Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Jul 1988, p. 37

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESD4ýY, JULY 6, 11PGE GROW FOR ITI $$$ Ralse'baitworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odorless, low Investment. We train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Eclogy (1975) 'RR 1, Smithvllle, Ont. LOR MA (416) 643- 4251,856-2248, (705) 435-7463. B WE HAVE several carriers who wish to expand existing f leets. Those with previous highway tractor trailer ex- perience and substantial investmnent as downpaymlent on new or late model tractors should reply with con- fidence or caîl toîl f ree, 1-800-663-ý 5166. B AUCTION SALE MON DAY, JULY ISat 7:30 p.m. Real Estate Auction. Property located at 197 Laldlaw St. S., Can- nington. Large 2 story aluminum siding home on the Beaver River, see auction ads for more information or caîl Ross McLean, Oshawa (416) 576- 7550 or Toronto (416) 686-3291 or ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 - Lindsay STORE IN BROOKLIN for rent. At- tractivelydécorated. Available Sep- tember 1, 1988. Phone 655-8021. P RIME LOCATION in downtown Whitby. Formeriy a dancing studio, or use as offilce. Total space ap- proxlmateiy 2500 sq ft $1,200/mon- thly incîuding ail utilities. Phone after 5 p.m. 623-9247. ALL STEEL COMMERCIAL industrial office warehouse buildings. Will build to suit. Engineer certif led. Fac- tory closeout, saving on red iron through 7118. Phone (416) 427-1813. BUILDING SPECIAL CLEARANCE. 20 x 24 - $2,500., 24 x 24 - $2,800., 28 x 36 - $4,100., 32 x 36 - $4,500., 36 x 34 - $6,600., 40 x 60 - $8,300. Phone 985- 7930. STEEL BUILDINGS "Summer Seller- bration" on quonsets and s-series straight wall up to 100 ft. wide. Payments, lease or purchase, we have a plan for everyone. Cail Miracle Span 1-800-668-5111. B Spring sale on quonset buildings: 32x48 $4,988. 40x58 $6,388. 46x68 $8,888. 52x78 $11,488. Don't be fooled by imitations, caîl MIRACLE SPAN 1-800-668-5111. B $ LIQUIDATION $Buildings priced for lImmediate disposai. Ali items in stock. 30x4Oxl4 $3,800; 40x6Oxl4 $5,990;- 50x8O $11,260; 70x120 $27,900. Varlous sizes aval lable up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serlous buyers only. Alil buildings priced for immediate delivery. Cal toîl free 1-800-387-2115, or 1-416-858- 2446. B A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS. New types, steel and wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers (416) 626-1794. Leave message or collect after 6 pm weekends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures. B 1STEEL BUILDINGS Factory clearan- ce sale on quonsets and straight- waîis. Beat upcoming price increase. Save f rom $300 to $4,000. Limited 1quantiew-srOf fer expires-4uty;31188.. Pioneer/Econspan 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours), B STEEL BUILDINGS Save 1000's while suppîy Iasts. Summer clear- nace, we have Ilmted steel lef t over from our Iargest spring sale ever. Paragon Structures 1-800-263-8499. B STEEL BUILDINGS, Quonsets and straightwalls. Many sizes to choose f rom with discounts up to 30%. Flrst corne, f irst served. Cail Miracle Span 1-800-668-5106. B NOW RENTING WOOD FARM MANOR 1525 Nichol Avenue, Whitby. 2 bedroomn units $690. & $725. 3 bedroom units ý$800. Stove, Fridge and utilities included. No pets. Applications may be picked up at: DURHAM REGION NON-PROFIT HOUSING CORPORATION 105 Consumners Drive, Whltby Weekdays 8:30 a*m. ta 4:30 p.m. or phone 668-2226 for further details. WHITBY, walking distance to GO. One - 2 bedroom available now $650.00 monthly. One - 2 bedroomn with garage, available Aug. 25 $700.00 monthly. One bachelor, avallable now $585.00 monthly. Heat, and water included in ail. First and last required. Phone 725-7034. OR 430-2688 and leave message. 1982 MERCURY COLONY Park station wagon. p.s., p.b., power win- dows, power seat, air and cru ise.con- troll, 4 new tires, excellent condition $5,000.00 certifled. Phone 436-9640. 1979 CEHV IMPALA, runs good, needs littie body work $500.00 AS IS. Phone 985-3605, ask for Bob after 6 p.m. SPORTY 1985 Dodge Omni GLH, 34,000 miles, sunroof, lease takeover (no money down), or $5,995 cash. Phone 985-9821, Port Perry. AIDEN SOVITON ARTOU vNE trOUblNTing ut insurance because of age, poor drivlng record, or suspension of Ilcense? Perhaps we can help. Phone 666-2090. POEMS WANTED for publication in new book "Poetic Images -Northern Ontario - 1988". Send one or more to Quality Press, 450 MacLaren St. (Room 29), Ottawa, Ki R 5K6. B OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED - Mens only - old Rolex and Patek Phiîlip wristwatches wanted. Also wanted Eatons "Quarter Century" rectangular wristwatches (25 years service), wili pay $1000 and up for this watch. Phone (4160) 365-7240 or write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, Toron- to, Ontario. M5A 1S2. B IRSALON 110 EQUIPMENT 1014 SComplete hairdressers Shair dryers, chairs, tables & mirror. Available for immediate sale or lease. ALSO, relocate to: Pearsons Lanes sublet. Phone: Barrie Lennox 430-7683 o o PARKY'S. 2nd Hand & Estatebroker PAYQ SWAP TRADE TALK BUY' SELL "The OnIy Estatebroker in Whitby - Oshawa aiea" 528 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa Phone 433-1785 WE PAY CASH 213 BYRON STREET S. WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 4P7 Telephone: (416) 666-3958 Toronto LUne: (416) 683-7785 Turbo XT Compatible Computer Complote wlth monitor * 8088 4.77/8 Mhz Mother Board with 640K of memory * Award Turbo BIOS V2.05 * One 360K floppy drive * Monographies or Color Graphic Card * Serial, Paraliel, Gamnes ports and Real Tine Ciock * Enhanced AT-Style Keyboard * AT-Style Fiip Top Turbo Case (3 LEDS & 3 Switches) * 150 Watt CSA Approved Power Suppiy * t Year parts and Labour Warranty * Fuily Assembied and tested wlth hardware manuals. $995.00 Mono TTL or Composite Monitor with System 20 MEG bard dIsic drive (controiler & cabies) 30 MEG hurd disk drive (controiler & cables) 40 MEG bard disk drive (controiler & cabies) 60 MEG bard disk drive <controiler & cables) $100.00 $395.00 $495.00 $695.00 $795.00 These are lfo XT compatible computera only. Some restrictions May appt y Xl arid AT are registered trademarks of International Business Machinea Prices aubject ta change without notice EVINRUDE OUTBOARD, factory clearance,,1987 - 9.9 H.P. - $1,399. Similar savings on other models. Cali King's Marina, Fenelon Falls, 1-705- 887-3321. B Japanese BUNKA EMBROIDERY Kits, needies, etc. Reasonable prices, prompt service, catalogues $1.50 mailed. Fili those long summer days. Margaret Clipperton, "AIot-A Bunk-A". Walford, Ont. POP2EO. B A 1972 TIM BER SKI DDER, Model 230G5. New tires, front chains. Sealed bids taken to July 16, as is, where is, reserve bid. Ed Fujar, Box 278, Haliburton, Ontario KQM iSO (705)457-2617. B MOVING SALE. 3 door fridge, self- dlean oven, gas dryer, chest freezer, sofa bed, waterbed, chandelier, swivel rocker. Priced to seil. Phone 668-8504 after5 p.m. ,BLANKET. To Reach a Wider Market Advertise throughout the regional membership of the Ontario and Canadian Commu.nity Newspaper Associations. Example: Central Ontario Ali Ontario Ali Canada 49 newspapers 185 newspapers 555 newspapers $120 for 25 words $250 for 25 words $718 for 25 words LFor further information please cali: 668-6111 HYDROPONIC supplies., Halide & sodium ighting. Ebb and f low tables assorted sizes. Aero Jet - NFT/aeroponlcs, 88 & 384 planet systems. Expand-O-Garden drlp systems from $20. per unit. Free ex- pert consultation and local service. Homnegrown Hydroponlcs, 2737 Weston Road., Weston, Ont. M9M 2R4. (416> 745-5007. B AIR CONDITIONER, 10,000 BTU, Sears Verticle. Excellent condition $300.00. Phone 668-6554 evenlngs.' AIR CON DITIONER. 7000 BTU, Ver-" tical. Excellent condition $250.00. Phone668-7185. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, loveseats, sectionals, less than haîf price. Large selection. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Phone 725- 5181. FURNACE OIL TANKS - 24 hour emergency service, removals & repairs, new Installations. Phone 655- 8980 MINI PUBS. Single stage fermenters. Highland malts ln piîsner, lager, Scottlsh Export, traditional aie, nut brown aie, lite and Irish stout. 10% seniors discount. Phone 666-1502. MATTRESSES and box springs at haIt price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa, Phone 725- 5181. FREE, cedar trees, 1 to 30 ft. height. You dlg. You take. Located Bob- caygeon. Phone for more information 668-1987. SATURDAY, JULY 9, and Sunday, July 10, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 305 Dunlop St. E. (behlng Mr. Grocer). Good quaîity, large & small household items and baby clothes. 668-6665. MONEY PROBLEMS? Get out of debt quickly without going bankrupt or betng garnisheed! Everyoine accepted re gardless of number of judgements or poorcredit rating. For free informai ion caîl: 430-1812 -lst & 2nd's & 3rd's at prime rate -Up to 90% financing -consolidation and problem (N CallE Commu&ity Financial Services C&> 965 Dundas St., W. 5W e.205, Whitby 1 , AGE,37

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