PAGE A6, WHITBY FREE PRESS, Olymnpie Special, SEPTEMBER 14, 1988. WHITY eOLYMPANS* LORI MELIEN, shown above reoeiving from Mayor Bob Attersley niarigolds and pins as Whitby souvenirs for the Seoul Olympies, will compete in three swim events for whieh she has been trainingi hard in Ajax.1 Encouragement is important FROM PAGE A4 in a match, a physical force. It's physical chess, and it's very tough. It's that five minutes, on that day and -at that time. She, too, is' already "feeling the pressure" of the upcoming Olympic competition. "T see the pressure. ..I want Glenn to wirîï his match, but I also know that he could get Glenn Beauchanip has maintained hîs judo skills sinoe the '84 OlyJmpies, with training and competition such asý the 1985 university event Shown left. caught in a split-second." Grace says the viewing audi- ence will also realize how popular judo is as a spectator sport in Korea, as it is, too, in Europe - but flot Canada. On F'riday ]ast week, she was looking forward to a family reunion of sorts, as her other sons were to attend a going-away, fundraising party for Glenn in Oshawa, before Glenn left for Seoul on Saturday morning. One of her sons, Brian, recently won a bronze medal in his class in judo at the Canadian National Exhibition. No matter the outcome for Glenn in '88, she says his Olympie participation will stand by hlm for the rest of his life. And for herseif, Seoul will bring another of those incredible memories. "It's s0 thrilling. It's like a super magie day in your life ýthat you'1I neyer forget." WIîjt on want &I.AI ê*~ê1* Io Fox acould you 0 VOlks! ( Few things n life work as weII as aVsolkswagen.... How About The Use of,ý A Fox For A Yi Owasc driVea Juet br in an ei Valuea Entry de Prize dn ear!1 3co Volkswagen Inc. Whitby, invites any car. You couid win the use of a F ring this ad in ta Owasco, take any car entry form ta win the use of a Fox for ay at 12 months rentai =$6000(standard st Jeadlune Sat. Dec. 3/88 raw Mon. Dec. 5/88 us! For every entry we to The United V~ Total donations up ta $10, wasco Volkswagen 1425 Dundas St E., Whitby Whitby, 668-9383 Ajax, Plckering, Toronto, 683-3235, Toil Free 1-800-263-26 you ta corne in and test Fox for a year. Free! 1out for a test drive and fi Vear. ,hîft Fox L) 5.wiII donate $1 Vfay .000 i76 nto % 9 1 ý v ý ý . v ý v ý 1 . 7 - 1 , - - ý , ýp * V 1 f % t ý, v 10 Ir * fp * ie * s m 1 IL *IMM&dm'66 &Mà %Ê.