MOIRA CLARK of Toronto and "Reoent Etchings" nMow on display at The* Station Gallery. At The Station Gallerýy At- evolves from environment "Moira Clark: Recent Etchings' began at The Station Gallery, Henry and Victoria streets, and will continue until Oct. 2. The exhibition focuses on thE recent etchings by Toronto artisi Moira Clark. Clark, born in 1950, studied at York University in Toronto where she graduated in 1973 with a bachelor's degree in fine arts. Upon graduating, Clark begai exbibiting bier work in Canada and in tbe United States. Sbe bas also been a printmak- ing instructor at Open Studio since 1978 and most recently spent four weeks in Italy at the Siena Art Scbool teaching etcb. ing. "Recent Etchings" represents Moira Clark's unique bandling of tbe etching process. Clark't prints depict bier personal react- ions towards botb familiar and unfamiliar surroundings. In ord- er to convey tbese reactions in an emotional and intellectual man- ner, tbe artist bas arranged landscape, interiors and figures in a narrative and sequential style. This exhibition is an "Artists witb tbeir work" prograxn organ- ized by tbe Art Gallery ôf Ontar- io extension services. Well known as a printmaker, Clark now bas ber borne and studio in Toronto where she bas been associated for a number of years as a board member and etching instructor witb botb Open Studio and Toronto School of Art. She bas bad solo exhibitions in Hamilton and Toronto and most recently at tbe Thunder Bay National Exhibition Centre. Her pints are included in major gallery and corporate collections, e it t; e. as well as the Canada Council Art Bank. "Feor the past few years rny work bas been drawn fron per- sonal interaction with My sur-, roundings, botb familiar and foreign,"fsays Clark. "Lately, by incorporating traditional visual forms sucb as landscape, interiors and figures, I bave been exploring tbe emotional and intellectual as- pects of one's relationship with environment. My imagery evolves fron personal experience and in my recent pints, sucb as tbe seies "Babamian Nigbts," I bave been using narrative and se- quence to develop visual ideas. m WHITY MRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SE1PEMER 14,1988l, PAGÈ 19 At the McLaughlln Sehool days.captured hi colliectio Sehool Dà ys, an exhibition of 29 photographs from the Thomas Bouckley Collection, will be. on display Sept. 16 to Nov. 13, at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery. Including a photograph of Osbawa's first school, the ex- hibition includes a photgrapbic record of classrooms and teachers, students and such special events in the school year as the annual bigh school field day at Alexandra Park. Thomas Bouckley, bon in Blackpool, England in 1904, first becaine interested in collecting photographs of Oshawa some years ago after acqurighis father's collection. A gdute of the University of Toronto in cer- amic engineering, Bouckley-bas a keen interest in local history and DIIIECTOR]CUIRATOR Linda Paulocik shows some of the items that will inake up part.of Hefrlooms an avid curiosity that- feeds his interest. Bouckley's initerest and support was recently recognized by the Ontarioo Historical Society when they bonored hini with their prestigious Janet Carno- chan Award. Bouckley is the author of "Pic- toqil Oshawa," three volumesof photos and historical facts about Oshawa's past. Discovery Day at The Station Gallery in Whitby Saturday, Sept. 17. e 1988 PHOTO CONTESTawato Cullen Gardens & Minfiature Village aan iistiO nralt0'4 .THREE CATEGORIES tend2, SCENIC/ARCHITECTURE - EVENTS/SPORTS. laBISPOCate"ilech -~ If a picture taken at *Kodk S erie *Kdak portBagCullen Garcens wins the 35mm Camera -A Cullen Garde n Sea son,,Scei rcelicagy Model S30OMD . Pass For 2 te0winnerVrecesr -Kodak Cooler Bag .2 Roils of Kôdacolor $100 GWaif&l ucer .3 Roils of Kodacolor frm WaII&FClme GoId Film -Kodak Bail Cap 1. The contest is for amateur photographers only. Employees of t he Wvhitby Free Press, Fot o Masters (Kodak). and Cullen Garders & Mblafrxe Vilage and theïr immedate familles are not eligible f0, enter. 2. Black-and-whte or colour photographs are eligible. Prints must be at lecEt 31/2 x 5 NegcstKres wIl rnot be accepted as enfiles. 3. Entnles must be received at the Whtby Free Press by noon on Fiday. Sept.. 3th/88. 4. Petouched negatives or photographs wtt flot be accepted. 6. Any number of pctures may be entered. wtth contestants name, address. and phone number clearty printed on bock Please enter eoch photograph individually. Each entrant moy not wvin more thon one prize. 6. Whitby Free Pess. ard associates (sponsors)are niot resporislbe for lost or domaged negatives and prints. 7. Corsent for publicatton should be avoUlable f rom any identitiable individual in any entry. Such corsent may be requested in witng. 8. Wfnnng eniles automaticalty become the properly of the Whltby Fee Press. Non-wtirrng enties mat' be picked up ofatthe Whitby Free Press offrce no lofer thon 5 pm. Fnl. Oct. 28th/88. 9. Prizes must be occepted ots aworded (no cash substttutes). Ail prizes must be collected from the Whtby Free Piess nio lafer thon Oct. 28th/88. 10. Ail entrants must occept and abide by the obove contest rules. 1 exctIy asillusraed. 8 WHITBY FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHY CO.NTEST ENTRY FORM Photographers Name(pîease print> ..................................................... aCategory .............................................................. ...................... :Address................................................................... ..............I Phone number................................... :Signature of Photographer ................................................... I iYour signature confirms your automatic acceptanceI * with ail contest rut es. M I