PAGE 26, WHITBY FËREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY SPT1EMBER 14,,'198ý- vents BRIGHTON -APPLEFEST, Sept- ember .22-25 'Octoberfest Dance, st- reet fair, ýfun ;run,'barbecue, Mercy Brothers.,and Debbie Post, arts and crafts, parade, muscle day, museum tours, (613) 475-APPL. B NO! Get the facts,' Let's TaIk. Cail the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hotline 1 -800-668-AIDS WOULD you like to correspond with unattached Christian people with the objeot being companionship/- marriage? Write to: Ashgrove, R.R. #4, Thunder Bay, Ontario P7C 4Z2. B WOMEN ln abusive relationships. For help cail the DENISE HOUSE for women and chlldren. Toli Free 1-800- 263-3725 or 728-7311. Conf ldentlality assured. (Formeriy Auberge)... NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, Phone 668-9915. ADOPTIONIPREGNANT? Lovlng couple would desperateiyIliKe to make a home for your unborn'child. Worki ng with Government Lic.enced agencyCali[col lect: (416) 731-4307. B BAHA'I FAITH. At the dawn of every day hé should, commune with God, and, with al his.soul, perserve in the quest of his Beloved. Phone 668-8665. "There's one ln every crowd" THE SEARCH Is on to locate and recognize the outstanding young people of Ontario. If you would like to nominate a deserving young person ages six to 18 for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year award, contact this newspaper. B ST. JUDE O Holy St , Jude apostie and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near Kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithfui intercessor of ail who invoke y our special patronage in time .of need, to Vou I have recourse from the depth ofmy heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Heip me on my present urgent petition, in return i promise to make your name known and cause you to. be invoked. Say three Our Father's, three Hail Mary's and Glorias. Publication must be promised. St. Jude pray for us and ail who invoke your aid. Amen. Thanks to St. Jude for a petition granted. This Novena has neyer beenknown t o fail. Must be toid for nine consecutive daj. THANKS to St. Jude and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favors received. Ma>y the Sacred Heart of Jesus be ad- ored, giorified, Ioved and preserved throug hout the worid now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesu s pray for us, St. Jude worker of miracles p ray for us, St. Jude heiper of the ho pefess, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day. By th e eîghth day your prayer wiIl bDe answeredi, regardless of how hopeless your situtation seems. Pub- lication must be promised. A.M. DON'T SIT HOME ALONE, linou Singles.Today Social Club. Atinities for ail ges and interests. Cali for in- formnation on how you can join, 432- 3097. Be a BIG BROTHER. Phone 579-2551. HEIRLOOMS DISCOVER'Y DAY, Sat. Sept. 17, 10 *am. - 4 p.m., at The Station Gallery Henry and Victoria Str's.,- Whitby. Ior information and appraîsals by the staff of D&J Ritchie Ltd., Toronto (fine art and auctioneers and appraisers) and Ralph Schroetter of Jems, Whîtby (costum Iewelry and appraisals). For appraisal of various items of fine art, decorative art and jeweîlery objects. For further information on appraisal items and of fees, contact The Station Gallery at (416) 668-4185. AD SM1 To sel the small items that you thought weren't worth advertising. *Items must self for less than $50 - price must be stated in ad - multiple item ads must total Iess than $50 * Maximum15 words * Prepaid * Cash or VISA onîy 668-6111 CLEAR WATER AREA, Florîda, two or three bedroom mobile homes in family park. Children welcome. Weekly or monthiy rentais. Phone 655-3073 or 655-3233. CEDAR VALLEY RESORT. Near Orono, 7 km east of Hwy 35 - 115, between Clarke 4th & Sth conc. Exit 401 No. 436. Beautiful campground. Seasonal facilities $698.00. Phone 1-786-2562. HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS falî specials. Enjoy the faîl colours whiie staying in a delux 2 bed-room vacation cottage on Lake Kash- agawigamnog. Weil appointed unîts feature 4 pc bath, colour T.V., full kitchens, cosy fireplace and deck plus a recreation room,sauna and whi.rlpool. Specials as low as $32. per person for 2 days mid-week quad. WILLOW BEA- CH COTTAGES (705) 457-1110. B WELCOIME to Sunnv Point Cottages -MEETING The first fali meeting of the Durham Business and Pro- fessional Women's Club will be held at The Murray House, 279 Queen St., Port Perry, Sept. 28. Ouest speaker Doris Guyatt will discuss Canada's peace policy. An ail-day seminar, for persons with a business or considering a business, wiil be held Saturday, Sept. 24, in the main dining room at Durham Coilege. For more information cail Faye Kerr at 852-7362 or Kim Bradshaw at 683-O130- MEETING The Upper Canada branch of the United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 20 at Scugog Shores Historical Museum, on Scugog Island, at 5 p.m. There will be a tour of the museum, and, at 6:30 p.m., the auxiliary of the Pioneer Church will provide a sit-down, country-fare, harvest supper. Historian Paul Arkulus will speak about pioneer Port Perry and its inhabitants. Cost is $10. Advance tickets only. Cal 576-3175. FASIHON SHOW The annual fashion show will be held at Trafalgar Castie School on Wednesday, Sept. 28, starting at 7:30 p.m. Sponsors include Brooklin Village Shoppe, Leo- nard's Flowers and Cherney's Furniture of Whitby, from which tickets can be obtained. Tickets, at a cost of $10 whîch also includes buffet, can also be obained by cailing 668-0525. The fashion show is sponsored by the school's parent guild to raise funds for the sehool. COFFEE IJOUSE Christian Singles Serving Christ will hold a coffee house and reiationship panel discussion on Saturday, Sept. 17, 7:30 p.m.,f at Pickering Pentecostal Church, 755 Oklahoma Dr., Pickering. cal Irene at 430-0639 for more a information.2 QUILT SHOWp A quilt showv wilI be held9 Friday, Sept. 16, 1 to 8 p.rn., atk the Oshawa Senior CitizensS Centre, 43 John St. W. Proceeds go to the United Way cam paign for Whitby, Newcastle and Oshawa. Cali 576-6712 for morea information or to enter quilts forL display.9 LUNG ASSOCIATION More than 150 members of th( Ontario Regiment and the 19U~ Royal Canadian Ar-ny Cadel Corps are actively preparing foi their first Charity Route March to be held Saturday, Sept. 17 at î a.m. The walkathon will begin ai the McLaughlin Armory and proceed north along Simcoe St. tc Raglan, and the cadets and militia will be joined by memberE- of the Durham Region Police Force, the RCMP and the general public. Organizers hope to raise $5,000 for the regimental schoiarship fund and for the Durham Region Lung Association. The march will conclude with a barbecue and refreshments for aIl participants. Anyone in terested in partic- ipating can obtaini a pledge sheet at the McLaughlin Armory (53 Simcoe St. N.) or from the Lung Association by calling 436-1046. CHARI¶Y MARCH Members of the Ontario Regiment and the 1913 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps will hold their first Charity Route March Saturday, Sept. 17, 8 a.m., from the McLaughlin Arniory, Oshawa, north on Simcoe St. to Raglan. Organizers hope to raise $5>000 for the regimental scholarship fund and Durham Region Lung Association. Pledge sheets are available at the armory or by calling 436- 1046. MEETING The Durham Region branch of the Canadian Diabetes Associ- ation will meet on Sept. 21, 7:30 p.m., at Hoiy Famiiy Parish hall, Ribblesdale Dr., Whitby. Ouest speakers wiil discuss the impor- tance of good foot care and "Insurance and the Diabetic." Al weicome. Cail 436-6648. WATERFOWL On Sunday, Sept. 24, staff from. the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority will conduct a waterfowi viewing day at Lynde Shores Conservation Area, Whitby. Starting time is 1 p.m., from the parking lot on the south side of Victoria St., one dilometre west of Hwy 12 (Brock st. S.) FLOWER ARRANGING Leonard Tweengs of Leonard's Piowers by the Lane will conduct a workshop at Whitby Public Library on Tuesday, Sept. 27, 7 te 9 p.m. (not Oct. 5 as previously Inn for Parry Sound's Fali Footprints CIHLDREN'S BAZAAR is now underav'atth libr ' fl eirlooms (fne art, decorative al. objects and jewelry) as weil as Festival. Hiking, photography, spec- Whitby Jaycettes have begun PAU A PINapasla erom icvr tacular fail colours. Sauna, whirlpooî, booking vendors for their second TepANUT CAMPAIGN edb ay aîaatThe Staon Gallcoery firepiaces, tennis. CalilThe Gates annual Al About Children bazaar The Toront Distitchper of Sayat Thy, S tion10 all er4 family for reservations (705) te oono&Hisrctcape o Strdy Sp, 7,1 am t 378-2505. B SaenrOctree3.Tablegs are $20o the îdey Foundation of p.m. Cail 668- 4185 for more ____ Snda, Ot.23.Tabes re 20 Canada will begin Sept. 17. information. - booths $30. Cail 668-6619 or Volunteers have 6,000 cases of Make it Happen! AUTUMN- VACATIONS in the Painj 666-3772 to reserve. The baaa i ow sodium peanuts to seil by PICKIN' SESSION CLASSI Fl EDS Sound area. Enjoy a variety of acc- a sale of children's ciotlung, Hloen oe asd TePn iieBu rs ommot os , a l ning, hoing id b oks ducaiona toy , tc, supports patient services ( such . Club will hold a pickin' session even5ts. Fai formtpin FeySti und the Jaycettes' major fundraiser as the children's Camp Dialysun), Sunday, Sept. 18, 2 to 5 p.m., fil The Whitby Free Press Area Chamber of Commerce, 70 Ch- to support such endeavors as the public education and-research te the main council hall at Camp 66-611urch St., Parry Sound, Ont. P2A 1Y9. Children's Wish Foundation, find a cure for -kidney disease. Samac'.Oshawa. (Use Conlin Rd. 668.6111 (705) 746-4213, 1-800-461-4261 B Fairview Lodge and Christopher For more information ci nrne.Cî 8-76frmr .. Robin Home for Children. xonx.»c, l en tc) Cl 8532-frmr BIRD SHOW e The Durham Avicuitural 3Society of Ontario will hold a bird ,t show Sept. 23 te 25 at the Ajax ýrCommunity Centre. Entries can be made Friday evening and 8' Saturday morning, the hall wiil tbe open te the public Sunday. For more information cali Ken Powell at 655-4386. EMOTIONAL HiEALTH Anyone interested in ga.ining >for maintaining sound health of body and mind can attend an eight-week study to start Sept. 21. The study of the "Cons- tructive and Destructive Effects of the Human Emotions" will be heid at Henry Street Hligh School. Cail 668-5036. SCOUTING ENROLMENT To ýenroll in scouting, contact rthe foliowing: beavers (age 5 te 7), Jennifer Ackland at 668-7680; cubs (8 to 10), Dave Hyatt at 668.0337; scouts (10 to 14 ), Aileyne Hardaker at 576-2897; venturers (14 to 17), and rovers (18 to 26), Connie CJoli at 668-7457., If interested in becoming a leader caîl Coi. AUDITIONS The County Town Singers, under the direction of James Ashley, will be holding auditions on Wednesday, Sept. 14 from 7:45 te 10 p.m. at St. Paul's school on Garrard Rd. N. There are openings in soprano, alto, tenor and base. Choral audition oniy. For more information caîl Maniia Burke at 579-8445. FAMLY SUPPORT Fairview Lodge wiil hoid a family support group meeting (potluck dinner) on Wednesday, Sept. 21, 6:30 p.m., in the auditorium. The meeting is open to aIl interested relatives and friends of lodge residents. Caîl 668-5851. CRAFTS Bunka (Japanese embroidery) and leather craft courses will be held at the Oshawa arts resource centre on Saturday mornings, starting Sept. 24, and at Durham College on Monday evenings, starting Sept. 19. Cail 571-2206 for more information. IIEIRLOOMS Residents can obtain inifor- ination about their family Legion Week TIE WHITY Brass Band leads the Sunday where they rededicated the Whitby Legion, Branch 112, to the flags to mark the start of LeMfion oenotaph ini downtown Whitby on Weekr.