WHrTBY FR~EE PIRESS, ANN1VERSARY SPECIAL, AUGUST 3,1988, PAGE A3 Ont-arlo president will attend 6Oth annvrsr ByBrian Winter The Whitby Chamber of Commerce will have as its guest speaker on its 6th anniversgary, Peter M. Brophey, president of the Ontario Chamber Of Commerce. Bropbey will be at a 6th anniversary dinner at the Garden Gate Restaurant, Cuflen Gardens on Tuesday, Oct. 25. The. dinner will begin at 7 p.m. A special feature of this dinner, in addition to Brophey's address, will be the presentation of the Chamber's 1988 Business Person, Student of the Year an(ý Good Corporate Citizen Awards. Brophey is a director of Xerox of Canada and has been a member of the board of directors of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce since 1982. In 1987 he Whitby Chamber's oldest members 515 YEARS OR MOR Andrew Antenna Co. Ltd. Bankc of Montreal Beaver Lumber Co. Ltd. Bell Canada Cendian Imperial Bankc of Commerce Loveli Drugs Limited MacMillan Bathurst Imc. McCullough Jewellers Ltd. Mercantile Department Store Munns Press Ltd. The Oshawa TMmes Royal Bank cf Canada W. C. Town F'uneral Chapel Ltd. Whitby Hydro Electric Commission 20OTO24 YEARS Curt Brown Electric Ltd. DuiWs Auto Service (Whitby) Ltd. Lake Ontario Steel Lofthouse Brasa Mfg. Ltd. National Trust Company Nurse Chev Olda Ltd. Schilling & Evans, Barristers & Solicitors Sklar-Peppler Imc. Totten Sime Hubiclti & Associates Winvalley Contrecting Canadiens Motel Cobi Foods Imc. Golding Graphics Ltd. Ontario South Finance Inc. Scripture Press Publications Ltd. l0Oto 14 YEARS Ancalab Boutez Nearly New Shops Gus Brown Motors Ltd. C.D.S. Contrectors & Engineers Consumers Gas Company Davidson & Smith Chartered Accountants Dupont Canada Imc. Durham Region Development Dept. W. Frankc Real Estete Ltd. Industriel Glove and Germent Ltd. Joseph's Hairstylists Krebs Restaurants mnc. Louis'Shoe Cinic Lucien Motel Warren J. Mowet Insurance Agency Ltd. Oshawa Garden Service Ltd. Owasco Volkswegen Ltd. Signet Signi (Oshawa) Ltd. Sims Brady & McMackin Swish Maintenance Ltd. Vick Insurance Inc. Whitby Dominion Hardware Whitby Psychiatric Hospital Town cf Whitby PETER BROPHEY, president of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce. was a member of the executive councul, serving as chairman of the promninent CanadafU.S. trade committee. He is also a past president of the Institute for Political Involvement, vice-Chairman of radio station CJRT-FM, Toronto, and a director and past chairman of the Institute for Donations and Public Affairs Research. He is a direCtor and past president of the Canadian Business Equipment Manufacturers' Association, now the Information Technology Association of Canada, of which he is chairman. He is also a past vice-president of community relations and trustee of the United Way of Metropolitan Toronto. Brophey joined Xerox Canada in 1 970 as chief financial officer and 4as appointed to bis present position in 1974. Prior to joining Xerox he was vice-president of finance and a director of Johnson and Johnson Limited in Montreal. CHAMBERS 0F COMMERCE What they do By Brian Winter The Chamber of Commerce is the voice of business in any community in which it is situated. The prime role of a Chamber of Commerce is to represent the business community in dealing with government. Through the Canadian Chamber, the Whitby Chamber of Commerce can present resolutions on federal government issues. The local Chaniber sends its resolutions to tbe annual convention of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce for debate. If the resolutions are adopted, they are sent to the federal government by the Canadian Chamber for consi- deration. Likewise, the Whitby Chamber can deal witb provincial issues through the Ontario Chamber of Commerce. At the local level, the Whitby Chamber of Commerce makes representation to the town and regional councils on any issues affecting these municipalities. Any member of a local Chamber can approacb this organization to seek assistance on matters of government policy. In the past few years, the president of the Whitby Chamber has attended the Canadian and Ontario Chamber conventions on bebalf of its members. Another important role of the. Chamber of commerce is to promote the community win which it is located. Whitby is becoming a major tourist centre with Cullen Gardens, Family Kartways, a harbor and marina, and other facilities. The Chamber seeks to promote these facilities and the general image of Whitby through sucb projects as its annual marigold contest. The Chamber receives many requests for information about attractions in Whitby and bas brochures available on request. For 60 years the Whitby Chamber of Commerce bas represented our town's business community and promoted Whitby throughout the world. The Chamber is proud to have this role and looks forward to the next 60 years with hope and enthusiasm for the growth of our town. wishes to congratulate The Whitby Chamber of Commnerce upon the celebration of their GOth Anniversary..Jt W.%- - UO *%O* Wishing the Whitby Chamber of Commerce another 60 yrs. of success. 101 Consumners Dr., Whitby, Ont. LiN 1C4