WIIIBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1988, PAGE 3 Stevenson gets nod for PC's inDurham. -By Debbie Luchuk Uxbridge-area resident Ross Stevenson will be representing the Progressive . Conservative party in Durhamn riding in the next federal election. Stevenson, former Durham- York MPP, won by a1lage margin at ýthe Monday nomin- ation meeting over his only opponent,' Larry McLean, an Oshawa alderman and consultant with the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission. Under the last provincial Conservative government, Stev- Municipal election '88- the candidates sofar, Maya"i Bob Atters]ey, Gerry Emm. Regonal Couneilloe's: Tom Edwarde;, Joe Ijrumîn, Marcel Brunelle. Noth Wards RoBs Batten, Bilan Wick. Wet Wardt Joe Bugelli. Centre Ward Glen Konorowsld Lynda Buflfett, Joan Skelton, Jeff DeFInney John Doletra. Eat Warcb Cathy Rowell, Dennia Fox. enson served as minister of agriculture and later, in the opposition, as agriculture critic. Stevenson has also taught at Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph. He lives in Uxbridge on a farm with wife Elaine Goldstone and three children. Stevenson said that he is committed to supporting small business and the family farm, and wants to ensure that Durham riding reaps the benefits Local candidates for future federal election ONTAMO RIDING (Ajax, Picker1ngz South Whitby) PC__ Reno SoutenB of Ajax NDP-. Jim Wiseman of Ajax Liberal. John ]Roberts Greg Joy Chai Tan Ya Kalevar Gary Laurlault Seeldng nomination Oct. 23 DURHLAM RIDINO (Uxbrldge, Scg, Newcastle, Noth Whltby, Noth Oshawa) Liberal - Doug Mofratt, Kendala Greens -Harold Tausch, Port Perry PC-- -Rosa Stevenson, Uxbridge of the free trade agreement. He said he wifl work for stronger legisiation to' preserve the. environment. Former member of parliament ROSS STE VENSON m1 la.II1m uaI White Bread p-M94:4> 1380 HOPKINS 666*-1177 for Durham Northumberland, Allan Lawrence* hinted that Prime Minister Brian Mulroney may this weekend announce a fali election. This wewkendwill mark the anniversary of the Conser. vatives' victory four years ago. 4 for nominati"on Four men, inclucling a former Olympic Games medaliet, will be seeking the Liberal nomination in Ontario riding. Chai Tan Ya Kalevar of Toronto, Gary Lauriault of Ajax, John Roberts and Greg Joy of Picker- ing will seek the' nomi nation. Joy won a silver medal for Canada in. the high jump in the 1976 O]ympics in Montreal. The nomination meeting will be held on Sunday, Oct. 23, at Ajax high school. Whole U heat Bread Open 7 Days- a Weekj WARREN CON-NOR, a resident of Faimview Lodge, shows his style on a new billard table at the lodge. The table was donated by the Whitby Legion Branch 112.. Emm will challenge PROM PAGE 1 to downtown businesses. an" challenge Mayor Attersley or ay other candidate to a debate," said Emm. Hie mentioned that during the summer he considered the idea of running for mayor. "I checked with the people in the community and they had some concemns. I now want to pursue a stronger role In the fTown of Whitby," said Emm. i Custon Sav ings t s pe i Coveir Sale of 20 GERRY EMM -25% Lane® Withi Over 800 Fabrics! Choose any Custom Built So-fa, Loveseat or Chair and save 20% The Ultimate in Canadian uphQlstery with savings 25% 70 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa 576-6465. .Open Mon., Tues., Wed. 10-6 Thurs., Fni. 10-9 Sat. 10-5 lu 'g Pick your on toniatoes and apples ai COLLINS FARM, 1 km off Taunton Rd. Turn ai Country Lane Golf Course. Also available: Corn, Squash Sand Poatooes Phone:.655 -4552 I la i