PAGE 12, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3,1988 News? Cail Veronica Colangelo, Phone 655-894.5 Former Ashburn resident now Ontario Agricultural rep By Debbie Luchuk Ontario farmers are as badly off as those in the western provinces, according to Heather Ià nington, a former Ashburn resident wbo is now an Ontario agricultural ministry repre- sentative for Haldimand County. Linington (nee Richardson) is one of only three female agricultural representatives in Ontario. She grew up on ber parents' farm, just south of Ashburn, and attended public school in both Ashburn and Brooklin. Linington completed ber secondary school education at Anderson Collegiate in Whitby, and received the Mayor's Medal, the Menit Award, Family and Consumer Studies Award, an Ontario scbolarship, Ontario County Milk Producers Award and the Ontario Agricultural College Alumni entrance scholarship. At the University of Guelph, she distinguished herself furtber, obtaining ber hachelor of science in Agriculture witb an animal HEATHER LININGTON science major. Upon graduation, Linington received the Roy Jewel Award for agricultural communications. Her career in agriculture began with work in Kent County as an assistant associate agricultural representative; working mainly witb youth* programs, enterprise analysis, financial assistance programs and worksbops on record- keeping. C ORRE SPONDENT needed immediately for Brooklin, Ashburn, Myrtie and rural news - cail Maurice at the Whitby Free Press = 668-6111 RED ROSE NURSERY & GARDEN CENTRE 579-8285. Thickson Rd. N. Brooklin 655-4749 WHOLESALE OUTLET INTERLOCKING STONE SALES Cbble Stone Muti-Weave Crbs & m uch -more SEE OUR DISPLAYS Landscape and Design Installation Nursery Stock lncluding Flowers, Shrubs and Trees Work in the counties of Prince Edward, Hastings, and Lennox and Addington as a specialist meant the administration of the 4-H program, contact with farmn organizations and leadership training. F'rom 1984 to 1986 , Linington worked as a farm management specialist in the Region of Niagara. Fier duties included individual financial counselling of farmers, the teaching of farmn management courses, adminis- tering government programs and dairy production extension work. In ber' position as the agricultural representative for Haldimand County, she has also distinguished herseif -as the manager of the Farmers' Helpline for the province, advising farm- ers in financial distress, supervising staff, administering the budget, preparing resource material and speaking at meetings. Fier husband, Ken Linington, is also an agricultural Ontario hurt as badly as west by drought representative in Norfolk County. Linington told The Free Press she loves her job. "The farmers in Haldimand are very supportive and very keen people to work with. It is a diverse job because every day is different," she said. Linington said that Haldimand 'lbas some of the worst crops in Ontario. It has been very dry up until the fourteenth of July, when we received eigbt inches of rain. "Now we have some crops that had corne up being drowned." On a recent tnip out to the drought-stricken western provinces, Linington said she feit that, upon returning to Haldimand, ber area looked as bad as out west." She said that hog prices will be low for the fali, and because of the high cost of grain due to the, shortage created by the drought, the price of cattie, will be "lextremely expensive."t "There will be a lot of guy looking for feed in the fal," Linington added. .The drought is only part of the hardship Ontario farmers put up with from day to day. "Ail farmers are affected. The more established farmers will, bowever, have equity to cip into," Linington said. "Farmning is getting to the pon where farming familes are supementing their income wlth other jobs Wo survive," she concluded. JIM AND JUNE HEWARD (right) of movingeompany,TippCt-Richardson. Brooklin were hosts for Roy Capobian- Jim Heward is a 35-year employee of co's rmûrement party on Sunday after the compainy. With Roy is wife Edna. Roy's 45 years with a Toronto-baseil I - ROBI WILLIAIS fflAlIUy cmise~ N8. TUE magwe Now in stock BETA &VHS Take Robin home, for keeps s2 9.95 'TOUCHISTONE HOME VJDEO 76 Baldwin St., (Hwy 112) Brooktin, Ont. 655-3306 Also in Port Perry Guides win competition By Debbie Luchuk lst Brooklin girl guides bave once again won tbe Sing Ontario Bing competition. The competition, sponsored by the Girl Guide Association, judged tapeëd selections of mugic performe4~ various girl guide groups âcrÃ"is Ontario. The Brooklin guides' tape sent Wo headquarters in Toronto featured seven pieces, W fIl seven different categories. Patty Scott, a piano teacher in Brooklin, directed tbe company "A lot of bours ýwere involved, and we were really- surprised,11 guider-in charge Maureen Jackson told The Free Press. The taped entry was submitted by April 1, and tbe company was notified last Friday M -Tý.-7-7w =7-17-7-7,VT "Vçtzlvww Zr X-n- lm FreePressphoto