WITBY FREE PRESS, ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL, AUGUST 3,,1988, PAGE A7 BIA created to. improve downtown The Downtown Whitby Business Improvement -Ae (BIA) was established in 1977. It Was officially created by municipal council, giving downtown a unified voice in the community. Every merchant in the downtown area is a member. On Aug. 1, 1986 Whiitby was accepted as a main street project. The Main Street program was instituted to help downtown areas in communities across Canada get back on their feet., Whitby's downtown was already improving, and had the two essential ingredients to be considered for Main Street: merchants who genuinely wanted to improve their downtown and a municipal government that believed in its downtown. The BIA is now a permanent fixture on the municipal scene, with full time staffan eight-member board o0f management chaired by downtown lawyer Rob Morton, and four committees that organize the various under- takings. The BIA approaches its goal of imrvng the downtown in sevral différent ways. Promotional events, are run to bring attention and business to the downtown, as well as provide the community with enjoyable activities for the whole family. The BIA organizes co-operative advertising -sections on behalf of the downtown merchants and runs its own advertising campalgns. The BIA works with architects and building owners to repair, restore and even redesign existing buildings. The BIA also provides flowers throughout the down- town area to beautify the shopping environment. The BIA pr«des prospective new business owners with a list of vacant stores and offices, and tries to match up available commercial space-with new small businessmen. The Downtown Whitby BIA is involved in many other activities and is always open to new ideas or suggestions that may help in the re-establishment of Down- town Whitby as the town's commercial centre. Caîl 666-4189. DISPLA Y MAP Promotm g the town ByBrian Winter In 1983 the Whitby Chamber of Commerce provided a means of adve*rtising for local businesses through a displayý map at Cullen Gardens. One hundred businesses paid $100 each to be on the map, which was located near the washrooms at the Gardens. In addition to the display board, 60,000 brochures of the map were printed for distribution by the advertisers, the Tourist Information Centre, and other outiets. ln 1988, the Chamber revised the 1983 display map at Cullen Gardens by selling new advertising space, and a second new map was installed at Family Kartways on Highway 12, north of Taunton Rd. Now Whitby advertisers have their names and locations displayed prominently at our town's two largest tourist attractions --an example of how the WVhitby Chamber Of Commerce promotes the town to visitors. PETER PERRY Award winners George Lofthouse (1979), shown at- left, and Bert Heaver (1978). Whitby Archives photo Chamber joins tourist, Industry associations 1946-47 WIfITBY Chamber of Commer- ce executive members (from left) shown are treasurer Jim Taylor, president William Davidson, vice president Sam Peake and secretary K.H. MacDiarmid. *Whitby Archives photo By Bilan Winter In 1988 the Whitby Chamber of Commerce became a member of two organizations seeking to boost the town and the Region of Durham. The first of these organizations is the Durham Region Tourist Association which seeks to promote the region to the thousands of tourists who pass through it every year. Tourist sites and tourist-related industries and services are members of this organization. President Bob Richardson is the Whitby Chamber's repre- sentative on the Durham Indu stry/Education Council, whose aim is to co-ordinate the activities of schools with the business and industrial community so that students will be properly trained for the jobs available in the outside world. The council is seeking speakers from business and industry to talk to students about their needs and what they require of employees who join their businesses. Newest members.of Whitby Chamber JOINED SINGE AUCUST 1987 Alirax Arby's Thickson Road Restaurant Ltd. Baker Animal clinic The Brick Celebration to Go Inc. George T. Chase CGA DX 011 Company J.E. Middleton, C.A. The Entertainers Music Services Howie's Drug Store K.P. Copy Centre Kaufman Furniture Gallery Ltd. L & G Off ice Supplies Ltd. Lady Di's Siender You Figure Salon Lawrie's Bindery Equipment LUI. MacKay Animal Clnic M & M Meat Shops Marigold Office Concepts Melanie Pringle's Restaurant Ontario Mapping Company Ontario Paralegal PPG Canada Inc. The Paper Pactory, Promenade Bocks Rogers Cable TV-Pine Ridge Rosedale Restaurant Stephenson'ls Rent-AIl LUI. University Scholarships cf Canada Valerie's Whitby General Hospital Roers __ uCable TV-Pinie RidgeL'URMI C>RgCONGRATULATIONS C_______ Rogers Cable 10 is pleased ta Douglas A. Davldson,CA pnr provide community coverage from Whitby's Business Community H. Howard Smlth, FCA of the local community events. 110 Green St., Whitby FOR THE NEXT 60 VEARSI dunediaî. cmeoi UTO ~'21 c@iutructi@fl ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ SERVICE MARIGOLO REAL ESTATE LTO. 315 Hopkins St. S. Licensed Mechanios Commercial & eidential Investor Whitby 1449 Hopkins St., Whitby 24hr Light & Heavy Towing BARRIE LENNOX 66-846S 4 0 o 400 Mary St. E., Whitby Sales Representative 668-6866 430-6900 6866 128 Brock St. S. VALERIE'S1 S Whitby General Hospital Whitby Something for all the farnily, M-c:hinirig Co rc>-c 6 68z5878 Iihpie o laeyu n Business Since 1970 6 8 6 3 118 John St. E, Whitby 1612 C harles St., WhitbyYurCm ntyH pta whitby nyaro 430-1265 668-9981itc