PAGE 36, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1988 TOWN OFAJAX REQUIRES IMMEDIATELY MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENTI PROPERTY STAN DARDS OFFICIER Must have minimum grade 12 education, and be thoroughly familiar wvith property standards and municipal law enforcement procedures, and be able to actas crown in court. Knowledge of the provincial offensive act, municipal act, planning act, highwaytrafflc act and building code act essential. Hours: 1 p.m.to9p.m. Thursdayto Monday Sai ary: $29,239. - $341399. Please submit resume by July 4th, 1988 to: MANAGER, HUMAN RESOURCES Town of Ajax 65 Harwood Avenue South Ajax, Ontario LiS 2H9 Note: We wish to thank ail applicants, but we must advise that ap- plications will ot be acknowledged and only those applicants selec- ted foran interview will be contacted. WVEARE GROWING The Whitby Free Press is seeldng self- motivated individuals to represent us as: Advertising Sales GRepresentatives prior experience in some type of sales or demonstrated ability in a related field is required If you are interested in a challenging and rewarding position and want to work in an atinosphere of growth and opportunity, eall the Publisher or the Sales Manager for an appointinent. 668-6111 CIRCULATION MANAGE£ýR "A à n-wspape.r-is ..o-l-As o-a its ablili+ty to istribute its news T11 11 E rq -rm C>N: Graduates of: Communication Arts Public Relations Advertising Administration Marketing The ÀO=,as-t T- to success in your chosen field is sales! If you have learned to communicate well; if you are wel organized, self-motivated and have the confidence to deal with business owners and managers, then you can be a success in advertising sales. The Whitby Free Press would like to talk to you. We serve one of the fastest growing, dynamic and wealthiest markets in Canada. Caîl the advertising manager or the publisher for an appointment.6 ~- I TRAFALGAR CASTLE SCHOOL I RESIDENTIAL SUPERVISOR SRequired for private girls'school forSeptember, 1988. 1 ISuccessful applicants must be enthusiastic, able to deal maturely with *teenaged girls and willing to take an active part In students' weekend Appl inwritng:THEDEAN * Aplyin ritng:Trafalgar asile School 401 Reynolds Street Whitby, Ontario IL LN 3W9 - - - -- M-- M M M- M M - M-- -M-M " HCA's/Nurses Aides " Homemakers " Companions VALMED OFFERS YOU: *Preferred Geographical Area *Homnes or Institutions SECRETARY Secretary required for Whitby law f irm. Real Estate experience preferred. Please cal1: JANE BOYCE 668-7704 BARDAHL LUBRICANTS INC. Join a winning teamn, become a Bardahl Distributor. Demand for our quality products means we must expand our distributor network. You may qualify as a distributor or selI for an existing distributor. People at ease around automobiles, marine, snowmobile or small engines are invited to send your resume to: Ken Irvine, 211 Queen St. Newmarket, Ont. L3Y 2G1. B HOMMWIES, mothers and in- terested persons needed im- mediateîy to seIl toys and gifts for National HomneParty Plan. No In- vestment, delîveries or money pollec- tion. Cali (519) 258-7905. B LOOKING FOR EXTRA MONEY? Full or part time sales position paying top commission. Seli custom printed sportswear to schools and businesses iocaily. Top quality itmes backed with service and price by the Imprint Factory, 23 Secord Drive., St. Catharines, Ont. L2N 1 K9. Cali (416). 646-4311 today. B SALES representatives wanted by manufacturer cf steel buildings to soul to commercial, agricuitural and industrial customers in your region. Excellent commissions with sub- stantiai income potentiai. Cali Per- masteel (416) 678-1301. B Positions available for SHEET METAL INSTALLER, Industrial Elec- trician, Industrial Plumber, Con- struction Carpenter, excellent salary and benef its for self .motivated ex- perienced individuals. Send resume to: General Manager, Box 2370, Hun- tsvil1le, Ont. POA 1KO. B HELP WANTED. Summer ls here! Haugen's is hiring full time and part time kitchen cooks, waitresses, take out, etc... Please apply in person, Haugen's Chicken, Hwy. 12 and 7A, Manchester. AGRESSIVE self motivated sales representative with management skilîs requlred for home lm- provement company. Based on a commission structure. Earn your potential!!1 Cali Cheryl to arrange for an interview 436-6661. MATURE AND EXPERIENCED part time counter and sales help required. Starting at $5.00 per hour. Apply bet- ween 8 a.m. and 10 a.m., 7 days a week. Beckers Store, 201 Brock St. N., Whitby. NEED SITTER for well1 behaved il year oîd boy durlng summer. Student wouîd be great! Annes-Burns area. Phone 430-011l5after 6p.m. LOOKING FOR A JOBI Check the classifieds f irst. Wecçan help, . WORD PROCESSING RESUMES THESES LETTERS PROJECTS BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES Ail work completed by a Professional Typist. Cail 668-1867 HARMONY FINANCL SERVICES Pick up & d eliver. Reasonable rates SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS, including out board motors. Same day service. Quaranteed cheapest prices in Durham Reglon. Get the best service and repairs for a price you can afford. Ail work fully guaranteed. Phone 655- 8539 or 576-5789. CARPETIUPHOLSTERY CLEANING .10 cents per square foot. Chester- fields - $25.00 each. Chairs - $7.00 each. Painting (Interlorexterior) and decorating. Odd jobs. Free estimates. Kirkfields Services, Phone 666-1890. DO0YOU HAVE ASPECIAL SERVICE? If so, advertise In our employment wanted section of The Whitby. Free Press. No job to big or smalli Cal 668-6111 and watch the business roll in. Go e rn Sn Iý,ViC, T NDE MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Tenders are invited to provide ventilation and exhaust system Improvemefits at the Psychlatric Hospital, Whitby, Ont. TENDER NO. OAI-88-097 Sealed Tenders wil11 be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on - TUESDAY, JULY 19188 Comblned Tenders will not be accepted. Tender Documents may be ob- tained from the Ontario Ministry 0f Government Services, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V 6K7. Note: For further information regard ing the Tenders, please caîl the Tenders Office at the above address, telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. A.4 f. t~GARAGE& <YARD SALS YARD SALE. JuIy 2 at 227 Palac Street, Whitby. 9 a.m. to 3 p.rr Several familles. Many Items f ar t, numerous tô mention. Quallty mei chandîse. Plan ,toattend. c 1 ÎR a 576-9175