrition, arts anïd crafts, sing- sang, autdoor activities and creative play. References available upan requ- est. Receipts pravi ded. Far further in- farmatian, pi ease phane 668-6094. between I - 3 p.m. RELIABLE LADY, five y ears ex- perience, wiiI babysit in her home. PI ay roomn fenced yard, close ta parks. Lunch and snack provided, lots of T.L.C. References available. Dundas_ - Lupin area,, minits tram Hutchison Public School.Phone 430-6344. MOTHER wiII babysit, Manday ta Friday. Lunches and snacks pravided. $2.00 per hour. Phone 576-8695. TWO unfurnished raoms for rent in private hame with or without kitchen and laundry privileges. Share bath- room facilities. No pets, no parking. Close ta Hwy. 2. Only dlean, mature working individuals need apply $60.00 week roomn only. $70.00 week. al piigs For application cal1 6 6 6-25 28, Dou ûg. FEMALE roomn mate wanted, new townhouse in Osh awa .5 appliances, $295.00 plus utilities. PhFone 576-0613 after 6 p.m. PRIME LOCATION ln dawntown Whltby. Formerly a dancing studio, or use as office. Total space ap- praximately 2500 sq ft $1,200/man- thly lncludlng ail utilities. Phone atter 5 p. m. 623-9247. NEWLY ESTABLISHED boutique in htbfor rent. 454 sq. ft., $400.00 montlal inclusive. Option ta take over existing business. Phone 430- 3420. STEEL BUILDINGS: Immediate Delivery. Examples 30x40 StraightwalI $5, 110; 40x5O Straightwall $9,227; 70x80x24 Arch Bldg. 2-14x24 Slide Doors $18,000; 32x40x12 Steel Trus- ses & Columns $5400; 40x6Oxl4 Steel Trusses & Columns $6,880. SOxlOOxlG Steel Trusses & Columns $14,200. Sheeting avail. 30-28-24 guage, colours & Galvalume 1-800-387-2115, 1-416-858-2446. B A.Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS. New types. steel and wood, quonset, claddiig. For true value, action & answers (41611 626-1794. Leave message or collect after 6 pm weekends Ask for WalIy. Free brochures. B BUILDINGS V/2 price sale, bu y one building at regular price and get double length for 50% more. Sfock clear out. Limited steel. Paragon Structures 1-800-263-8499. 24 hours. B NOT MUCH MONEY, in a hurry! Steel Buildings every day low factory prices. Straightwalls & quonsets - ail models - fast delivery - beat the faîl rush. Cali Pioneer 1-800-668-5422, 24 hours. B PLOWING MATCH SPECIAL. 100 buildings. Many sizes. Cali now for best selection., Miracle Span 1-800- 668-5111. B uzuirrADSWoe 'i r

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