Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Aug 1988, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1988, PAGE 17 Courthouse Theatre begins youth worksliop series The Whitby Courthouse Theatre Youth Group bas been steadily growing and evolving and, as a resuit, the theatre is now able to offer a new prograin geared specifically for 8 to 13-year-olds. A workshop series will begin on Saturday Sept. 17 and will run each Saturday morning froin 10 a.m. to noon, culminating in a free presentation for friends and relatives on Saturday, Dec. 3. While the junior group is involved in the fali workshop series, the senior youth group, geared for age 14 and older, will be preparing for its December production of 'The Creature Creeps,' a fun spoof of a not-so-typical mad scientist story. Auditions will be held on Thursday, Sept. 8, froin 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. (location to be announced), Friday, Sept. 9 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the theatre and Saturday, Sept. 10 froin 10 a.m. to noon at the theatre. There are four maie roles and eight female roles to be cast and experience is not necessary. A prepared one-to-three- minute reading (comedy or otherwise) is recommended for auditions. Further information about auditions will be publicized through the local media, or those wishing information can call the youth co-ordinator at 668-4199. Prom Jan. 21, 1989 te March 25, 1989 a series of professionally led workshops (partially funded by a Theatre Ontario grant) covering acting, movement, voice, make-up and costume design will be offered on Saturday afternoons from 1 to 3 p.m. This workshop series is geared toward youth aged 14 and older. A $10 fee for the series will be charged to offset the costs involved, and pre-registration is necessary as space is lirnited. Interested youth over the age of 14 may register at the theatre on Nov. 26, 1988, Dec. 3P 1988 and Dec. 10, 1988 between noon and 4 p.m., or on Jan. 14, 1989 between noon and 2 p.m. (if any space remains). From April 1989 through June 1989 both the senior and junior groups will be involved in preparations for the annual summer show. A youth group general infor- mation meeting will be held on Saturday, Aug. 27, 1988. at noon at the Theatre in the Centennial Building at 416 Centre St. S. in Whitby (stage door at rear). it is recmmededtha any youth wishing te, participate in the Youth Group this coming year, either in the workshops or in the upcoming production of 'The Creature Creeps,' attends this meeting. For further information cali the youth co-ordinator at 668-4199 or caîl the theatre at 668-1171 for regularly updated information. Employrnen t Opportun ities are irnproved BY SCOTT FENNELL (Ontario riding MI') Last week I spoke about this government's child care initiatives. This week I would like to discuss the employment situation for Canadian students. Prom the beginning this governinent decided we needed to take a new approach to training and job creation. After discussions with the provincial governments in February 1985, we established five basic principles which would forin a new national direction for employment opportunities, and we followed this new approach. We worked with the provinces, business, labor, and community groups to ensure that these training and employement principles were mutually supported. Since the Progressive Conservative govemnment was elected in 1984, the employment opportunities for students bas improved. In June 1988, 35,000 more students had a summer job than in the saine month last year, and 176,000 more had a summer job than in June 1984. More students had a summer job in June 1988 than in any other June in the 12 years that Statistics Canada bas been publishing student summer employment data. For Ontario students, 1988 was the best June on record! Some 439,000 students had a summer job in June 1988, an increase of 14,000 froi the same month last year, and an increase of 66,000 students froin June 1984! The Ontario student unemployment rate fell from 11.3 per cent in June 1984 to 7 per cent in June 1988, a drop of 4.3 percentage points. These resuits show that this government is doing what bas to be done to build real and lasting jobs through a stronger national economy, and through this, a stronger Canada. LETTER FROM PAGE 6 but let's have the strength of purps to say "No" to more developers."no" to more people moving in. Does WVhi tby just keep growing and growing, wiping out everything that made it an attractive town? Does Dundas St. really need anothér fast food restaurant, another gas bar beside welI established homes? Dundas St. bas become an eyesore and an embarrassment to Sayno the tewn. Just who runs the town of Whitby, the elected representatives with a planning department accountable to thern or the money that developers are repourings into the coffers? I get the feeling that the Passage" that Whitby is going through is more like a tide or river water-like in 'sold down the river.! Now, Ill carry on with my daily routine while listening te the bulldozers tearing up our meadow. Carol Beamish Whitby 1 SUPER* SPEOIAL I PRODUCT 0F THE TROPICS Del Monte or -86/kg Chîquita Bananas IbM3 SUPER * SPECIAL 1 SUPER * SPECIALJ REGULAR OR OIETr Pepsi-Cola or 7UP 750 mL BOTTLE (UNIT COST 6 PER 100 erLI JLA1 R BTL EOI BOTILE DEPOSIT CONDENSED Campbell's Tomato Soup PLAIN Bravo Spaghetti Sauce EWITHTHIS am SAVE.301 COPO FROZEN CONCENTRATEDI I MOttSI Apple uiceJ 12 LOZ TIN '99 jLIMIT 1 tin par coupon Ose coupon Par cusnromer LOFFER VALIO. August Sth - August 1310. 180M Fature psce errtFout coupon 129) vC_2~ PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, AUGUST 13TH, 1988 W. roserve th. rtghi ta lmit quantitlos ta normal famlly requtrements. 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