WEDNESDAY, SEPTENMER 14, 1988 __ / When The Stars Corne Up, Prices Corne Down! Reach For: The Stars, And Save! ISUPER * SPECIALI WITH 20 SAVER STAMPS-RECEIVE 1 STAMP WITH $10 PURCHAS on/yi 2ù99 SEE DETAILS AT STORE SPE O S IAL ASSORTEO FLAVOURS Good Humor ce Cream 2 LITRE CARTON LIMIT: 2 CARTONS PER FAMILY PURCHASE SUPER * SPECIAL SUPER *SPECIAL LIMIT: 3 TINS PER FAMILY PURCHASE SWISS STYLE, ASSORTED FLAVOURS Beatrice Yogourt 175 g TUB 3I1A9 CORDELLA 5-Piece ASSORTEO VARIETIES, REGULAR OR DIET Canada Dry Beverages CASE 0F 24-280 mi. TINS (UNIT COST U. PER 100 mI: 5.99 WITH COUPON BELOW ASSORTED VARIETIES, REGULAR OR DIET Canada -Dry Beverag es 750 mL BOTTLE (UNIT COST 5.2 PER 100 mL) 39 PLUS .40 PER BOTTLE DEPOSIT 2.18/kg 9 CUl FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A"BEEF, OUTSIDE CU, EYE REMOVED Boneless 6.15/kg2 Round Roast b2 7 ETH THIS CM SAVE i.1 COUPONi ASSORTED VARIETIES. REGULAR OR DIET ICanada Dry I I Beverages I I CASE OF 34.2W mL TINS (UNIT COST &9 PER 100 mL> as I WITH THIS CM SAVE, M COPN ASSORTEO VARIETIES I LanciaI I PastasI 90 g PACKAGE 13 A&P FOOD STORES Whitby chiropractor to address con ference Place Setting SUPER kSPECIAL GRAVES Pure Apple Juice 48 FL. OZ TIN LIMIT: 4 TINS PER FAMILY PURCHASE 3E THE TOWN 0F WHITBY A ND THE DURHAM BOARD OF(J E DU C A TION PUBLIC MEETING NOT.ICE DEVELOPMENT 0F BELLWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL AS A COMMUNITY SOHOOL DATE: TIME: LOCATION: Bellwood Public Schooî Gymnasium PURPOSE 0F MEETING: The purpose of the meeting is to provide an opportunity for the residents of the Bellwood Public School area ta become involved in the development of the school as a community school This involves the formation 0f a Volunteer Community School Board comprised of local residents. The Board will then work with the Parks and Recreation Department towards programming the school t0 fit the recreation needs of the community. Information will be given ai the meeting on the role of: The local community; The Volunteer Community School Board; The Parks and Recreation Department; and, The Board of Education. If you would lke to provide input regarding your recreational needs, and have your questions answered, please attend. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT AT 668-5803, EXTENTION 292. I l a Thursday, September 22nd, 1988 7:30 p.m. PAGE 20, ,........4 Dr. 'Gary Adams bas been invited to address a gatbering of approximately 500 delegates at the l6th Anriual Conference of the Whole Health Institute, to be held in Estes Park, Colorado, Oct. 13-16. Adamns is a chiropractor who bas a family wellness chiropractic practice in Whitby. He frequently presents seminars on wellness and stress utilization. The theme for this year's con- ference in Colorado is SBeing at the Core of I-ealing." Other presenters at the conférence include Dr. Gerald Jampolsky, a g<esyciatist known for bis st-seling book "Love is Letting Go of' Fear," and Dr. Gladys McGarey, who is the former L resident of the Arnerican Hlustic Health Association and author of the book "Born to Live." The Wbole Healtb Conference 4.. ý- PLAIN Bravo Spaghetti Sauce 28 OZ TIN CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBYi TOWN 0F WHITBY1 PRODUCT 0F CALIFORNIA, HARTLY IN SHELL Jumbo Walnuts PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH, 198 We roserve the rght ta lmit quantities ta normal lamlIy requIrements. Savlngs shawn In this ad based on currenl Metropolitan Toronto A&P retails. i I M 70 THICKSON RD. Se ,WHITBY was founded in 1970 and provides a meeting ground for professionals and Iay people interested in tbe cause of healtb. IM6- DR.GARY ADAMS 1988 FINAL TAX NOTICE The fourth instalment of taxes for 1988 is due and payable Sept. 21, 1988. If payment is flot received by the due date, penalty will be added on the f irst day of default and the f irst day of eaCh calendar' month so long as non-payment continues, ai the rate of 1-1/4%/1 per mont h or part thereof. If you have not reCeived a tax bill and you are. responsible for payment, please contact the Tax Department at 668-5803 to obtain t he necessary information. Taxes may be paid at any Whitby bank without collection charges, or ai the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario.- Corinne Wendt, A.M.C.T. (A), Tax Collector, TOWN 0F WHITBY, 1. 2 3 a a