Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Jul 1988, p. 38

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PAGE 38, WHITBY FREEi PRFq.- WEDNESDAY, JULY 6,1988 AUCTION SALE» AUCTION SALE A CAREER IN TRUCKING. "Tran« MONDAY, JULY11 ail6p.m., SATURDAYJULYgat7p.m. < sport Drivers Needed Now.l" Train SINGLE? 870TAUNTON ROAD E., WHITBY now for your class 'A' licence for SITTING HOME ALONE?9. 1/ MILE EAST OF THICKSON ROAD PethlckAuction Barn, 1 mile east of prescreenlng Interview and Infor- LOOKING FOR'AMEANINgàFUL L RELATIONSHIP?' Enniskillen. Selling from 2 moving mation on job placement, contact ICAN HELP!!. Off iceequipment, Computers, Tools, households. Antique table w/8, Merv Orr's Transport Driver TrainIn g I o snge eaatd icNed owidwe1an1wo -d-ikto.ee 3athroom fixtures. Having received chairs, china cabinets, parlour & hall Schooî. Toll Free 1-800-265-3559. I ôrsnlepatddvoc-rwdoe ndou lkt m t nstruact ions. from F. Alan Lawson, tables,, chinese figurines, Ro yal H.O. 746 Hespeler Rd. Cambridge, thatrightsomeo'ne,giverneacai.' rustee* in 'bankruptcy, we- are Doultor figurines, lots of glassware Ontarlo. London, Brampton, Sud- CHARO MARKETING INC. 433-1387 Dlearing theassets of CAN-IN TEL &- dishes.' Bedroom.. suite, bury, St. Catharines, Ottawa. ADATEINGSERVkCETHATCARES'I! OOM MINICATIONS INC. of refrioerator. stove. lots of antiaues Pickering, plus.others including AT Compatible 72 MB, Olympia Dot Matrix printer, moniter & keyboard, morrow 64K C.,P.M. dual floppy with terminal, Bedford accounting systemn with manual, F1040 Daisy wheei prin- ter, Tandy 1000 5 12K Ram dual f loppy P.C. with clolour monitor, Dot Matrix printer, 2 - 36 x 72 executive desks, credenza, 5 dr. lateral fi1le, secretary desk, executive chairs, side chairs, 2 & 4 dr. files, 6 ft. round table, 10 - 30 x 60 desks, oakdesk & chair, oak & glass showcase, stacking chairs, 6 computer tables, bookcase, 4 Extel Commaster telex computers, C/W monitor & printers, chesterfield.,& chair,*pictures,' caiculators, office supplies, 3 telex box, 2 ARQ auto dial, boxes of telex paper, model 771 Hypertex punch, model 4400 error correcting tape terminal, cellular telephones. Tools: Gray socket sets, wrenches, B &L D professionai skil saw, 4 good tdol boxes, variable autotransformer, 100 VT airflow meter, Shop mate, drills, micrometer, etc. Plumbing: 10 -sections of sheIving, plumbing parts, seats, toilets, tubs, fiberglass-shower, sinks, pedestaîs, bidets, ceramic tule, plastic pipe etc.. Plus consign- ment from Region 0f Durham - Fair- view Lodge. 27 wooden chairs, tub, chairs, night tables, sewing trays, commodes, -rockers, chairs with wheels, il beds, plus many other ar- t icles, 1980 Vamaha XS 400 motor- cycle, cellular telephone, plus many other articles. Note 6 p.m., viewing f rom 1 p.m. day of sale. Plan to at- tend. McLEAN AUCTION & LIQUIDATIONS 576-7550 or 686-3291 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JULY 9at il a.mf. Property of JH & MURIAL N ElLSON. North, east of Usbridge,_ take Hwy. 47 to Reg ion Road 23, go North to Concession 12 of Scugog, then east for 1 km. il ft. articulate snow biade & har- ness, '76 Qids 5 speed, '76 & '82 ATV's, 4cords 0f f ire wood, roto tiller, 5 pc. dining room suite, Bentwood -ocker, freezer, dryer, stove, furniture 10 bags of cernent & 10 inch block, ilik cans & bottles, rabbits-and ages, iron pot, fish tanks, bedding, good dishes, extension iadders, gar- ien tools, bicycles, hockey equip- -nent, and much more. Conducted by: PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES >655-8073 CORNEILSAUCTION BARN FRIDAY, JULY 8at 6:00 p.m. FIat to wal cupboard, refinished an- tique dressers, Kenmore automatic washer & dryer, spool beds, antique rocking chairs, drop leaf table, co-oil iamps, oak-parîour tables, captains chairs, 17 cu,.ft. Kenrnore fridge & 30" electric stove, wash stands, B & 0 radiai arm taw, Honda 500 Silver .Wlng motoýrcycIe,. 7 h.p. Craftsman rjding iawn mower, 250 Vamahia Ex- citer morotcycle, 1978 Ford Mustang, Lawn Boy-lawn mowers, qty. tools, china, & glass;' DON CQANIEIL AUCTIONEER RR 1, Little Britain (705)786-2183 and colectables. Escellent Sale. Main ring 7 p.m., Church.ring 6 p.m. Corne to "The Friendîy Auction" STEVE LIPTAY, EARL GAUSLIN & GARRY POWELL. 263-8710 AUCTION SALE KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.iocate d on Brock Rd:, Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. 4ý01 (exit 399). -Featuring every week, an excellent selection of antiques, fine furnîture, glass, china, collectables, primitives, etc. So loin usevoy Wed. and participate ln one of OQntatlo's "TRUE" auctions with no ,buy-backs or reserves. -Previews from 1:00 p.m. Corne see Our great auctIon-facility and conslgn your estates and collections, etc to us for prompt 'professional service. "Con- signment, .& estate sellilng Our specaty' KAHN AUCTION SERVIÇES <416) 683-0041 REAL ESTATE AUCTION MONDAY,,JULY l8at 7:3pp.rn;- Property iocated at 197 Laidlaw St. S., Cannington. Good 4 bedroom aluminumf sided, 2 story homne with modern kitchen, 4 pc. bath, oll fur- nace, well kept home ln ideai location close to ail convenineces. Large Ian- *dscapedPark like lot badking on. Beaver River, Ideai for commuting to Oshawa, Toronto area, selling sub-' ject to reasonable reserve. Terms $5,000 at, sale, balance 30 ,iays, or TB3A, Property must besold, owner moving to apt. For inspection cail Ross Mc Lean, Oshawa (416) 576-7550 orToronto (416) 686-3291 or ... OR VAL McLEAN AUCTIONS *324-2783 - Lindsay AUCTIONEERS The people of Whltby and surroun .......'.. ding area love attending auction sales. Let them know about your next sale by advertising ln the Most" wideiy,'read -pages In Whitby - Th e Whi!by FreârWss C sS!i!" GUITAR LESSONS. When you take guitar lessons at Ranmar Music, your course of stLldy is designed and taught to you by an experienced, skilled and understanding teacher. AIl ages. Ail types of music. At Ran- mar Music we believe ln you. Caîl 427- 9240 anytime (Westney RdI401). FREE 1988 quide to study at home correspondence diploma courses for prestiglous careers: accounting, air- conditionIng, .bookkeeping, business, cosmetology, electronlcs, legas/medical secretary, psychology, travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide W, Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. B TRUCKING. CAREERS. Driver job training with placement help is available. Complete -details can be mailed to you. Phone Rodgers School at (416) 769-3546 with postal code. B LOST. 2 year old maie cat. neutered, tabby. Answers. to Rex. Lostý ln Gar- den/Mary Street area. Wearing collar' wiith I.D. missing. AînI1" iformation* please caîl 668-4611. LOST. Female cat, light grey tabby. Dove Dale area., Answers to Squeaker. Please phone 666-2269 or 668-1266 ask for Lisa. JAKYM - Orest and Anne (nee Ber- nacki) are proud to announce the safe arrivai of their second daughter, Vanessa Chloe, on Tuesday, Jùne 21, 1988, at *1:52 p.m., weighing 7 lbs - 8 oz. First sister for Crystal and sixth grandch1Ild of Helen (and late George) Bernacki and fifth grandchild of Anna (and late Maksim) Jakym of Oshawa. Special thanks to Dr. A.T. Spear, Dr. Matzov, Mary Huk, Sharon Allaire and the post partum nursing staff on 4F at O.G.H. MY HEART FELT thanks to St. Mary, St. Jude and St. Theresa for prayers' answered. J. L.D. ARTHRITIC PAIN? Aching back? Stiff joints? Sleeping hands? "Beulah 011" helpsi! Send $1 for brochure/information: Beulah Land, Box 1Q86, Portage La Prairie, Man. RI1N3C5. B WOMEN in abusive relationships. For help cail TheDENISE HOUSE for women and children. Toîl Free 1-800- 263-3725 or 728-7311. Conf Identiality assured. (formeriy Auberge>. BAHA'l FAITH. The essence of wisdomis the fear 0.f God, the dread o.fHis.scour ge and pynis hment, arqd the apprehensid'à1s icand decrele. Phone 668-8665. NEUROFIBROMATOSIS Phone 668- 9915. CUSTOM ROUND BALING, 4, 5, or 6- foot baies. Quality and service. Wells and Mark Pehlemann. Phone 985- 9842or985-7568. I CMING-EVE4TS DURHAM LIBERALS. Meet DOUG MOFFATT Thursday, J uIy 7. Corne out and meet Doug Moffatt at the Shriner's Hall 1626 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. (1/2 mile north of Taunton. Rd.) between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. Doug Moffatt is seeking the Federal Liberal nomination ln-the new riding of Durham., Everyone is weIcomnerso -- don't miss this opportunity to share ideas and discuss issues with an outstanding candidate. Join. us Thur- sday, July 7. QUINTE SUMMER MUSIC festival in Picton, Ontario, south of Belleville. July 22 to August 7.,Pop, jazz, folk~ classical and big band. Features Lawrence Cherney and music from Sharon, th e Spitf ire Band, the Mon- treai Jubilation Gospel Choir, Holly Arntzen,-Joelle Rabu. Tickets $8 to $15.CaIl Quinte Summrer Music (613) 393-2939. B FIDDLE & STEP DANCE contest Ju(y 8 & 9, Community Conter, Férgus, ,Ontario. Camping on gro.unds. For In- formation calI Ken HaWkins (519)8443- 3334. B NO! Get the facts. Let's TaIk.- Cali the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hotline i-800-668-AIDS "There is ONEln every crowd". Do you know a "Good Kid" who deserves an award for community serylce, bravery orcourage ln overcoming a physical limit ation? Norninate them for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the year award - contact this newspaper for details.. B GETTING MARRIED? Hd a, baby? Let the worid know'abouilf.Phooe 668-6111. CRUISING on the St. LaWrence RiOr. Close-to hom'e.'EnjoyL'4 days his summer aboard t4. eieg'ant Canadian Emnpress visit4ng romahtic citgies, the world, famouf 1000 Isilan- ds, the international se.awaylIocks, spectacular shorelines and more. Dial-a-brochure 1-800-267-0960. B Three CANAL -CRUISES stili available. Rideau August 15, Kawar- thas Augu.st 20 or Automrn Colour.Oc- tober 2. AilS *days on 24 passen.ger Kawartha Voyageur inciuding meais and private s*taté'rebm. »$715 pée*)er- son double. Colour brochure. Cail Ontario Waterway Cruises colilect (705) 748-3666. B CEDAR VALLEY RESORT. Near Orono, 7 km east of Hwy 35-115, bet- ween Clarke 4th & Sth conc. Exit 401 No. 436. Beautifûl camp.ground. Seasonai facilities $698.00. Phone 1- 786-2562. CLEAR WATER AREA, Fiorida, two or three bedroom m'obile homes in tamiiy park. Chiidren welcome. Weekiy or monthly rentais. Phone 655-3073 or 655-3233. BONAI R-R.V.'& traiers., Utifitylhar- dtop, tent, travel, park modeis. Opien seven days a week. Royal Trailer & R.V. Centre in Teviotdale, junction 23 and 9(519) 343-2133. B PZJRTIC1Pa(TJDfl c c -I A

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