WIHTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1988, PAGE 29 213 BYRON STREET S. n WHIT13Y ONTARIO Li Ù 4P7 ~ Telephone: .(416) 666-3958 c.i Toronto LUne: (416) 683-7785 Bulletin Board System: (416) 668-2078 Turbo AT* Computer System 1hIZ mother board with 640K ofIRAM 'SA power suppiy .yle flip top case (3 LEDS & 3 switches) T style keyboard (101 keys) S V3.03 g floppy disk drive )r TTL Monochrome video card riai, games port and reai time dlock i port optional) and labour warranty ibled and at our W'hitby location. $1 695.00 ber monochrome monitor $1795.00 ý (Colour Graphics monitor) $2095.00 A (Enhanced Graphics monitor) $2475.0 20 MEG hard dlsk drive 68 MS Seagate ST-225 40 MEG hard disk drive 61 MS Minscribe 3650 40 MEG hard disk drive 40 MS Seagate ST-251-0 O 40 MEG hard disk drive 28 MS Seagate ST-251-1 40 MEG hard disk drive 25 MS Miniscribe 3053 $375.0 $495.00 $576.00 $675.00 $795.00 T aend At me fegstred t,,dematlesol hIenalion Businss Mchines Pce Subloci o0 chnnge lhOIh imeo4 )kATARI' FOUR maple kitchen chairs, $50.00. Phone 683-6638. ANTIQUE oak umbrella stand, $50.00. Phone6B3-6638. TEN BOXES of assorted dishes, brass, glass, silver, etc.. $50.00 for al. Phone 683-6638. WOODEN KITCHEN TABLE and chairs, good condition. $50.00. Phone683-6638. ANTIQUE telephone table and bed- side table, $50.00 for both. Phone 683-6638. CHESTERFIELD, good condition, medium brown $50.00. Phone 683- 6638. MAPLE FIREWOOD, large quantity $40.00 takes ai l. Large metal barrel $10.00. Phone 683-6638. COFFEE TABLE, wood with glass top and matching end tables, Originally from Brick cost $350.00. Have receipt. Will seil for $150.00 FI RM. 11V2 years old. Phone 430-0514 anytime. NEWBORN to 14 year childrens clothing, plus beautiful Elen Hender- son dresses at 113 off regular prices in Whitbys newest 2nd hand store Rich Rags. 430-3420. MATTRESSES and box springs at haîf price. MoKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Phone 725. 5181. OLD VIOLIN $75.00. Guitar, 6 string, $25-00. il ft. Aluminum boat and 2 h.p. outboard motor, Ai condition, $700.00. Phone 723-9269. L. E. COMICS. Durhams best comics and cartoon entertainment. Featuring: Wax Manice Cube and the Little Pink Bazooka. Also, business, commercial, graphic, illustrative, services. info 579-5248. SURPLUS CERAMIC MOLDS, some new. Phone 668-2077 'betweer 8 a.m. and 4:30 pm., Mondagto Frfday. FUJITSU LARGE ASSORTMENT of household and misc. goodies. lncluding 4 pc, place mat set, dish pan & tray, cam- ping lamp, mirrors, vases and nick nacks, hair accessories, wall plaques and pictures suitable for framing, Tupperware cutting board, candle holders, bread/bun baskets, pilI box, snow brush/ice scraper, and the list goes on. Box lot only. $20.00 takes everything. Phone 434-2452 after 5:30 p.m. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, loveseats, sectionals, less than haîf price. Large selection. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Phone 725- 5181. FURNACE OIL TANKS - 24 hour emergency service, removals & repairs, new Installations. Phone 655- 8980 CAPTAINS BED, $75.00. Phone 668- 9884. MOVING SALE. Panasonic portable black &white TV, 14 inch, $50.00. 12 x 9 rug, Oriental design $200.00 or best of fer. Phone 430-2139. WOODEN GARAGE, 24' x 32', tin roof, 2 years old, $650.00 or best of- fer. You take away. Phone 430-0528. ONE DOLLAR may get you f ifty if you use our one dollar classif ieds. Phone 668-6111. YARD SALE. August 13 & 14 at 7 Cassels Road, Brooklin. Clothing store fixtures, baby & children fl8w & - used clothing, furnitufreetc..d( AUCTION SALE KAHN COU$ITRY AUCTIONS every Wednesday ~ 6:30 p.ffi.iocated on Brook Rd., Ppkerlng, à mles north of Hwy. 4 0, (exit 399). Featuring every week, ~ excellent selection of antique 's, filn furniture, glass, china, collectables, *primitives, etc. 50 Join us every Wed. and particîpate ln one of Ontarlo's "ITRUE"' auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. Previews from 1:00 p.m. Corne see our great auction facillty and. consign your estates and collections, etc to us for prompt professional service. "Con- signment & estate selllng our specialty." KAHN AUÇTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 atB6p.m. At Oddfellows Hall ln Port Perry. Contents of ELLIS home ln Oshawa. Air conditioner, water purifier, ex- cellent appliances, color TV, micro wave, VCR, 314 size fiddle, concert f lute, bow front bed & dresser, good furniture, 8 h.p. snow blower, co-oil Iamps, dishes, garden & handyman tools, bag cart, gas BB1Q, bicycles and more. Viewing f rom 2 p.m. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073 CORNEILSAUCTION BARN TUESDAY, AUGUST iBat 6:30 p.m. Washstands, antique dressers, wooden wardrobe, vanity dressers, chesterfilelds, chrome kitchen suite, modern dressers & chest of drawers, 8 Pc dînette suite, 3 pc modemn bedroom suite, captains chairs, oak rocking chair, qty of china & glass. DON CORNEILAUCTIONEER RR 1, Little Britain 1705)786-2183 RATp j£rES m4 Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be jiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to clasSify or reject ail advertisementS. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $5 for 25 words; 12e each additional word $1 for 15 words for articles for sale under $50 (seedetails in separate panel) Bianket Ads - to blanket a wider market (see separate panel for sample rates) BILLED $7.50 for 25 words; 1 5o each additional word AUCTIONS/AN NOUNCEM ENTS 69e per agate ine (14 agate uines per inch) minimum charge: $5 prepaid, $7.50 billed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders. pictures. or gr.aphics) Regular dispiay rates apply - 74ç per agate line minimum size. 1 column inch - $10.36 (14 agate lines per inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-61 i1 A REALTREATI I SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 at 7 p.m. Pethioks Auction Barn, 1 mile east of Ennisklllen. Spectacular antique and coileotable sale of f ine antiques & modemn furniture, coilector car, coca cola collection, Oriental.sculptured statues, jars, vases, train, sets, an- tique dentistry equlpment, brass collection, sellinq from various estates, private collections & seniors giving up housekeeping, highiighted by exquisiteýmodern Thomasviile dining room suite»(with pads), walnut dining suite, modemn oak apartment dîner, 6 chair smoked glass dînette set, private Coca Cola collection - 1956 Coke 104 bottle machine, Coke trays, cartons, botties, dlocks, signs, etc. Private dentistry collection & a dentist chair, complete with sink, tray, drill, iight & utensils, antique cane wheel chair. Spectacular 1975 Oidsmobiie Delta'88 convertible, white with red interior, 77,000 miles (loaded and mint). Private estate collection of Oriental sculptures - 2 large 20" priests, palace urns, large jars, gingerjar, personai shrine, many sou lptured jade, marbie, soapstone, etc severai perfume bottles, snuff botties, dishes, & dozens of hand carved rosewood stands. Over 100 pcs. Many excellent and rare. Nice selection of wicker settee, chair, kids chair, bar sto.ol, etc. Marc Barrie signed prints, old American Lionel locomotive, 2 other train sets, violin, several brass pcs, many nautical items, lots of antique furniture, oak side boards, armoire, D.F. table, bedroom suites, pine breakfast nook, dressers, chairs, tables, 2 living room suites, and much more.* An ab- soluteiy terrific sale. Cali your frien- ds!!. Comeout foradelightful Satur- day evening. Main ring 7 p.m. Small lots 6 p.m. Preview 1 p.m. "The Friendly Auction". Quality estates collections and consignments. R.S.V.P. STEVE LIPTAY & STAFF 263-8710 - lst & 2nd's & 3rd's at prime rate -Up to, 90% financing -consolidation and problem mortgages refinanced D CaIL: *~Glenda horp "' ýe668-6805 ComIm.nit* Flninua1 Se o eù 965 Dundas St., W., Ste. 205, WhitbY MONEY PROBLEMS? Get out of debt quickly without going bankrupt or being garnisheed! Everyone accepted regard less of number of judgements or poor credit rating. For free information cal 1: 430-1812 e80286 6/12N *160 Watt C, *Baby AT sti a Enhanced A' e Award BIOS e *One 1.2 Me a CGA coior ci * e Paraliel, seri (second serna a 1 Iyear parts e Fuily asseml System wth ami O System with CGA System with EGA i FARM AUCTION SATURDAY, AUG.20th at 11 a.m. Selling by public auctioin a 99 acre farm-of, su g htiy follIng, ail aerabîe land wl th frontag e o n 3roads, some h ousehold Items, some f ur- niture, Iawn mowers, roto til1ler etc. Thie property of MRS. ROBT. HOLLIDAY, RR 1, Blackstock, 20 min. NIE of Oshawa. Lot 6, Cono. 2, Scugog Township on west 114 Uine of Cartwrltht between Conc. 1 & 2, 10 m iles north of Oshawa on SIncoe St. to Reg. Rd. 19 then 4 mlles east. Real estate included a3 bedlr frame home, 40' x 80' hip roof painted barn WIth a 30' x 80' leanto sultable for horses or cattie. Aiso a-40' x 60' driving shed or workshop. Land Is ail seeded for hay or pasture. Vlewing of property on Aug. 7, 13 & 14 f rom 2 - 4 p.m. and evenings of week prior to sale, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Property selle sub- ject to a reasonable reserve bld with $10,000.0down day of sale, balance ln60days. For more infocal... DON COCHRANE AUCTIONEER 985-2788 BUD HAYNES AUCTIONEERS. Medal, gun auction. August 26-27. Great West Inn,,Red 'Deer, Alberta. Seling Victoria cross, (Sam McGraw, 1874). Medals, Friday 7 p..m., guns, Saturdayl10a.m. 1-403-347-5855. B CORNEILSAUCTION BARN FR1 DAY, AUGUST 12 at 6p.m. Property of MR. & MRS. CLARENCE FAIR of Port Perry plus others. Fine cflest of drawers, walnut bedroom suite, 3 pc modemn bedroom suite, antique loveseat, spool bed, oak buf- fet, press back rockers, walnut vanity dresser, parlour tables, chrome kit- chen suite, modemn dressers & chest of drawers, walnut dressers, 3 h.p. Honda generator, 8 h.p. Canadiana snow blower, qty of antique picture f rames, china & glass. DON CORN EILAUCTIONEER RR 1, Little Britain (705) 786-2183